CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY The following courses at Central Washington University will best fulfill the prerequisites for application to the Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree (DPT) Program at Eastern Washington University. For individual questions, please contact Debra Dickerson at (509) 828-1354, or via email at ddickerson@ewu.edu Anatomy: EXSC 350 and 350LAB – Gross Anatomy OR BIOL 355 – Human Anatomy and Physiology (part l) AND BIOL 356 – Human Anatomy and Physiology (part 2) Physiology: EXSC 351 and 351LAB – Physiology OR BIOL 355 – Human Anatomy and Physiology (part l) AND BIOL 356 – Human Anatomy and Physiology (part 2) One additional upper division course in human, animal, or exercise physiology (recommended courses below): EXSC 450 – Physiology of Exercise BIOL 457 – Fundamentals of Neuroscience One advanced course in biology or zoology (recommended courses below): EXSC 370 - Biomechanics BISC 322 – Introduction to Microbiology BIOL 323 – Microbiology BIOL 354 – Vertebrate Embryology BIOL 430 – Cell Biology Chemistry General Chemistry 181, 182, and 183 with labs, 181 LAB, 182 LAB, 183 LAB Physics Introductory Physics 111, 112, 113 with labs, 111LAB, 112 LAB, 113LAB Behavioral Science Any two courses in behavioral science including psychology, sociology and anthropology Statistics Any course in statistics, such as BIOL 213, PSY 362, or MATH 311 Please contact Dr. Vince Nethery in the Department of Nutrition, Exercise, and Health Sciences at CWU (509-9631940; netheryv@cwu.edu ) for more information on pre-physical therapy preparation. 7/2/2016