Routing: Interdomain Architecture

New Routing Architectures
Jennifer Rexford
Advanced Computer Networks
Tuesdays/Thursdays 1:30pm-2:50pm
• Changing the routing architecture
– Why?
– Where and how?
• Example architectures
– Removing routing from routers
– Hybrid Link-state/Path-vector
– Resilient Overlay Routing
Why Change Routing?
• Better performance
– Scalability, security, convergence, reliability,
flexibility, …
• Simpler management
– For network operators
– For folks deploying services
• Greater extensibility
– To enable experimentation
– To enable new services
What to Change, and Where?
• Add another layer about network routing
– Routing functionality in overlay networks
• Change the routing protocols
– To improve scalability, security, convergence, …
• Change the division of functionality
– Data, control, and management planes
• Change the division of responsibility
– End users, third parties, and service providers
• ???
Removing Routing from Routers:
Routing Control Platform, Routing as a
Service, 4D Control Plane, Ethane, …
Network Operators
• Network-wide views
– Network topology (e.g., routers, links)
– Mapping to lower-level equipment
– Traffic matrix
• Network-level objectives
– Load balancing
– Survivability
– Reachability
– Security
• Direct control
– Explicit configuration of data-plane mechanisms
What Should Routers Do?
• Forward packets: yes
– Must be done at high speed
– … in line-card hardware on fast routers
– So, needs to be done on the routers
• Collect measurement data: yes
– Traffic statistics
– Topology information
• Compute routes: no???
– Distributed computation of forwarding tables
– Doesn’t inherently need to run on the routers
Reasons to Remove Routing From Routers
• Routing is hard to do in a distributed fashion
– Beyond single-path and/or shortest-path routing
• Difficult to make load-sensitive routing stable
– Over-reacting to out-of-date information
• Poor visibility to drive good decisions
– Incomplete local views of topology and load
• Not flexible enough for end users
– Cannot easily select customized routes
• Difficult to extend over time
– Hard-coded into the underlying routers
Routing Control Platform
• Goal: Move beyond today’s artifacts, while
remaining compatible with the legacy routers
• RCP computes routes for the routers
– Network-wide visibility and control
• Backwards compatibility
– RCP speaks to routers using BGP protocol
AS 2
Example Services
• Selective denial-of-service attack blackholing
– Identify entry point and victim of attack
– Drop offending traffic at the entry point
• Planned maintenance dryout
– Drain traffic off of an edge router
– Before bringing it down for maintenance
• Flexible egress point selection
– Multiple ways to reach the same destination
– Giving customers control over the decision
• Enhanced interdomain routing security
– Anomaly detection or security protocols
Routing As a Service
• Goal: third parties pick end-to-end paths for
clients to satisfy diverse user objectives
• Forwarding infrastructure
– Basic routing (e.g., default routing)
– Primitives for inserting routes
• Route selector
– Aggregates network information
– Selects routes on behalf of clients
– Competes with other selectors for customers
• End host
– Queries route selector to set up paths
• Fast reaction to failures
– Routers are closer to the failures
– Can a service react quickly enough?
• Scalability with network size
– State and computation grow with the topology
– Can a service manage a large network?
• Reliability?
– Service is now a point of failure
– Is simple replication enough?
• Security?
– Service is now a natural point of attack
– Easier (or harder) to protect than the routers?
Improving BGP Convergence
Routing Change: Before and After
Routing Change: Path Exploration
• AS 1
– Delete the route (1,0)
– Switch to next route (1,2,0)
– Send route (1,2,0) to AS 3
• AS 3
– Sees (1,2,0) replace (1,0)
– Compares to route (2,0)
– Switches to using AS 2
Routing Change: Path Exploration
• Initial situation
– Destination 0 is alive
– All ASes use direct path
• When destination dies
– All ASes lose direct path
– All switch to longer paths
– Eventually withdrawn
• E.g., AS 2
(2,0)  (2,1,0)
(2,1,0)  (2,3,0)
(2,3,0)  (2,1,3,0)
(2,1,3,0)  null
Convergence Overhead and Delay
• Path exploration is expensive
– Large number of possible paths
– Might have to explore (nearly) all of them
• Much slower than link-state routing
– Simply floods the topology
– And routers compute shortest path
• Any way to reduce BGP convergence time?
– Avoid exploring paths with the same failure?
– Hybrids of path vector and link state?
HLP: Hybrid Link-state/Path-vector
• Assume hierarchical AS structure
– Provider-customer relationships dominate
– And some peer-peer edges
– (Are we willing to cook in these assumptions?)
• Hybrid of link state and path vector
– Link state within a sub-tree
– Path vector across peer-peer links
• Route on AS numbers
– Rather than prefixes
Add New Features in an Overlay:
Resilient Overlay Networks
Overlay Networks
Overlay Networks
RON: Resilient Overlay Networks
Premise: by building application overlay
network, can increase performance and
reliability of routing
Two-hop (application-level)
Berkeley-to-Princeton route
RON Circumvents Policy Restrictions
• IP routing depends on AS routing policies
– But hosts may pick paths that circumvent policies
My home
RON Adapts to Network Conditions
• Start experiencing bad performance
– Then, start forwarding through intermediate host
RON Customizes to Applications
bulk transfer
• VoIP traffic: low-latency path
• Bulk transfer: high-bandwidth path
How Does RON Work?
• Keeping it small to avoid scaling problems
– A few friends who want better service
– Just for their communication with each other
– E.g., VoIP, gaming, collaborative work, etc.
• Send probes between each pair of hosts
How Does RON Work?
• Exchange the results of the probes
– Each host shares results with every other host
– Essentially running a link-state protocol!
– So, every host knows the performance properties
• Forward through intermediate host when
RON Works in Practice
• Faster reaction to failure
– RON reacts in a few seconds
– BGP sometimes takes a few minutes
• Single-hop indirect routing
– No need to go through many intermediate hosts
– One extra hop circumvents the problems
• Better end-to-end paths
– Circumventing routing policy restrictions
– Sometimes the RON paths are actually shorter
RON Limited to Small Deployments
• Extra latency through intermediate hops
– Software delays for packet forwarding
– Propagation delay across the access link
• Overhead on the intermediate node
– Imposing CPU and I/O load on the host
– Consuming bandwidth on the access link
• Overhead for probing the virtual links
– Bandwidth consumed by frequent probes
– Trade-off probe overhead vs. detection speed
• Possibility of causing instability
– Moving traffic in response to poor performance
– May lead to congestion on the new paths
Future Routing Architecture
• Who is in charge?
– Network administrators?
– End hosts?
– Third-party overlays?
– Third-party routing providers?
• Build on top of today’s network?
– New AS-level control plane?
– Overlays on top of existing Internet?
• Assume (restricted) economic models?
– To improve scalability and convergence?