EXCHANGE BETWEEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY & CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG US: 1/18/12, 5:00 PM- 6:00 PM HK: 1/19/12, 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM PREPARATION (to be done by each group in class on the day of the exchange): Activity: Your group will choose an American advertisement to share with students at Chinese University of Hong Kong. To select an ad, your team should follow these steps: Each individual team member should spend 5-10 minutes searching for an advertisement to share with their team members. The ad should fall under the category of: ____________. Each member will present his or her group’s advertisement to the team. Among the advertisements presented, the team as a whole should select a first choice ad and a second choice ad that will later be shared with students at Chinese University of Hong Kong. The advertisements chosen should use emotion to appeal to American cultural values. See the following section to help you in your selection process Example: Tommy Hilfiger advertisement. What kind of ad should you choose? You should choose an ad that appeals to your culture through the use of emotion. Use the internet to locate your ad. As you think about the ad, consider the following: What is the argument of the ad? What insight does the ad provide as to what sorts of emotions are valued in your culture? How does it use this emotional appeal? How does it work to persuade the reader through its use of emotion? Example: (see Tommy Hilfiger ad, right) This advertisement appeals to America’s preference for high-arousal positive states—all of the subjects have big, radiant smiles and appear to be almost laughing. The vibrant colors in the ad give off an air of excitement. EXCHANGE BETWEEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY US: 1/18/12, 5:00 PM- 6:00 PM & CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG HK: 1/19/12, 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM Once your team has decided on a first and second choice advertisement, pick a spokesperson that will introduce the ad to the students in Hong Kong during the exchange. The spokesperson will give a brief introduction the ad by providing some context for the CUHK students (e.g., “this is an ad from Tommy Hilfiger, which is an American clothing brand. We found this ad on their website. Etc.) The spokesperson will NOT be discussing culture and emotion in his or her introduction. However, your team should be prepared to analyze the ad, its cultural context, and the way emotion is used in the ad with the CUHK students during the exchange. Copy and paste your two advertisements into a PowerPoint (each with a separate slide) and label them “first choice” and “second choice.” Email the PowerPoint to me ( with your team letter somewhere in the subject line. EXCHANGE BETWEEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY & CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG US: 1/18/12, 5:00 PM- 6:00 PM HK: 1/19/12, 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM I. WELCOME : WHOLE CLASS TIME: 5:00 PM/9:00 AM - 5:05 PM/9:05 AM Introductions by Professor Jeanne Tsai of Stanford University and Professor Helene Fung of Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as by course TAs. Introduction to the purpose of today’s activities. II. ICE-BREAKER: WHOLE CLASS TIME: 5:05 PM/9:05AM - 5:15 PM/9:15 AM What are your main reasons for coming to college? A sample of answers will be shown from both Stanford and CUHK. Discuss any similarities or differences you notice between the answers at both universities. Individual students are encouraged to share their personal reasons if they wish. III. ANALYSIS OF ADS IN GLOBALLY-DISTRIBUTED TEAMS: TEAM A TIME: 5:15 PM/9:15 AM - 5:30 PM/9:30 AM Stanford & CUHK: Polycom will zoom in on both Team As INSTRUCTIONS: Analyze your ads as a group. The Team A spokesperson from Stanford should present a brief description of their chosen American ad (1 minute). Then, the CUHK TAs will present a brief description of the Chinese ad they chose for Team A. Next, as a team, look at the ads one at a time. The CUHK and Stanford sides should take turns responding to the following questions. How many of you like this ad? Raise your hands What do you like about the ad? Is there anything you don’t like about the ad? What do you think they’re doing in the ad? What are the values, either explicit or implicit, that are conveyed in the ad? How does the ad use emotion to promote these values? Are the values promoted by the ad in-line with American culture or not? With Chinese culture or not? For Chinese ads: Would this ad be effective in an American cultural context? Why or why not? For American ads: Would this ad be effective in Chinese cultural contexts? Why or why not? What would you have to change to make the ad effective in each culture? IV. ANALYSIS OF ADS IN GLOBALLY-DISTRIBUTED TEAMS: TEAM B TIME: 5:30 PM/9:30 AM - 5:45 PM/9:45 AM Stanford & CUHK: Polycom will zoom in on both Team Bs INSTRUCTIONS: See section III V. TWENTY STATEMENTS TEST: WHOLE CLASS TIME: 5:45 PM/9:45 AM - 6:00 PM/10:00 AM EXCHANGE BETWEEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY US: 1/18/12, 5:00 PM- 6:00 PM & CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG HK: 1/19/12, 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM A sample of answers will be shown from both Stanford and CUHK. Discuss any similarities or differences you notice between the answers at both universities. Individual students are encouraged to share their personal TST if they wish. VI. (If extra time) What do you hope to be doing after you graduate? A sample of answers will be shown from both Stanford and CUHK. Discuss any similarities or differences you notice between the answers at both universities. Individual students are encouraged to share their personal answers if they wish. VII. CLOSING COMMENTS VIII. DEBRIEF AT INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSITIES What were the most interesting things that were said that highlighted cultural differences? Cultural similarities? What surprised you most about today’s exchange? What did you learn about cultural differences in emotion as a result of today’s activity? What kinds of preconceived notions or expectations did you have about Chinese culture going into the exchange today? Were those confirmed or contradicted? VIV. BLOGGING Make sure to visit the CCR blog and respond to the questions that are posted. The link to the blog will be emailed out.