the questions


Student Names ________________________________

When asked to do so, open the file named “1 Joke” and answer the following questions


Run the game by pressing the green flag button. What happens?


Examine the code for the sprite named “instructions.” How did the programmer make the instructions disappear when the program started?


Examine the code for the sprites named “Ella” and “Chica.” How did the programmer make it so that the actors take turns talking?

When asked to do so, open the file named “2 Trampoline” and answer the following questions


Run the game by pressing the green flag button. What happens?


How did the programmer make it so that the girl continues to jump up and down?


How did the programmer make it so that the trampoline “distorts” when the girl hits it?


How did the programmer make it so that the arrow keys make the girl “do tricks?”

When asked to do so, open the file named “3 Pong” and answer the following questions


Run the game by pressing the green flag button. What happens?


How did the programmer make the paddle follow the mouse cursor?


How did the programmer make it so that the ball bounces when hitting the paddle?


How did the programmer make it so that the ball bounces when it hits the walls/ceiling?


How did the programmer make it so that ball knows when it misses the paddle and hits the floor?

When asked to do so, open the file named “4 FishChomp” and answer the following questions


Run the game by pressing the green flag button. What happens?


How did the programmer make the big fish follow the mouse cursor? What is different about this code than the code from Pong? Why do you think the programmer used a “forever if” instead of just a forever? (This might not be obvious, but make an educated guess).


Look at the code for the sprites named “goldfish 1” “goldfish 2” and “goldfish 3”.

How are these sprites different?


Where in the code does the game recognize that the big fish is able to eat a goldfish?


Where in the code does the game make the eating sound and motions?


Since the answers to the last two questions are different, what programming mechanism did the programmer use to coordinate these two actions?

When asked to do so, open the file named “5 OrbitalSliders” and answer the following questions


Run the game by pressing the green flag button. What happens?


What happens when you move each of the three sliders?


What starting values can you use to make the projectile orbit around the planet?

(Hint, the projectile might leave the screen and come back after a bit. Watch the information about projectile to see if it will “come back”)

When asked to do so, explore some of the programs that are distributed with Scratch.

Find one that interests you and look at the code that makes it work.


Which program did you pick?


Write a paragraph about how your program works.


Write three questions you might ask of another student exploring this same game
