BOARD OF TRUSTEES BUDGET WORKSHOP May 10, 2012 BUDGET SUMMARY • Overall the recurring budget increased $3.8 million even with a $7.5 million reduction in general revenue. We received a $2.25 million increase in general revenue for operational support and $9.3 million in tuition increase and adjustments. • Although we have additional budget, the carry forward amount used to pay for nonrecurring priorities is only $9.0 million compared to $13.5 million last year. The main difference is we did not have the $4.0 million in recurring reserves this year. • The budget reflects recurring reductions of $1.7 million. In addition, $722 thousand of new allocations are included. • Total general revenue and lottery for 12/13 is $65.9 million compared to $90.8 million in 07/08. Without including PO&M dollars, general revenue and lottery for 12/13 is $48.2 million compared to $79.2 million in 07/08. BUDGET SUMMARY • We continue to maintain $4.0 million in nonrecurring reserves for call backs this year or additional budget reductions next year. • Of the total E&G budget, 81.2% of the budget is salaries and benefits and OPS, 4.3% is utilities and the remaining 14.5% is operating expenses BUDGET PROCESS • Each division reviewed their operations to determine expenses that could be reduced. • A controlled spending committee continued to meet to review spending throughout the year and look for methods to create greater efficiencies. • The University had purchasing savings of $361,292 for three quarters of this fiscal year due to sourcing and contracting by the Purchasing Department • The vacancy pool committee continued its review process. REVENUE BUDGET FOR 12/13 Reductions: • General Revenue Reduction - $7.2 million • General Revenue Reduction for Financial Aid and Insurance - $322 thousand • ORP/Investment Plan Adjustments - $1.0 million • Decrease in Allowable Excess Hours - $680 thousand REVENUE BUDGET FOR 12/13 Increases• Assuming a 15% tuition differential increase - $5.4 million • Tuition increase for undergraduate, out-of-state and graduate tuition - $923 thousand • Annualize 11/12 tuition increase of $733 thousand • General Revenue Operational Support - $2.25 million • Change in tuition alignment from 10,168 to 10,379 FTE $1.3 million REVENUE BUDGET FOR 11/12 Increases• Plant, Operations and Maintenance for new buildings - $1.5 million • Projected increase in FTE by 221 to 10,600 FTE $966 thousand DIVISIONAL REDUCTIONS IN 12/13 Reduced recurring budget by $1.7 million Transferred 7 positions to the Auxiliary Overhead Funds for savings of $383 thousand PRESIDENT’S OFFICE • Eliminated a coordinator position for Governmental Affairs • Reduced training by $75 thousand including one position and $27 thousand of Operating Expense • Reduced one Internal Auditor position DIVISIONAL REDUCTIONS and REALLOCATIONS IN 12/13 Administration and Finance • Reallocated $125 thousand of expense within the division to pay for the increased cost of software licenses • Reduced 8 custodial staff by changing the cleaning schedule of offices to once/week for savings of $212 thousand • Eliminated Fine Arts Coordinator. All employees of the Fine Arts Center will be funded from the auxiliary • Eliminated a facility planner, construction project specialist and coordinator of building warranties due to decrease in PECO funding • Reallocating a coordinator of accounting from Administration and Finance to College of Health DIVISIONAL REDUCTIONS 12/13 Institutional Advancement • Reduced $73 thousand of operating expenses including reducing the alumni journal from 3 to 2 times per year • Eliminated a half time position for Alumni Services Student Affairs • Reduced $18 thousand of operating expense • Eliminated coordinator of development • Transferred 1 position to ELP and 2 positions to the Student Life Fee DIVISIONAL REDUCTIONS AND REALLOCATIONS 12/13 Academic Affairs • Reduced 3 advisors for Jacksonville Commitment in the public schools - $156 thousand • Eliminated 2.25 secretaries - $72 thousand • Real Estate eliminated as a track in the finance major eliminating one faculty member - $125 thousand • Suspended admissions into a PE track within secondary education major - $69,000 • Eliminated a half-time advisor - $23 thousand DIVISIONAL REDUCTIONS AND REALLOCATIONS 12/13 • Terminated the Master of Science in Applied Sociology, eliminating one faculty member through attrition and two faculty redeployed in the undergraduate major of social work to gain accreditation in that field - $100 thousand • Reallocated a visitor position in education and one in marketing to enable additional new resources in coastal engineering and physical therapy RECURRING RESOURCES FOR 2012/13 1) 2011/12 Educational & General allocation (Initial) Annualization of health and retirement benefits Adjusted 2010/11 base allocation 2) 2011/12 New Allocation Funding: Enrollment growth Tuition increase Tuition realignment Annualization of 11/12 tuition increase Adjustment in PO&M for new space GR Operational Support Increase in Enrollment by 221 FTE General Revenue Budget reduction Decrease in Allowable Excess Hours FRS/ORP/Investment Plan Adjustment New E&G Funding 3) 2011/12 Educational & General allocation $125,791,585 $852,182 $126,643,767 $0 $6,373,607 $1,281,526 $732,575 $1,458,934 $2,250,000 $965,718 ($7,191,189) ($679,814) $(1,030,551) $3,787,545 $130,804,573 FUNDING SOURCES FOR RECURRING ALLOCATION 2012/13 – New E & G Funding $4,160,806 – Reserves (2011/12 Recurring) $2,015,811 – Savings from Alternative FICA $175,000 – Divisional Reductions $1,716,294 – TOTAL RECURRING DOLLARS: $8,067,911 FUNDING SOURCES FOR NONRECURRING ALLOCATION 2012/13 – Reserve carryover $4,000,000 – Prior Year Balance(Unallocated) $1,600,000 – Excess Tuition $1,300,000 – $2,100,000 Unspent Funds, Salary Savings – Interest TOTAL NONRECURRING DOLLARS: $ 550,000 $9,550,000 RESERVES • State call back $4,000,000 nonrecurring • Executive reserve $200,000 recurring $400,000 nonrecurring New Allocations for 12/13 Academic Affairs • Associate Professor and Assistant Professor Coastal Engineering • Assistant Professor Assistant of Coastal Biology • Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy • Coordinator of UNF Galleries Potential Budget Issues • Legislative action required employees to pay 3% of their salary into the defined benefit plan or the defined contribution plan this fiscal year. A lawsuit was filed and the appeal is with the State Supreme Court. If the University is required to repay the monies to the employees and we do not receive funding from the state, this cost is approximately $2.1 million/year. • An additional 2% reduction in contribution for ORP and Investment Plan participants was legislated for next fiscal year. The budget was reduced $1.0 million based on this change. We are holding these monies in reserve until a court decision is determined. • This budget assumes the BOG approves the 15% tuition differential ACTUAL & PROJECTED FTE • 2009/10 Actual FTE • 2010/11 Actual FTE • 2011/12 Actual FTE 10,468 10,385 10,428 • 2012/13 FTE Targets 10,600 Arts and Sciences Coggin Brooks Education Computing, Engineering, Construction 6,087 1,678 1,248 1,029 558 GOAL 1: Cultivate a learning environment that supports intellectual curiosity, academic achievement and personal growth 11/12 Accomplishments for Goal 1 150 160 140 120 97 100 79 60 40 20 44 40 66 72 80 69 48 39 126 89 80 58 106 48 49 2009 2010 29 0 2007 2008 fall spring 2011 2012 summer We increased the number of distance learning courses from 264 to 356 over the past year We are working on making gatekeeper courses into gateway courses 11/12 Accomplishments for Goal 1 17,000 600 16,500 590 16,000 580 15,500 572 567 15,000 560 559 553 14,500 550 547 14,000 16,570 13,500 15,430 570 16,320 16,719 16,368 540 530 13,000 520 12,500 510 12,000 500 fall 2007 fall 2008 fall 2009 Student fall 2010 fall 2011 Faculty We were able to increase the number of fulltime faculty, using tuition differential funding We were able to reduce student to faculty ratio from 21-1 to 20-1 11/12 Accomplishments for Goal 1 Average SAT score for freshmen climbed from 1204 in fall 2010 to 1209 in fall 2011. In 2008-09 our second year retention rate was 78%. In 20112012 the retention rate was 81.4%, down from 82% the year before. In 2008-09, our third year retention rate was 64%. In 2011-12 it was 70.2%, up from 70% the year before 11/12 Recognitions for Goal 1 • Among the nation’s Top 75 “Best Value” public colleges and universities, according to The Princeton Review. Also in 2011, 2009 and in 2007. • Named to Kiplinger’s Personal Finance’s list of 100 best values in public colleges for 2011-12. • The Coggin College of Business at the University of North Florida has been named an outstanding business school, according to The Princeton Review. Fifth consecutive year • UNF landed on Forbes Magazine’s “Top 20 Best Buy Colleges.” The top three spots on the list went to military service academies that don’t charge tuition: West Point placed first, followed by the Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy 12/13 INITIATIVES FOR GOAL 1 Freshman Year Experience Common philosophy course for FTIC students – develop critical thinking New Osprey Advantage Courses – introduces freshmen to their major and the faculty in their major Student Passport – a passport that is stamped when students attend cultural events, evening lectures, athletic events Expanded learning-living communities where students live with peers in the same major Initiate first gateway courses Work on Civil Discourse Project with the TU and WJCT New tuition differential dollars will support 55 lines or over 300 course sections GOAL 2: Recruit and support a diverse community of students, faculty and staff who will contribute to and benefit from the university’s mission 11/12 ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR GOAL 2 In 2010/11 we enrolled 218 Jax Commitment students. In 2011/12 we enrolled 276. We had our first class of graduates. First year retention rates remained high among minority students: 87.6% for Blacks and 81.6% for Hispanics compared to an overall rate of 83.4%. The overall representation of minority students among U.S. citizens increased over the past year. 2010/11 = 24.4% 2011/12 = 25.5% (fifth year of growth in this number) The overall representation of minorities in the faculty remained virtually the same this year as last year: 15.9% in 2010/11 compared to 15.8% in 2011/12 11/12 ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR GOAL 2 In 2011/12 UNF awarded its first grant to support research on issues related to diversity: This year’s funding for research to measure the outcomes of Metro Town. In 2011/12 UNF offered its first recognition awards for an individual and a program contributing to campus diversity. In 2011/12 UNF held its first Week of One, a celebration of diversity on campus In 2011/12 UNF brought OneJax onto campus as a UNF institute. UNF participated in the international I AM EQUAL program 12/13 INITIATIVES FOR GOAL 2 Continue to fund Commission on Diversity Coordinate with MOSH on RACE exhibit Hire a new director for LGBT Center, position funded by anonymous donor Provide leadership on Project Breakthrough Coordinate activities between OneJax and three oncampus centers – o Interfaith Center o Center for Intercultural Peace o Sustainability Center GOAL 3: Support and recognize research and creative endeavor as essential university functions ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR GOAL 3 While we are still collecting data on 2011/2012 faculty scholarship, our 2010/2011 data provide the following examples of faculty scholarship as conducted in two colleges 20010/11 faculty scholarship in Coggin College (48 faculty reporting) 9 books 7 book chapters 66 refereed journal articles 3 online publications 29 presentations at international, national and regional professional conferences 2010/11 faculty scholarship in Computing, Engineering and Construction (30 faculty reporting) 72 book chapters and journal articles 41 presentations at international, national and regional professional conferences 31 contracts and grants 1 patent 12/13 INITIATIVES FOR GOAL 3 Begin implementing recommendations from outside consultant. Fund $675K in startup costs for new faculty research Continue $120,000 in funding for research in the UNF Environmental Center. This includes funding for summer research internships for students. (nonrecurring) Fund 2 faculty positions in the Coastal Engineering Center GOAL 4: Affirm the university’s public responsibility through civic and community engagement 11/12 ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR GOAL 4 Students in CIS 4327 – Information Systems Senior Project developed web-based database projects for non-profits in Jacksonville, FL These included United Way, River Region Human Services, Helping Hands Neighborhood NetworkCenter, and the Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition. Helping Hands will continue its relationship with UNF by having Computing Science Interns work on its website development this summer 11/12 ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR GOAL 4 Every course in the Pre-K/Early Learning Program partners with one of eight different community organizations including Early Head Start, Jewish Community Alliance, Woodland Acres Elementary and Duval County Schools. Every student in these courses completes 45 hours in authentic learning situations. During the past year, 104 UNF students provided more than 1650 hours of direct service as part of their academic course work. f Recognitions for Goal 4 The University of North Florida was admitted to the 2012 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for its work in community settings, student volunteerism and philanthropic efforts as well as academic programs that include forms of community-based learning. This Honor Roll award is the second national award UNF has received for its community engagement efforts. Last year, the University received the prestigious Community Engaged University designation by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 12/13 INITIATIVES FOR GOAL 4 The College of Education and Human Services will launch the Center for Urban Education and Policy, funded using Schultz distinguished professor funds The mission is to provide a central site for organizing and disseminating information regarding urban education activities and initiatives. Continue to fund departmental grants to increase communitybased education in coursework Continue funding for CROP (College Reach Out Program) (nonrecurring) Continue to work with the World Affairs Council on the Global Issues Forum and will continue to host the Distinguished Voices lecture (nonrecurring) GOAL 5: Secure fiscal, physical and technological resources aligned with the university’s mission and values 11/12 ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR GOAL 5 Opened the new biology building Opened the new Disability Resources and Military Veterans Resources Centers Began increased programming for student life using funds from the Student Life and Services fee The most appropriate measure for utility cost is to compare the campus EPI score. This shows the energy used on a per square foot basis per year. The campus EPI (kBTU/sq.ft/year) score increased from 70.8205 in 2007 to 75.1166 in 2011, an increase of 6%. 11/12 ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR GOAL 5 Migrated all student email accounts to the “cloud” resulting in a three-year cost savings of $100,000 Expanded capacity and capability of the Blackboard Learning Management System to accommodate increased academic utilization. Completed migration of all University divisions to the web content management system, providing a consistent look and feel to the University’s web presence. Began moving to paperless board meetings Recognitions for Goal 5 UNF was listed in the “2012 Guide to 322 Green Colleges”, a comprehensive guidebook profiling institutions of higher education that demonstrate a notable commitment to sustainability in their academic offerings, campus infrastructure, activities and career preparation. Earlier in the year UNF was named one of the100 “Coolest Schools” by Sierra magazine. UNF’s Student Union was recognized by the Florida Chapter of The American Institute of Architects (AIA Florida) as the best educational building and voted the TOP building in the state by architects’ votes and as the No. 4 building overall in the state by public vote. 11/12 INITIATIVES FOR GOAL 5 Complete construction on Student Wellness Center Complete construction on new student dining facility Increase funding for need-based aid - (Tuition Differential) Implement Blackboard Mobile components, provide convenient access to Blackboard and other applications from a variety of mobile devices.