Reports -  Screen Shots

Access Report
Purpose: This report displays what access a user has in the system. The access can
be viewed by extended budget responsibility code (EBRC) or by User Last Name.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet By User Name
Other worksheet:
Approver List
Purpose: This report displays approvers of the system, their approval level, their
accounts and their organizations.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by Approver Name
Other worksheets:
By Organization
By Fund Source
All Funds Budget
Purpose: This report displays balances by fund source, fund source type, budget
responsibility code and executive level code. The report excludes off campus fund
Below is a screen shot of a worksheet : A1 – BR Code – Acct Type – Fund Source
Other worksheets:
B1 BR Code – Acct Type
E1 Exec Level – Acct Type
E4 Exec Level
FD Budget Analyst Control Report (AS)
Purpose: This report is similar to the Account Summary (AS) screen in OFIS. The
report runs off the Budget Action code attribute and is used to analyze departmental
non-salary operating balances each month.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet Budget Analysis-Reclassified
FD Budget Detail Report (BD)
Purpose: Similar to Budget Detail (BD) screen in OFIS. This report displays details of
Original, Temporary & Permanent Budget Adjustments by Fund Source or by Budget
Responsibility (BR) Code.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by Fund Source
Other worksheet:
By BR Code
FD Chart of Accounts (AI)
Purpose: Similar to Account Inquiry (AI) screen in OFIS. This report displays Fund
Source attribute data.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet All Fund Sources with Limited Attributes
Other worksheets:
All Fund Sources with NonGrant Attributes
Grant Fund Sources with
Limited Attributes
Grant Fund Sources with All
Grant Attributes
FD COA Segment Listing
Purpose: This report displays data for each segment of the Chart of Accounts: Natural
Account, Fund Source, Extended Budget Responsibility Code (EBRC), Organization
and Fund Group.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet Natural Account Listing
Other worksheets:
Fund Source Listing
EBRC Listing
GL Organization Listing
Fund Group Listing
FD Daily Activity Report
Purpose: Daily Activity Report displays all transactions from the previous day based on
Transaction Source.
Below is a screen shot of a worksheet: For Actuals Transactions
Other worksheet:
For Budget Transactions
FD Departmental Fund Source Balances
Purpose: Displays all Fund Source balances. Report is similar to the All Funds
Budget report except that it utilizes budget data for research grant accounts that have
a budget and it includes the AEF (235XXX) accounts.
Below is a screen shot of a worksheet: By Fund Source
Other worksheet:
By BR Code
FD Detail Report for Subcontracting
Purpose: This is a detailed expense report which includes small business, minority
owned and women owned business attributes. It is used for the bi-annual filing of the
Federal Standard Forms 294, 295 and the similar Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) form.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet By Period, Fund Source
FD Document Number Lookup
Purpose: This report provides all Transaction Details. Different options include By
Specific Document Number (Ref Code) or Amount.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet: For Actuals
Other worksheet:
For Budgets
FD Encumbrance Detail (CD, CI)
Purpose: Displays open commitment details. Similar to CI (Commitment Inquiry) or
CD (Commitment Detail) screens in OFIS.
Below is a screen shot of a worksheet: Open Encumbrances by Fund Source
Other worksheets:
Encumbrances by PO Number
Encumbrances by Req Number
All Encumbrance History by Fund Source
Manual Encumbrances by Fund Source
FD Fund Source Detail (SD)
Purpose: This report displays transaction details posted to the General Ledger.
Similar to SD (Subsidiary Ledger Expenditure/Revenue Detail) or GD (General
Ledger Activity Detail) screens in OFIS.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet: By Natural
Other worksheets:
By Date Range on GL Posting Date
FD Fund Source Report by Period (MAR)
Purpose: This report is similar to legacy Monthly Account Report Detail which shows project
to date or year to date amounts by Fund Source and Natural Account. The report displays
beginning balances, detailed transactions and ending balances for a given period. It also
displays personnel information.
Below is a screen shot of a worksheet : Year To Date Summary with Encumbrances
Other worksheets:
Project To Date Summary without Encumbrances
Project To Date Summary with Encumbrances
FD Fund Source Summary by Natural Account (SS, BA)
Purpose: Similar to SS (Subsidiary Ledger Expenditure/Revenue Summary) or BA
(Balance Available) screen in OFIS. This report displays transaction totals at a
summary level for a fiscal period by Natural Account.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet YTD Revenue & Expense
Other worksheets:
YTD Budget & Actuals (Non-Grant)
Project To Date Budget & Expense
Project To Date Revenue & Expense
FD General Ledger By Natural Account
Purpose: This report summarizes Fund Source activity by Natural Account. Total
activity for the month, year-to-date, FY beginning balance. Used for financial
reporting purposes. Report only displays fund sources that start with 0.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet Year To Date Balances
FD Journal Approval History Report
Purpose: This report displays journal history details on the actions taken after a
Preparer submits a journal for approval. Some of the information included in this
report is the Preparer and Approver of the journal and date the journal was either
approved or rejected. The report information is displayed by the document number
which is the Journal Batch ID # in the journal notification.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet By Document Number
FD Letter Credit Group
Purpose: This report is used to reconcile the accounts within a letter of credit
(funding type).
Below is a screen shot of worksheet Budget Available Summary
FD Project To Date Natural Account Summary
Purpose: This report displays project to date information by Fund Source Expenses
and Receivables rolled up to the Natural Account. This report is used for grant
Below is a screen shot of worksheet Natural Account Summary
FD Sponsored Program Award Terminations
Purpose: This report displays Fund Source data on sponsored programs that are due
to expire within 180 days used for grant accounts.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet Sponsored Program Fund Sources that will
Expire within 180 Days
Other worksheet:
Awards that Expired But
Not Closed Out with
Funding Agency
FD State Funds by Natural Account (RS)
Purpose: Report is similar to the Rollup Summary (RS) in OFIS. Used to analyze
state fund sources.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by Executive Code
Other worksheets:
By Exec Code, BR
Federal Accounts
P2P Approved Reqs with Unapproved POs
Purpose: This report displays the status of all approved requisitions which are not
associated with an approved Purchase Order (PO) number.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by BR Code
Other worksheets:
By Requisition
P2P Expected Receipts
Purpose: This report displays expected receipts by Budget Responsibility (BR) Code
for Purchase Order (PO) line items that requires receiving.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by BR Code
P2P Invoices on Hold
Purpose: This report gives a summary of all invoices on hold with account
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by BR Code
Other worksheets:
By BR Code with Account
By PO with Account Distributions
P2P IPO Release Payment Detail
Purpose: This report shows releases to Internal Suppliers, the dollar amount, the
invoice number created and what account the money is being sent to.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by PO, Paid Date
P2P Purchase Order Overview
Purpose: This report displays a summary of purchase order details by Supplier, by
Fund Source and by Purchase Order (PO) Number.
Below is a screen shot of worksheet by Fund Source and PO Create Date
Other worksheets:
By Supplier Name and PO
Created Date
By PO Number and Release
P2P Tracking Invoices and Payments (TP)
Purpose: This report displays invoices and payments by Invoice, Purchase Order (PO)
Number or Supplier. Similar to the TP (Tracking Payments) screen in OFIS.
Below is a screen shot of a worksheet: by Invoice, PO or Supplier
Other worksheet:
Payment by Supplier