UCLPartners EOLC education project outline OM BB 18 2 16

UCLPartners EOLC training material - Training non-specialist staff in care in the last weeks
and days of life
In light of recent Health Education England (HEE) mandates and in line with the Leadership
Alliance report One Chance to Get It Right, which sets out the five priorities of care, the EOLC
team at UCLPartners has produced educational material that provides resources suitable for
the training of all clinical and non-clinical staff, both in acute hospitals and the community.
The aim of the material is to improve discussions between professionals and patients, and
those important to them, in order to facilitate excellent care of patients at the end of life.
The project, funded by Health Education North Central and East London (HE NCEL), has
resulted in two products, each of which comprises the following:
 A 17 minute film, that can be shown in its entirety or in smaller sections
 Structured education sessions – see below - including slides, facilitator notes, case
examples, and handouts
 A resource list that provides links to relevant websites and references for further
training material
 Tools to evaluate the efficacy of the training – pre and post training confidence
questionnaires and questionnaires to assess the perception of care in the learners
 Material to provide data on use of the material for reporting purposes.
Training to deliver the material is delivered through Train the Trainer sessions that are
delivered at UCLPartners. In addition, a community of practice has been established for
hospital teams to work together and within individual trusts, using shared resources and
measures (including an online forum for delegates).
A: ‘Milestones’ is focussed on care in the last days of life in Acute Hospitals. The film
portrays the recognition of deterioration in, effective communication with, and care of an
elderly man with lung cancer until he dies, by medical and nursing staff in a hospital setting.
It demonstrates both good and poor communication and reveals the thinking and
communication between the patient and his daughter as well as the provision of support to
each of them.
The educational material can be used to teach the following aspects of care in the last days
of life:
Recognition of deterioration
Effective communication, including DNACPR decision-making and discussion
Making an individualised plan of care
Physical care at the end of life
A reflective stand-alone 1 hour session to accompany the film
B: ‘You Matter’ is focused on care in the last weeks of life in the Community. The film
conveys the last weeks of life of a gentleman with heart failure who is married and
estranged from his daughter. The film shows care delivered by a Palliative Care Clinical
Nurse Specialist and District Nursing staff. As with Milestones film, both good and poor
communication are demonstrated.
The educational material can be used to teach the following aspects of care in the last weeks
of life:
A standalone reflection on care in the last days of life in the community
Preparing for a death in the community – including; prognostication, common
symptoms at end of life, bereavement, cultural and spiritual issues.
Effective Communication
Making a plan of care for the last days of life
Physical care in the last days of life
Advance Care Planning: discussions and decisions