Confidentiality Agreement

Texas A&M University-Commerce
Office of Advancement Confidentiality Agreement
For Services Provided
Purpose. The Office of Advancement manages and maintains the Alumni & Friends database of record for
donors, alumni, faculty, staff and other University constituents related to Texas A&M University-Commerce.
Data contained in the database is confidential in nature and includes financial, biographical and personal data.
The purpose of this document is to stipulate the expectations regarding the handling of this confidential data.
Confidential Information. Confidential information, for purposes of this Agreement, is information which will
be disclosed to you by the Texas A&M University-Commerce (hereafter referred to as A&M-Commerce) Office of
Advancement as a result of your relationship with A&M-Commerce and which is not generally known by
individuals outside of the Office of Advancement. Confidential information may include, but is not limited to:
documents or other records, including electronic records, that contain financial, biographical
and/or personal information about donors, alumni, faculty, staff and other University constituents;
on-line information that is password-protected, as well as the passwords required to access such
Information does not need to be marked “Confidential” for it to fall under the purview of this Agreement. Nor
must the information take a tangible or electronic form; for example, information resulting from conversations
that occur in the professional office environment may constitute confidential information.
Prohibited Disclosures. A prohibited disclosure, for purposes of this Agreement, is the unauthorized sharing of
confidential information with individuals other than staff members of the Office of Advancement who have a
legitimate need to know. Prohibited disclosures of confidential information can take any form of
communication, including, but not limited to, written and oral communication, and electronic file transfer.
Authorized Disclosures. An authorized disclosure, for purposes of this Agreement, is the sharing of confidential
information with individuals, other than staff members of the Office of Advancement, who have a legitimate need
to know which has been authorized by the Office of Advancement.
Your Responsibilities. By virtue of your position as an A&M-Commerce staff member, faculty member,
student worker, temporary employee or volunteer, you are responsible for preserving the confidentiality of the
sensitive information with which you work and for not making or facilitating any prohibited disclosures of
confidential information. This responsibility includes, but is not limited to:
 not using the data to create any form of database external to the Office of Advancement;
 obtaining authorization before sharing confidential information with individuals outside of
the Office of Advancement;
 shredding and discarding, after appropriate A&M-Commerce use, any document or record
that is printed in hard copy which contains confidential information;
 using confidential information solely for the purpose of fulfilling your job responsibilities;
 not sharing confidential information with others for the purpose of any personal, business,
commercial, or lobbying activities outside of the scope of your job responsibilities;
 notifying the Vice President of Advancement if you inadvertently make or facilitate a
prohibited disclosure.
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Initials ____
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Office of Advancement Confidentiality Agreement
For Services Provided
Consequences of Violations. The making or facilitation of a prohibited disclosure of confidential information,
or the failure to otherwise fulfill your responsibilities described in this Agreement, may result in:
termination of access to confidential information;
disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of your employment or volunteer
position at A&M-Commerce.
By signing below, you acknowledge that you understand the above statements and that the obligations
described herein remain in place at any and all times hereafter, including after your employment or volunteer
activity with A&M-Commerce ends.
Printed Name
Department or Organization
Department of Advancement Representative
Depart/Organization Head
Signed copies stored electronically by Advancement Services: (903) 468-3076
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Revised: January 2015
PAC Approved: March 2015