Project Approval Form Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine Dental Institute

Project Approval Form
Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine
Dental Institute
Please read the notes of guidance before completing this document 1
Project Details and Peer Review
Name of Student:
Title of project Please do not use more than fifty characters, including spaces
Research Degree title: MPhil/PhD or MD (please delete)
Was the project proposal subject to external peer review in the form of a grant
application or award?
If yes, attach the description from the application and go to next section. If no, complete details below
Aim of the investigation (100 words)
Proposed plan of work (300 – 600 words in total)2
This information may also be used by the Graduate School for the electronic submission of Doctoral Training Grants.
Why this project is important
Research methods to be used
Why is this project suitable for a PhD
Any cross-departmental, cross-school, or external collaboration
Key references (maximum 5)
Statutory Issues
Delete one
Does project involve the following?
If yes, complete details below, deleting as necessary
Human subjects
No Yes/No
Ethical Committee Protocol #:
Storage of patient data on a computer
No Yes/No
Will patients’ details be anonymised?
/NoYes No N/A
Access to confidential data
No Yes/No
Is computer password protected?
/NoYes No N/A
Use of radioisotopes/radiation source
Is project registered with Radiation Protection
No Yes/No
Experimental animals
No Yes/No
Home Office Licences in place?
Genetically manipulated organisms
Has appropriate HSE approval been obtained?
No Yes/No
Yes No N/A
Dangerous pathogens
No Yes/No
Have appropriate arrangements been made?
Yes No N/A
Yes No N/A
NoYes No N/A
If ethical or other statutory approvals are required for the project but are not currently in place, explain how and when these will be obtained,
and who will take responsibility to ensure all approval and permission is obtained.
Has a full COSHH risk assessment been carried out?
If No, who will be responsible for ensuring a risk assessment is conducted before the project commences?
Is a CRB check required?
If clearance required by registration?
Is an Occupational Health check required?
If clearance required by registration?
No (please indicate date):
No (please indicate
If yes, who will be responsible for ensuring that this carried out before the project commences?
Collaborative Provision or Off Campus Study
Collaboration (if applicable)
Name & address of collaborating organisation(s):
Name & address of industrial supervisor:
Total Value of Collaborating Organisation Contribution:
Total Period spent on Industrial Premises (months):
Other Off Campus Study (if applicable)
Arrangements for work to be conducted off campus3 Please provide details of any project work that will be conducted outside KCL. Give
details of institution, address, length of placement, reasons for placement. Attach extra sheet if necessary
revised March 2014
Funding Information4
Origin of financial support - please tick as appropriate (full funding must be confirmed prior to sign off)
Tuition fees
Living costs
Research Council Grant
Graduate School Funding Scheme
Overseas Government
UK Government
Other (please specify)
Bench Fees4: Please indicate band of bench fee and account code
Account Code:
 Band 1
 Band 2
 Band 3
 Band 4
For Band 5 fees, a brief summary of costs must be attached to the Project Approval Form,
 Band 5
Account Code
Divisional Manager Authorisation:
Please only state bench fees if they are to be invoiced separately and are not covered by a grant or studentship
For bench fees that are only PARTIALLY covered by a grant or a studentship, please state the amount not covered (i.e to be invoiced
separately) per annum.
revised March 2014
Account code:
Please complete either A or B
Name of Sponsor?
Duration of funding?
A) Projects funded by Doctoral Training Grants ONLY
Please note this information will also be used by the Graduate School for the electronic submission of Doctoral Training Grants
Please state the Research Council(s) funding this student:
Type of studentship:
Standard DTA / CASE / DHPA / Capacity Building / MRC Unit DTA / Quota / other (please state)
For grants paid through School please give departmental account to pay tuition fees.
Account Code___________________________
Does the grant pay a stipend? (If applicable please give details of amount per annum and duration)
For MRC studentships
Please select the subject board most relevant to the research project:
For BBSRC studentships
please select the subject area most relevant to the research project:
 Health Services & Public Health Research Board
 Infections & Immunity Board
 Molecular & Cellular Medicine Board
 Neurosciences & Mental Health Board
 Physiological Systems & Clinical Sciences Board
~ Animal Systems, Health & Wellbeing
~Plants, Microbes, Food and Sustainability
~Technologies and Methodological Development
~Molecules, Cells & Industrial Biotechnology
B) Projects funded by all other sources of funding
Please detail type (studentship, fellowship, project grant, or specify other) and source of funding
For grants paid through School please give departmental account to pay tuition fees.
Account Code______________________________
Does the grant pay a stipend? (If applicable please give details of amount per annum and duration)
revised March 2014
First Supervisor
Full Name:
Academic Position (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer etc)
Degree Qualifications
Date of Expiry of Contract
Number of research degree students previously supervised
Number of above who withdrew or did not complete
Number of FT research degree students currently supervised
Year 1
Research Degree Supervisory courses attended
If you have not attended a supervisor training course, give:
Course Name
Date of booked course
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Hosted by:
Research Group or Division
Telephone Number
Email address
Room, Building and Campus
Second Supervisor
Full Name:
Academic Position (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer etc)
Degree Qualifications
Date of Expiry of Contract
Number of research degree students previously supervised
Number of above who withdrew or did not complete
Number of research degree students currently supervised
Year 1
Research Degree Supervisory courses attended
If you have not attended a supervisor training course, give:
Course Name
Date of booked course
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Hosted by:
Research Group or Division
Telephone Number
Email address
Room, Building and Campus
revised March 2014
Approval of Research Student
First name
Family name
Proposed date of registration:6
Study mode (delete one)
Expected date of completion:
Research Division8
Advertisement and selection of student
Was project advertised, and in accord with policy of Funding Provider?
Give details here
Did recruitment take place by competitive selection?(delete one)
Date and form of interview9
Interview Panel (Give names and affiliations)
Agreement and Approval
We approve the application and agree to the appointment of the above named student. We certify that the information given in this form is
accurate. We understand that the research for a PhD and the preparation of the thesis must be completed in the period prescribed for this
particular degree programme. We believe that the student will be able to devote the necessary time required to complete their research and
thesis in the specified study period. Sufficient resources are available to enable the student to complete the project satisfactorily. Please
sign below
First Supervisor
Second Supervisor (NB Faxed signature is acceptable)
Head of Department / Division:
Postgraduate Co-ordinator
Student Agreement
I have read the project definition and understand that the research for a PhD and the preparation of the thesis must be completed in the
period prescribed for this particular degree programme10.
revised March 2014
This form is designed to ensure that students are admitted to a research degree in accordance with College policy on
good practice, as defined by the College's Regulations Governing Students and the Core Code of Practice for
Postgraduate Research Degrees. It responds to the requirements of the QAA Code, HEFCE, the Research Councils and
other funding providers. It ensures that (a) students are appropriately selected, and (b) adequate arrangements are in
place to support the student and the research project.
This form must be completed and approved before an applicant for a MPhil/PhD or MD degree is given a formal offer by
the School and before the student commences work on their project, whether full or part-time. If an informal offer is
made to an applicant (for example, after interview) it must be made clear that it will only be confirmed after approval is
obtained within the School through completion of this form.
Notes on completing the form
1. The completed form must be accompanied by a completed KCL Postgraduate Application form, plus references
and exam transcripts. It is noted that exam transcripts are not available in some countries, in which case other
checks will be applied.
The complete form should be sent to the Admissions Office with accompanying documents, via the appropriate
2. The postgraduate coordinator may seek appropriate expertise regarding the project
3. Students working “off-campus” must comply with the provisions of the College regulations
4. Please attach a letter from the sponsors confirming the studentship, and the confirmation of account code from
Finance if appropriate. Bandings for PhD bench fees (annual charges):
Band 1: £1000, desk-based project with some fieldwork, trials etc. but no lab-based costs.
Band 2: £3000, laboratory-based project with routine running costs in terms of consumables. Typically no in vivo or
expensive facility use.
Band 3: £7000, laboratory-based project with a combination of routine and some higher running costs.
Band 4: £10000, laboratory-based project with normal/high running costs plus in vivo work and/or use of
expensive facilities etc.
Band 5: >£10000-precise figure to be proposed by the supervisor, based on the real costs of a project. This cost
may typically involve stem cell or equivalent expensive activity. For Band 5 fees, a brief summary of costs should be
attached to the Project Approval Form.
(In some instances sponsors may provide funding at a different rate)
5. The first supervisor must be a member of KCL academic staff. Both supervisors should normally have obtained a
doctorate, and have established research experience. At least one of the supervisors must have a successful
record of supervising PhD students. All new supervisors must undertake the training course “Being a new
postgraduate research supervisor”, organised by Organisational and Staff Development
6. Backdating of registration will only be permitted upon the approval of the School’s Head of Graduate Studies,
and in accord with prevailing College practice.
7. People employed full-time, including research contract workers, can only register as part-time students.
Students registering part-time must be able to devote at least 50% of a normal working week to their research
8. Department/Divisional affiliation must reflect current School structure and practice.
9. Interview. All potential research degree students who have not been appointed on the basis on competitive
selection (i.e. self-funded students, independently-sponsored individuals or members of staff who have not
been explicitly employed to do a PhD) must complete an interview with a panel that includes a Postgraduate Coordinator as appointed by the relevant School Postgraduate Research Students Committee. In the case that the
principle supervisor is also the Postgraduate Co-ordinator, an alternative independent academic member of
staff should be a member of the interview panel. Appropriate arrangements must be made for overseas students
who cannot be interviewed in person.
10. If the student is registered for either a 3 or 4 year PhD, the thesis must be submitted within 4 years. If the
student is registered part-time, the thesis must be submitted within 7 years
Further information can be obtained from the Admissions Centre.
revised March 2014