2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 TITLE PAGE: TITLE: MONTHLY ANOMALIES ON THE MAURITIAN EQUITY MARKET: EVIDENCE FROM GARCH MODELS AUTHOR’S NAME: Mr USHAD SUBADAR AGATHEE PHONE NUMBER: +230 4541041 AFFILIATION: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING, FACULTY LAW AND MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF MAURITIUS. EMAIL: u.subadar@uom.ac.mu June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 1 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 Monthly Anomalies on the Mauritian Equity Market: Evidence from GARCH models Abstract This paper essentially aims at examining the monthly anomalies on the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM). Daily observations from the SEMDEX for the period July 1989 to December 2006 are used for the study. As a matter of fact, the implication of this study can help towards the investment strategies developed to earn excess return on the SEM if the monthly anomalies are present. The descriptive statistics also suggest the presence of January and July effect. One plausible explanation for the July effect relates to the fiscal incentives made available to local stock market investors. Based on the standard GARCH model, the TGARCH model and the E-GARCH model, evidence of monthly effect is found, suggesting investors to consider the seasonal effects when investing on the SEM. Finally, the results from the T-GARCH model suggest the presence of a leverage effect on the SEM. Keywords: Month of the year effects; Stock market anomalies; African Emerging Stock markets; Efficient market hypothesis; SEMDEX June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 2 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 1.0 Introduction Over the last three decades, there have been a number of studiesi considering calendar anomalies on major developed and emerging markets. Major anomalies relate to the day of the week and the month of the year effect. This paper concentrates on the second anomaly. Essentially, the monthly anomalies would relate to the returns being higher on certain specific months. Undoubtedly, this is in sharp contradiction with the Efficient Market hypothesis as prices should be random and not be predictable based on certain months. A significant finding of most empirical researchii is the January effect where returns are abnormally higher relative to other months. Main reasons suggested relate to the tax-loss selling argumentiii where investors sell shares on certain months to minimize their tax liability. There is also the information release hypothesisiv where news are released on specific dates or months such that this affect the trading behaviour of investors. In the past decade, the SEM have experience major developments in terms of market size, trading volume, number of listed companies and contribution to the Mauritian GDP. However, published research has been so far very limited on monthly anomalies. To my knowledge, there is no published paper on this topic. Additionally, the use of GARCH models fit in perfectly with the stylized characteristics of financial time series. In this respect, this paper attempts to investigate the monthly anomalies on the SEM using GARCH models. This paper is organised as follows; Section 2 reviews previous literature, Section 3 provides an overview of the SEM, the research methodology is discussed in section 4, Section 5 focuses on the analysis of results while section 6 concludes the paper. June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 3 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 2.0 Prior Research Stock market anomalies have attracted great attention in the last decades and have as such been widely discussed in several developed and developing capital markets. One of the wellknown anomalies has been the month of the year effect where returns for a particular month are higher than other months. One of the major findings in several equity markets is the socalled January effect where returns in January tend to be higher relative to other months. Studies such as Rozeff and Kinney (1976), Keim (1983), Keim and Stambaugh (1984), Fama (1991) have documented on the January effect on the US markets. Essentially, Rozeff and Kinney (1976) found an average return of 3.48% for the months of January compared to 0.42% for other months using data from 1904 to 1974 on the NYSE. Keim (1983) employed data for the period 1963-79 and found that approximately 50% of the risk-adjusted premium of small firms relative to large firms is attributed to the January abnormal returns while Keim and Stambaugh (1984) reported that low-quality bonds earn abnormal returns in January. Fama (1991) used the S&P500 index for the period 1941-81 to report that small firms averaged a return of 8.06% in January. Besides the US markets, there is also international evidence of the January in some developed and emerging markets. For instance, Gultekin and Gultekin (1983), in a study of 17 countries, found that higher returns occur in January for non US markets. Also, an April effect is reported for the UK market. Additionally, Choudhry (2001) found evidences that UK returns are subject to the January effect. Moreover, Cheung and Coutts (1999) documented evidence of January effect on the Hang Seng Index using daily closing prices from 1985 to 1997. However, Fountas and Segredakis (2002) in a study of 18 emerging markets did not, on overall, found evidence of a January effect. June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 4 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 A number of arguments have been put forward to explain the monthly patterns of the stock market returns. The first argument relates to the tax-loss selling hypothesis ( Branch (1977) and Dyl (1977)). Essentially, investors would most likely sell their stocks at the end of the tax year to realise capital losses and reduce the amount of tax that is due. Hence, if the tax year ends in December, investors will sell at the end of the year to reduce tax liability and buy in January such that returns will be higher at the turn of each tax year. Secondly, researchers such as Rozeff and Kinney (1977) argued for the information release hypothesis in that firms release their news or make announcements at the end of the fiscal year such that returns tend to be higher subsequently. Other researchers like Corhay et al. (1995) simply argued for the positive relationship between risk premium and mean portfolio returns to explain the abnormal returns in a given month. 3.0 Stock Exchange of Mauritius- An overview The Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) began its activities in July 1989 and it is also a member of the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) since November 2005. It comprises mainly of the Official Market and Development & Enterprise Market (DEM). It is also important to note that the Financial Services Commission (FSC) is the regulatory body of the SEM since the inception of first-mentioned. Since 1989 to date the SEM has made an immense progress on the Official Market, with only 5 companies at the beginning and is now culminating with 41 companies. Indeed the trading frequency on the official market has amplified gradually from twice weekly to thrice weekly in 1994 before moving to daily trading in November 1997. The market capitalization June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 5 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 increased from 1.44 billion rupees in 1989 to 160, 706,708,929.85 rupees as at November 2007. However, before a company can be listed on either the DEM or the official Market, there is a set of rules and procedures that must be respected. Most of the rules are stated in the Listing Rules, Trading rules, Financial Services Act and the Securities Act. These listed companies are classified into seven sectors, namely; The Banks and Insurance, Industry, Investments, Sugar, Commerce, Leisure & Hotels and Transport. Also, there are eleven stock broking companies in operation. The brokerage fee claimed by a stock broking company to its client are apportioned among the stock broking company, the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM), the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the Central Depository & Settlement Co. Ltd. (CDS) and it ranges from 0.9% to 1.25%.A Central Depository and Settlement (CDS) system is operational since January 1997 to speed up share transfer and settlement operations. To further improve the facilities/services offered and attract more players on the Official Market and the DEM, a Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd was set up in 1997. It provides centralised depository, clearing and settlement services. Regarding the regulatory bodies, the Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the Financial Services Promotion Agency were set up in 2001, enforcing new listing rules for transparent and precise disclosure of information to relevant stakeholders. The Stock Exchange of Mauritius Automated Trading System (SEMATS) was also established in 2001 replacing the traditional dealing method which had many deficiencies. The SEMATS is an online trading system that can accommodate shares as well as debt June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 6 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 instruments. Moreover there exist some market indices on which the SEM based their daily operations. For the Official market they are SEM-7v and SEMTRI along with the SEMDEXvi while indices use for the DEM are the DEMTRIvii and DEMEXviii 4.0 Research Methodology To test for the months of the year effect on the SEM, a GARCH (1,1) specification is used. According to Brooks (2004), a typical GARCH (1,1) is sufficient for financial time series and it is very rare to find higher order of GARCH models in the academic finance literature. Also, daily observations of the SEMDEX are used to calculate returns for the months as from July 1989 to December 2006. Daily stock returns are calculated as follows; Rt= Ln(Pt)-Ln(Pt-1) where Pt is the index number at time t and Pt-1 is the index in the preceding day. Mean returns are subsequently calculated for each months. Using GARCH models entail several advantages in that they help in capturing the characteristics of financial time seriesix. For instance, they allow for volatility clustering and leverage effects. Essentially, many financial time series are subject to a period of subsequent intense volatility followed by a period of low volatility. In effect, conditional variance is time-varying. Also, the conditional variance can show some asymmetric behaviour. Thus, according to Engel (1982), Bollerslev (1986) and Bollerslev et al. (1992), autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models (GARCH) are more appropriate as they are more flexible in capturing dynamic structures of conditional variance. Based on the empirical literaturex, the following regression models are used. June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 7 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 yt 1 2 D2t 3 D3t 4 D4t 5 D5t ................. 12 D12t MA(1) t (1) t 1 ~ N (0, ht ) (2) ht 0 1 2 t 1 2 ht 1 (3) Where yt is the average monthly stock return and Dt represent dummy variables where Dit = 1 for the ith month and 0 otherwise; ε is an error term which is dependent on past information and ht is the conditional variance. MA(1) stands for the moving average component to correct for any serial correlation. The coefficients of the dummy variables in equation (1) show the difference between January and the ith month of the year while the intercept stands for the mean returns in January. For the conditional variance, ht, to be nonnegative and positive, the following conditions must be met: 0 0; 1 0; 2 0and1 2 1 In general, the ARCH and GARCH terms, 1 and 2 indicate short run and long run shocks persistence respectively. Furthermore, based on the studies Black (1976) and Christie (1982), positive and negative shocks do not have the effect on volatility. Essentially, shocks are asymmetric such that volatility is more sensitive to negative shocks. To this effect, the following two asymmetric GARCH models, namely TGARCH and EGARCH, are employed June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 8 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 TGARCH: ht 0 1 2 t 1 2 ht 1 3 2 t 1 I t 1 (4) Where I t 1 =1 if t 1 0 , or zero otherwise EGARCH: t 1 2 ln( ht ) 0 1 2 ln( ht 1 ) 3 t 1 ht 1 ht 1 (5) For the TGARCH model, the leverage effect parameter, 3 , should be greater than zero. However, restrictions are imposed on the parameters in that they must all be greater than zero for the conditional variance to be non-negative. For the EGARCH model, there is no need for non-negativity constraints on the parameters and the leverage effect is accounted for if the relationship between volatility and returns is negative such that, 3 , will be negative. Finally, to assess the validity of the model, the Ljung-Box Q statistics on the squared standardized residuals is used while the log-likelyhood value, the excess skewness and kurtosis of the standardized residuals,the ARCH effect and the information criterion are used to assess which model is more appropriate. 5.0 Analysis of Data and Results The basic statistics are presented in Table 1 for return series on SEMDEX for the period July1989 to December 2006. June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 9 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 [INSERT TABLE 1 ABOUT HERE] Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for the whole sample period. At first notice, the returns are positively skewed and have significant kurtosis. The large kurtosis value suggests that the series follow a fat tail distribution. The mean return is found to statistically significant but is not normally distributed as the Jarque-Bera statistics is significant at 1% level. Additionally, the returns are stratified according to their months and the results are reported below in Table 2. [INSERT TABLE 2 AROUND HERE] Based on Table 2, most of the monthly returns (10 out of 12) do not follow a normal distribution. Significant kurtosis (greater than 3) is found for all months except for the month of December. Also, returns are, in general, positively skewed for all months except for April and September. The highest return is found in the months of July while the lowest return is in September. Interestingly, the tax period in Mauritius starts from July and ends in June next year. Therefore, consistent with the tax-loss selling hypothesis, the SEM is expected to have a July effect as investors sell their shares in June to avoid taxes and bounce back in July to buy those shares. However, in Mauritius there is no capital gains tax. Nevertheless, the tax structure in Mauritius prior to the year 2006, allow investor to benefit from tax deductions if they invest on the SEM. Thus, it may be plausible to assume that investors enter in the market at the start of the tax year (July), hold the investment for one whole tax year and thereby June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 10 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 benefit from the tax deductions. Furthermore, a possible January effect may be observed as the month of January experienced the second highest mean return. This finding is consistent with other studiesxi in developed and emerging markets. Table 3 shows the results from the different GARCH models for the stock market returns for the period 1989 to 2006. [INSERT TABLE 3 AROUND HERE] From table 3, the result shows that the T-GARCH model has the highest log-likelihood value as well as the lowest AIC and SBIC values. Also, most coefficient on the T-GARCH model seems to statistically significant. Also, based on the Ljung-Box statistics, there is no problem of serial autocorrelation for all the three models. Furthermore, if GARCH models are properly specified, they should reduce the excess skewness and kurtosis in normal returns. From Table 3, it is observed that the T-GARCH model has the lowest excess skewness and kurtosis value. Moreover, ARCH test shows conditional homocesdasticity in all the three models. Finally, it is observed that all restrictions imposed on the T-GARCH’s parameters are met while one non-negativity constraint in GARCH (1,1) model is violated. Thus, in light of the above, the T-GARCH is considered as the best model. To this effect, the T-GARCH model is mainly considered for the testing of monthly anomalies on the SEM. The ARCH and GARCH effects are significant in all three models. However, while the sum of ARCH and GARCH coefficients are less than one for GARCH (1,1) model and E-GARCH model, this is not the case for T-GARCH model. Essentially, June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 11 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 shocks to the conditional variance are highly persistent under the T-GARCH model while the shocks to volatility decay over few lags for the standard GARCH and E-GARCH models. From the T-GARCH model, a significant asymmetry coefficient, B3 , is found, suggesting the presence of a leverage effect. Essentially, negative news on the SEM causes volatility to increase more than positive news of the same magnitude. Turning to the mean equation, it is observed that intercept term measures the average return for January. From table 3, based on the T-GARCH model, the intercept term, 1 , is statistically positively significant at 1% level. The dummy variables measure the difference in the mean returns for the months of February-December and the average return of January. The T-GARCH model shows that the average January returns are higher relative to most of the months, thereby suggesting evidence in favour of a seasonal effect on the SEM. To test for the existence of monthly anomalies, the Wald Test is used with the null hypothesis being that all the months have same means. In all three GARCH models, the Wald statistic shows that there are significant differences in returns across the months. Finally, the July effect is not present in the T-GARCH model but is detected in the E-GARCH model. 6.0 Conclusion This paper has investigated the monthly anomalies present on the SEM using three different GARCH models. The descriptive statistics shows that the mean returns exhibit some nonnormal characteristics. Also, the high returns in January and July suggest the presence of a monthly seasonality on the SEM. One plausible explanation for the July effect relates to the tax incentives available to stock market investors. June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK With regards to the regression models, 12 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 the results show that the T-GARCH model is the most properly specified. The T-GARCH model suggests the existence of a leverage effect on the SEM. Furthermore, a January effect is detected with the Wald statistic confirming the presence of monthly effect on the SEM for all three GARCH models. As a concluding note, it may be suggested that investors should start considering the monthly anomalies when investing on the SEM. 7.0 References Aggarwal, A., and K. Tandon, (1994). Anomalies or Illusions? Evidence from Stock Markets in Eighteen Countries. Journal of International Money and Finance, 83-106 Ariel, Robert A. (1987). A Monthly Effect in Stock Returns. Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.18, 161-174. Black, F. (1976). Studies of Stock Price Volatility Changes. Proceeding of the meetings of the American Statistics Association, Business and Economics Section, 177-181. Branch, B. (1977) .A tax-loss trading rule. Journal of Business, 50, 198-207. Bollerslev, T. (1986). Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity. Journal of Econometrics, 31, 307-27. Bollerslev, T. and Wooldridge, J. (1992). Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation and inference in dynamic models with time varying covariances. Econometric Reviews,11, 14372. 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January 0.005001 0.024212 1.601656 9.029419 33.01904* February 0.003314 0.018807 3.148069 12.76842 95.66997* March 0.001727 0.007579 1.801459 6.70597 18.92329* April -0.00154 0.007172 -2.17817 8.366286 33.84037* May 0.000817 0.005686 0.947638 4.518732 4.178189 June 0.004532 0.018333 3.576289 14.30041 126.6916* July 0.005847 0.027772 2.378772 9.87168 52.39066* August 0.003641 0.015651 3.49796 14.19663 130.7305* September -0.00211 0.019126 -3.50674 14.38375 134.0841* October 0.002985 0.009618 3.559371 14.47686 136.7961* November 0.001232 0.004728 2.038418 8.250154 33.13853* June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 17 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program December 0.002494 0.00406 0.29569 ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 1.804615 1.334007 Note: * significant at 1% level; ** significant at 5% level; *** significant at 10% level Table 3: Month of the year effect- GARCH MODEL (1989-2006) Coefficient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B0 B1 B2 B3 LBQ2(12) GARCH(1,1) P-value TGARCH P-value EGARCH P-value 0.009213 0.0137 0.013047 0.0000 0.001739 0.0540 -0.006074 0.4361 -0.014422 0.0000 0.001411 0.0711 -0.007418 0.1654 -0.002484 0.3159 -0.001530 0.2833 -0.011128 0.0578 -0.012534 0.0000 -0.004097 0.0000 -0.005691 0.1909 -0.008786 0.0000 -0.002423 0.0003 -0.004310 0.2950 0.029459 0.0000 0.002067 0.0052 -0.007030 0.1499 -0.013996 0.0000 0.001557 0.0092 -0.004889 0.2650 -0.001889 0.1090 0.001766 0.0397 -0.018044 0.0000 -0.031813 0.0000 -0.005037 0.0000 -0.005850 0.2340 -0.012924 0.0000 0.001802 0.0359 -0.008219 0.2658 -0.012675 0.0000 0.002254 0.0088 -0.007338 0.3689 -0.012618 0.0000 0.002286 0.0299 0.033578 0.4870 -0.057548 0.4064 -0.191700 0.0000 0.000139 0.0000 4.21E-06 0.0000 -7.471065 0.0000 0.459816 0.0000 1.187157 0.0022 -0.812283 0.0000 -0.107535 0.0033 0.153386 0.0002 0.115811 0.0012 0.822424 0.1892 1.412730 0.0000 8.3704 0.680 2.5946 0.995 2.4537 0.996 Log-likelihood function value 620.0267 653.1082 640.2556 AIC SBIC Skewness Kurtosis ARCH (6)-LM -5.752635 -5.497617 2.266790 19.20733 0.907924 -6.058173 -5.787217 1.165895 6.824011 4.525771 -5.935768 -5.664812 1.952729 14.81461 1.989764 Wald Test ( 2 = 3 =…= 12 ) 10.46725 0.988863 0.000000 32.91765 0.605904 0.000000 90.31393 0.920638 0.000000 Note: *,**,*** imply significant at 1%,5% and 10% while AIC is Akaike Information Criterion, SBIC is the Schwarz criterion, LBQ2(12) is the Ljung-Box statistics for serial correlation on squared standardized residuals at the 5% level of the order 12 lags respectively, ARCH (6) of the order of 6 lags is used as test for conditional heterocedasticity June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 18 2008 Oxford Business &Economics Conference Program ISBN : 978-0-9742114-7-3 List of Footnotes: i French (1980), Gibbons and Hess (1981), Keim and Stambaugh (1984); Jaffe and Westerfield (1985); Lakonishok, J., and M. Levi (1988); Aggarwal and Tandon (1994); Brooks and Persand (2001) amongst others ii E.g Rozeff and Kiney (1976); Keim (1983); Reinganum (1983); Gulketin and Gulketin (1983); Ariel (1987) iii Branch (1977) and Dyl (1977) iv Rozeff and Kinney (1976) v The SEM-7 consists of the largest 7 Mauritian companies by market value vi The SEMDEX is the all shares index. It reflects capitalisation based on each listed stock which is weighted according to its shares in the total market. vii The Development & Enterprise Market Total Return Index viii The price index of DEM ix Pagan (1996) x Keim (1983); Gultekin and Gultekin (1983); Fountas and Segredakis (2002); Maghayereh(2003) xi Rozeff and Kiney (1976); Keim (1983); Reinganum (1983); Gulketin and Gulketin (1983); Ariel (1987) June 22-24, 2008 Oxford, UK 19