For the Macsyma code: National Energy Software Center Argonne National Laboratory

For the Macsyma code:
National Energy Software Center
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439
is the place to contact. You want the version for symbolics machines.
You get a site license including sources. The price varies according to
the class of institution (from $550 for educational use thru $1500 or
Its in use by quite a few sites. I have not yet (Oct 15) sent DOE
updates for
release 7 of symbolics software (genera).
The editor InFoR is available from here. It gives the same quality
display as TEX for mathematics and text. Also what you see in the
editor is exactly what you get when you send to the laser printer.
InFoR can write out a dvi file (the same output format as TEX). It is
written in lisp, and runs in a "regular" zmacs window, like any other
It runs on explorers or symbolics (>= release 7). The
license price for a machine including full sources is $600, with
discounts for a number of machines.
There is a dvi file<atp.schelter>cminfo-wide.dvi
(Remember that's an 8bit binary file!).
which was produced with InFoR, and which describes it somewhat.
Note you need the cm tex fonts to be able to print that in case your
site is still using only the old fonts. New ones are in r20:ps:<tex.pxl>
I believe.
Anyway you print it just as you would tex output.
Let me know if I can be of further help, by mailing more information.
Bill Schelter.