
Cross-Cultural Rhetoric
Marratech February 8, 2010
Activity: Focus on the Environment; case study on Energy Websites
Welcome and introductory remarks
Time: 18.10-18.20 (Örebro) / 9.10-9.20 am (Stanford) 10 minutes
Location: Put http://switchboard.stanford.edu into marratech address bar; choose CCR Lounge.
Welcome and introductory remarks: Anders Eriksson
Supporting CCR Workshop Page: http://ccr.stanford.edu/workshops/index.htm - pick February 8
Small Group Work
Time: 18.20–19.00 / 9.20–10.00 40 minutes
Location: Using “switching instructions handout,” connect to your small group room.
Click on World, type http://switchboard.stanford.edu in Marratech, choose room A-D:
Room A – Wind Power
Room B – Solar Power
Room C – Hydropower
Room D – Hybrid transportation/ fuel cell energy
Introductions: Getting to Know Everyone in the Group
What is your name and email? Type answers on the whiteboard.
What is the “Greenest” thing on your campus?
What is the rhetoric around Environmentalism at your campus or in your hometown?
Rhetorical Analysis and Discussion
Process: Together, as a team, analyze the rhetorical aspects of your group’s websites and
discuss how it shows specific cultural values or DOXA.
Tech Tip: In a new resized Internet window, visit the Energy Websites for your group
You can take a screen shot of the Website and paste it on your Marratech whiteboard.
Analysis: Look closely at the websites, and address the following questions as a team:
1. Describe the argument of each website. Is there an additional cultural argument
being made (besides “use this energy”)?
2. Discuss the audience/audiences. Who do you think is addressed by the website? Are
there any groups that you think will not understand it?
3. Does that cultural argument work primarily through logic, character, or emotions?
4. What specific rhetorical and/or visual elements suggest cultural values? In other
words, how are a nation’s specific cultural values, traditions, or people reproduced in
Web design and visual elements of each website? Consider Doxa (cultural values).
How does each website reinforce or challenge cultural values?
5. Most importantly, what do you learn about DIFFERENCES between the cultures of
your group’s websites – how does visual rhetoric show this?
Next Page 
III. Collaborative Projects in Globally-Distributed Teams
Time: 19.00-19.15 / 10.00-10.15 15 minutes
Complete the following task as a team and post your writing/visuals on the whiteboard.
Tech tip: Be sure to save the whiteboard by selecting EXPORT then JPEG (save on
Desktop) so that you can present your teamwork to all the other groups.
Task: Poster Presentation for the United Nations Climate Change Conference
You have been discussing differences and rhetorically analyzing differences in each other’s
countries or cultures through examining the websites. Now it is time to think critically about
how you can create a cross-cultural bond as a TEAM by working on a project together.
Specifically, imagine you will be working together from now on as an international organization
dedicated to representing your energy sector to a panel of leaders at the United Nations Climate
Change Conference, such as the recent environmental conference in Copenhagen.
Together, come up with a visual argument (in the form of a Poster Presentation) for the
importance of your energy sector in the world’s effort to address global climate change. What
have you learned from the websites that you wish to emphasize? What APPEALS might attract
leaders and companies across cultures? Are there specific sayings to use in your visual display?
What collection of images will draw others to your organization?
You can write up your plan, draw on the whiteboard, or copy & paste materials into the
whiteboard then save it as a JPEG. You can take a photo of your team members using the
webcam. Design a website that shows what you have learned about audiences, about energy
across the globe, and how DOXA works.
Timing: You will present your team’s work to the class at 19.15/10.15, so please keep on time.
IV. Report on Team Projects
Time: 19.15-19.30 / 10.15-10.30 15 minutes
Switch Marratech rooms back to CCR Lounge (http://switchboard.stanford.edu)
Pick 1 person from each side to present your team’s work.
Learn effective communication (writing, speaking, visual presentation, collaboration)
Other groups: type comment in the chat box as feedback!
V. After the Video Conference
Activity: Write a 100 word reflection as a comment on the Örebro-Stanford blog post
http://www.stanford.edu/group/ccr/blog/ - see the entry for February 8, 2010.
What did you learn about rhetoric across cultures?
What was most memorable?
What new insights do you have?
What ideas do you wish you could continue to discuss?
What improvements to the video conference process can you suggest for next time?