


CGS 2060

Spring Term, 1996

Due date: Tuesday, 27 February 1996

Comments: Plan to complete part I by February 17, part II by February


and part III by February 27, the due date of the assignment.

Keep in mind that this assignment represents two combined assignments.

Therefore, do not wait until the last week to begin work on it.

If you do this assignment in the 2nd floor lab, you must use a

laser printer, not a dot matrix printer. If you do the assignment

elsewhere, you may use whatever printer is available, including a

dot matrix printer.

Part I. Projects 2, 3 & 4 in the WordPerfect lab manual.

Objectives: Creating, Editing, & Formatting Documents.

1. After copying wp3.doc & wp3.frm from the public directory and printing the two

files, transfer them to the \WP61 subdirectory on your disk.

2. Create three subdirectories in the \WP61 subdirectory on your disk.

Name them as follows: (1) part1, (2) part2, & (3) part3.

3. As you complete part I, three files will be saved in a:\WP61\PART1:

(1) coverltr.wpd, (2) resume.wpd, & (3) report.wpd.

4. You will have five printouts for part 1, which are as follows:

Project 2 Lessons 1-2: one printout from coverltr.wpd (p 29)

Lessons 3-7: one printout from coverltr.wpd (p 41)

Project 3 Lessons 1-3: one printout from resume.wpd (p 56)

Lessons 4-7: one printout from resume.wpd (p 64)

Project 4 Lessons 1-8: one printout from report.wpd (p 86)

5. Be sure to backup your disk and do a virus check each day you work on the


Part II. Projects 5 & 6 in WordPerfect lab manual.

Objectives: Preparing Long Documents and Using Tables & Graphs.

1. Two files will be saved in a:\WP61\PART2: (1) intrview.wpd &

(2) newsltr.wpd.

2. There will be two printouts from part II:

Project 5 Lessons 1-6: printout from intrview.wpd (p 108)

Project 6 Lessons 1-6: printout from newsltr.wpd (p 132)

3. Be sure to backup your disk and do a virus check each day you work on the


Part III. Projects 7 & 8 in WordPerfect lab manual.

Objectives: Using Merge and Macros & Templates.

1. Five files will be saved in a:\WP61\PART3: (1) clublist.dat,

(2) clubmtg.wpd, (3) retadd.wpd, (4) letter.wpd, and (5) fax.wpd

NOTE: Items 3, 4, & 5 (retadd.wpd, letter.wpd, & fax.wpd) are files

of documents created from the RESULTS of a macro or a template.

Keep in mind that they are not macro files or template files.

2. There will be 4 printouts from part III:

Project 7 Lessons 1-5: printout from clubmtg.wpd (7 notices &

7 envelopes on regular paper; see p 152)

NOTE: Submit only ONE notice & ONE "envelope" for the

assignment. Do NOT submit 7 notices or 7 envelopes.

Project 8 Lessons 1-2: printout from retadd.wpd (p 163)

Lesson 3: printout from letter.wpd (p 167; see note


Lesson 4: printout from fax.wpd (p 170)

NOTE: In addition to the current date, recipient's

name & address, and salutation, type a body

text for the letter. You may use the three

paragraphs in Inside Stuff on page 167. Then

use one of the 13 closing macros to close the

letter. An explanation for doing this will be

given in one of the remaining lab sessions.

3. Be sure to backup your disk and do a virus check each day you work on the


IMPORTANT!! Handwrite the appropriate number from the grade form on each

printout in the upper right hand corner. Do not mark the grade


Submit the 11 printouts and an edited grade form in a closed pocket folder.

Be sure your disk is attached to the folder with an appropriate clamp.

Check to see that all designated files are located in the designated subdirectories.

Be sure that no files reside in the root directory on your disk.

End of assignment #3.
