DYLAN HENDRICKSON Conflict, Security and Development Research Group Department of War Studies

Conflict, Security and Development Research Group
Department of War Studies
King’s College London
Strand, London WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (20) 7848 2037
Fax: +44 (20) 7848 2026
Mob: +44 7914 381 822
Current posts
Senior Fellow, Conflict, Security and Development Research Group (CSDRG), Department of
War Studies, King’s College London
Editor, Conflict, Security & Development (published by Routledge)
Adjunct Faculty, African Leadership Centre, King’s College London & University of Nairobi
Senior Security and Justice Adviser, UK Stabilisation Unit
I have worked on peace and security issues since my involvement with the Cambodian peace process
in 1991-93. Since 1999 I have worked closely with the UK Government, OECD-DAC, EU, UN and
other donors on the SSR policy agenda. This has involved assessing and advising on SSR in some 20
conflict-affected countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. I have extensive
experience in managing large research projects, evaluating donor assistance, designing SSR
programmes, and facilitating reform processes. I advised on the Uganda and Burundi security reviews
and facilitated lesson learning around these processes. I helped to design the UK’s £60 million SSR
programme in the DRC. I was Team Leader for major evaluations of the EU’s security and justice
programmes (2010-11) and the African Peace Facility (2012-13). I advised the UN SRSG in the
Central African Republic on developing a “road-map” to stabilise the security sector (Oct 2013). Since
Nov. 2013 I have been advising the UK Government on its SSR engagement in Myanmar.
MPhil Development Studies, Institute of Development Studies, University of
Sussex (awarded with distinction)
BA International Relations/French, Seattle Pacific University & California State
University, Chico (specialised in African affairs)
Diploma, University of Aix/Marseille III (French/Politics)
Hillcrest High School, Jos, Nigeria
Personal details
Danish background, US national, raised in Nigeria, UK resident
Date of birth:
9 December 1965
English (fluent); French (proficient); Danish and Hausa (basic)
Professional Experience
Since 2013
Senior Fellow - Conflict, Security and Development Research Group (CSDRG),
Department of War Studies, King’s College London
In November 2013 I moved from CSDG (the policy unit I was part of for 14 years) to
its sister academic unit, CSDRG. The policy focus of my work remains unchanged and I
continue to advise a range of donors and partner governments on SSR issues.
Current work
 Editor, Conflict, Security & Development, a peer-reviewed journal published five
times a year by Routledge
 Leading an AU/EU-financed research project on the “domestic impact” of
funds generated through peace-keeping (Burundi and Uganda case studies)
 Collaborating on production of a “Handbook on SSR Good Practice in Africa”
financed by the EU/UN and managed by the ASSN
 Advising the UK Government on development of its long-term SSR strategy in
Myanmar, including integration of SSR into the peace process
 Facilitating lesson-learning around Burundi’s defence review and collaborating
with its Ministry of Defence to publish and disseminate the findings
 Supporting teaching on SSR issues and mentoring students attached to the
African Leadership Centre
Senior Research Fellow - Conflict, Security & Development Group (CSDG),
King’s Policy Institute, King’s College London
Key areas of work
Development of the UK SSR policy agenda. Conducted a major review of donor
SSR activities (1999); coordinated expert inputs into a DFID policy initiative to improve
defence expenditure management (2000); took the lead in drafting DFID’s SSR
Guidelines (2001); produced the first draft of the UK SSR strategy, drawing upon
consultations with DFID, FCO, MOD and Cabinet Office (2002); led work on
developing the concept for the Global Facilitation Network for Security Sector Reform
implemented by Cranfield and Birmingham Universities, and was on its Advisory Board
(2003); produced a report for DFID on strengthening its SSR collaboration with
governmental partners (2005); coordinated preparation of three background papers on
security issues that informed DFID’s Strategy for Security and Development (2005);
spoke regularly on SSR topics at DFID retreats and internal seminars.
Development of the OECD-DAC security and development policy agenda. Led a
team of six consultants that produced the initial conceptual framework for the DAC’s
SSR engagement (2000); coordinated a Global Survey of SSR covering 110 countries,
the findings of which informed development of the DAC’s policy on SSR (2003); coauthored a report on SSR principles and best practice which informed the DAC’s SSR
Guidelines (2004); was part of the Critical Review Panel that oversaw and supported
development of the DAC Handbook on Security System Reform (2006-07).
Support for the UK’s DRC SSR Programme (2009-2013)
Working in a consortium with the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) and DAI
Europe, I was part of the core design team for this five-year UK programme which had
components on police reform, internal accountability, external accountability, and
monitoring & evaluation (2008/10). My focus was on programme aspects relating to
civil oversight of security institutions and processes. My subsequent support for the
programme involved elaborating an approach for “action research” on security reform
issues in Eastern DRC and facilitating development of a programme theory of change.
Facilitation of the Ugandan and Burundian Defence/Security Review processes.
Was closely involved from the outset of UK support for Uganda’s review, writing two
risk analyses to inform the UK assistance strategy (2000-01); working closely with the
Uganda MoD to carry out the review (2002-04); facilitating a ‘lessons-learning’ exercise
involving key stakeholders following the Review’s completion (2005-06); and drafting
DFID’s proposed 2008-11 Country SSR Strategy following consultations with national
and donor stakeholders. In 2011-12, I took part in several preliminary meetings with the
Ugandan MOD to review and update the 2002-04 Review. In Burundi, I advised on the
MOD’s development of a methodology for its review process in 2010. I facilitated the
exchange of lessons between the Ugandan review team and the Burundian team, and
facilitated Burundi’s lesson learning process following completion of its review (2104).
Evaluations of donor programmes. Assessed options for DFID to support the
Cambodian DDR process (1999); reviewed and commented on preliminary outputs of
the UK support for development of a national security strategy in Sierra Leone (2000);
conducted a joint review of the UK SSR programme in Indonesia (2002); led a review of
DFID support for Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan (2005); conducted a
review of UK cross-departmental working in Yemen (2006) as part of a broader OECDDAC review of Working in Fragile States; led a review of the Uganda Amnesty
Commission Special Project for the Resettlement and Reintegration of Reporters
(ACSP) commissioned by the World Bank (2008). Team Leader for two major external
evaluations of EU support for security and justice reform (2010-2011) and the African
Peace Facility (2012-13), each covering activities worth approximately 1 billion Euros.
Policy-relevant research: joint comparative country study on off-budget military
spending for DFID, (2002); assessment of options for Sweden to support SSR in
Uganda (2004); joint assessment of current trends in SSR research for the IDRC (2005);
reviewed options for an international military force to provide security guarantees for
the LRA in the event of a peace process in Uganda (2004); joint review of international
financing mechanisms for DDR as part of the Stockholm Initiative, with field work in
Liberia and DR Congo (2004); led a UK-financed study on the politics of security
decision-making involving 25 researchers in Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Uganda (2005-08).
Commissioned by Conciliation Resources to assess the factors constraining negotiations
between the LRA and the Government of Uganda during the Juba peace talks (2011).
Liberia parliamentary capacity-building. During 2005-08 was part of an
ASSN/CSDG team that supported the Governance Reform Commission (GRC) in its
work on security issues and conducted five training sessions on security governance and
oversight for members of the Parliamentary Defence and Security Committees.
United Nations SSR capacity-building. Involved in number of activities to build UN
SSR capacity (2000-02); assisted UNDP Latin America to review its engagement with
security issues in the region and develop a security sector assessment tool (2004); invited
to join the UN SSR Expert Roster in 2010; was deployed to CAR in Sept 2013 to advise
the SRSG on development of a “road-map” to stabilise and rebuild the security sector.
Teaching, mentoring and training. I am Adjunct Faculty at the African Leadership
Centre, a joint King’s College London - University of Nairobi initiative. ALC provides
mentoring and tailored instruction on conflict and security issues to young Africans. I
have also supported teaching on the MA in Conflict, Security and Development in the
Dept. of War Studies and advised students on their research.
Academic publications. Editor of Conflict, Security & Development, a peer-reviewed
academic journal published by Routledge, which I helped to launch in 1999.
Independent research consultant, London
Conducted research and advisory work in the area of conflict, governance and security
for different organisations including CARE International, Conciliation Resources, the
Disasters Emergency Committee, the International Institute for Environment and
Development, the UK Defence Research Agency, UNHCR and UNICEF.
Aide to Prince Norodom Ranariddh, Head of the FUNCINPEC political party
and Prime Minister of Cambodia.
I was directly involved in events surrounding the negotiation and implementation of the
1991 Cambodian peace accords. My main role was to support activities in the Prince’s
Cabinet, including drafting of correspondence, press releases, speeches and documents
related to the peace process. Liaised closely with the UN Transitional Authority in
Cambodia (UNTAC), aid agencies, diplomatic missions, and the press corps.
Administrator - University of Aix/Marseille, France
Responsible for student relations at the Institute of French Studies for Foreign Students
where I had studied the previous year.
Professional Associations
Member – African Security Sector Network
Member – UN SSR Expert Roster
Member – ISSAT SSR Expert Roster
Commissioned Reports
The Burundi Defence Review: Lessons Identified, report commissioned by the Burundi Ministry
of Defence, published (also in French) by the Conflict, Security and Development Research
Group, King’s College London, June 2014.
Security Sector Reform and Burma’s Political Transition, Report commissioned by the UK
Stabilisation Unit, Feb. 2014.
Security Sector Reform and Burma’s Peace Process, Information Note produced to support a
training workshop for the Burmese ethnic armed groups in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Nov. 2013).
African Peace Facility Evaluation - Part 2: Reviewing the overall implementation of the APF as an
instrument for African efforts to manage conflicts on the continent (Sept. 2013), carried out by
ADE, Brussels (Team Leader).
The Security Sector Accountability and Police Reform Programme (SSAPR): Theory of change as
of mid-2013, report commissioned by DFID DRC (co-written with D. Hiscock) Sept. 2013.
Supporting the implementation of policy commitments relating to the promotion of security and
justice (S&J): Summary of the EU, UN and US approaches, report commissioned by UK
Stabilisation Unit (with A. McLean and S. Gray), Feb 2013.
Identifying the most effective means by which implementation of Security and Justice
of S&J programmes can be achieved, report Commissioned by the UK Stabilisation Unit, October
2012 (co-authored with Duncan Hiscock)
Developing an External Accountability Action-Research Programme in South Kivu: Issues and
Options for Consideration, Commissioned by DAI for DFID, July 2012.
Security Sector Accountability and Police Reform Programme: Towards a More Structured
Approach to Lesson Learning, report commissioned by EDG for DFID, June 2012
Dealing with Complexity in Peace Negotiations: Reflections on the LRA and the Juba Peace
Process, report commissioned by Conciliation Resources, January 2012.
Thematic Evaluation of European Commission Support to Justice and Security System Reform,
November 2011, carried out by ADE, Brussels (Team Leader)
Africa Conflict Prevention Programme – Achievements and Future Focus, evaluation
commissioned by the UK Department for International Development, July 2010. Co-author with
Richard Burge, James Morten, ‘Funmi Olonisakin.
Supporting SSR in the DRC - Between a Rock and a Hard Place: An Analysis of the Donor
Approach to Supporting Security Sector Reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Report
commissioned by the Government of the Netherlands. Co-authored with Henri Boshoff, Sylvie
Moore and Thierry Vircoulon.
“Improving Service Delivery: What More Can be Learned from Success Stories in Africa”,
Conference Concept Note prepared for the Partnership for Democratic Governance, OECD,
Paris, November 2009
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for PDG Field-Level Initiatives, Concept Note prepared
for the Partnership for Democratic Governance, OECD, Paris, November 2009
Managing Centres of Government: Building Strategic Planning Capacities in Post-Conflict and
Fragile Situations, Background Concept Note prepared for the Partnership for Democratic
Governance, OECD, Paris, November 2009.
What is the case for a Security and Justice Focus in Development Assistance Programming? An
Assessment of Existing Literature and Evidence, Report commissioned by DFID, April 2009. Coauthor with Olawale Ismail.
Challenging Circumstances, Mixed Achievements: The Uganda Amnesty Commission Special
Project for Repatriation, Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Reintegration of Reporters (ACSP) –
Final Evaluation. Commissioned by the World Bank for the Multi-Country Demobilisation and
Reintegration Program, Dec. 2008 (with S. Ayoo and F. Muhereza).
State Responsiveness to Public Security Needs: the Politics of Security Decision-making - A
Comparative Study of Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Uganda: SSR Policy Briefing for HMG, Conflict,
Security and Development Group, King’s College London, (editor), June 2008.
State Responsiveness to Public Security Needs: the Politics of Security Decision-making: Synthesis
of Findings and Implications for UK SSR Policy, Conflict, Security and Development Group,
King’s College London, June 2008.
State Responsiveness to Public Security Needs: the Politics of Security Decision-making - Review
of Methodology and Lessons for Future Research, Conflict, Security and Development Group,
King’s College London, June 2008 (with S. Bastian).
State Responsiveness to Public Security Needs: The Politics of Security Decision-Making Uganda Country Study, Conflict, Security and Development Group, King’s College London, June
2008 (with S. Mutengesa).
‘Donor influence on security decision-making in Uganda: insights from the defence budgeting
process, 2002-05’, case study prepared for the Politics of Security Decision-Making research
project, Conflict, Security and Development Group, King’s College London, June 2008.
The Uganda Defence Review: Learning from Experience, Conflict, Security and Development
Group, King’s College London, Sept 2007 (editor).
Project Memorandum (draft): DFID Support to Security Sector Reform in Uganda - 2007-2010,
prepared for DFID Uganda, July 2007.
Prospects for Addressing Uganda’s Small Arms Problem Through Security Sector Reform,
commissioned by the Small Arms Survey, Geneva, Feb 2007 (with S. Mutengesa).
Donor Whole-of-Government Approaches in Fragile States: the Case of the UK in Yemen,
prepared for the OECD-DAC Fragile States Group, Nov 2006.
Working with Others to Deliver Security and Justice Sector Reform: Issues and Challenges for
DFID, report commissioned by DFID, Jan 2006.
Trends in Justice and Security Sector Reform: Policy, Practice and Research, report commissioned
by the IDRC, Ottawa, October 2005 (with N. Ball).
Review of International Financing Arrangements for Disarmament, Demobilisation and
Reintegration, Phase One and Phase Two reports prepared for the Working Group of the
Stockholm Initiative on DDR, May/Sept 2005 (with N. Ball).
A Review of DFID Involvement in Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Afghanistan,
commissioned by the UK Department for International Development, July 2005 (with M. Bhatia,
M. Knight and A. Taylor).
Assessment of Security System Reform in Uganda: Prepared for the Swedish Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Dec 2004.
Scoping of Options and Issues for Establishment of an International Presence in Support of an
LRA Gathering, commissioned by the Utstein Group of Donors in Uganda, Nov 2004 (with A.
Baare, M. Petersen and B. Phillips).
A Survey of Security-System Reform and Donor Policy: Views from Non-OECD Countries, Five
chapter report prepared for the OECD-DAC, Paris, 2004 (editor).
Introduction: Overview of Regional Survey Findings and Policy Implications for Donors, in the
above OECD-DAC report, 2004.
Behind the scenes military spending – dilemmas for managing public expenditure, id21 Insights:
Communicating Development Research, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, June
2004 (with N. Ball).
Good Practice and Working Principles in Security System Reform, report prepared for the
OECD-DAC, Paris, 2003 (with N. Ball).
International Experiences of Military Withdrawal from Business Activities, prepared for the UK
Embassy Indonesia, April 2003.
External Review of the UK Government’s SSR Strategy in Indonesia, commissioned by DFID,
July 2002 (with N. Ball).
UK Support for the Uganda Defence Review: Risk Analysis, prepared for DFID, May 2002.
Understanding and Supporting Security Sector Reform, Guidelines for DFID SSR assistance,
2002 (lead author).
Off-Budget Military Expenditure and Revenue: Issues and Policy Perspectives for Donors, report
prepared for DFID, June 2001 (with N. Ball).
The Uganda Defence Reform Programme: Issues around UK Engagement, risk analysis prepared
for DFID, June 2001.
Assessment of the Links between Mine Action and Poverty Reduction in Cambodia, prepared for
DFID, April 2001 (with A. Craib).
The Challenge of Consolidating Sierra Leone’s Security Reforms, prepared for UK MOD, June
Security-Sector Reform and Development Co-operation: A Conceptual Framework for Enhancing
Policy Coherence, report prepared for the OECD-DAC, April 2000 (Primary author).
Security-Sector Reform and the Management of Defence Expenditure: A Conceptual Framework,
prepared for DFID, Feb 2000 (edited with N. Ball).
Security-Sector Reform and Poverty Reduction: Options for DFID Programming in Cambodia,
prepared for DFID, June 1999.
Supporting Local Capacities for Managing Conflicts Over Natural Resources in the Sahel: A
Review of Issues, prepared for the Intl. Institute for Environment and Development, 1997.
Armed Conflict, People’s Security and Humanitarian Action, background report for The State of the
World’s Refugees: A Humanitarian Agenda, UNHCR, Geneva, 1997.
Approaches to Strategic Analysis for the 21st Century, Summary of symposium sponsored by
DERA, UK Ministry of Defence, November 1996 (with S. Hamid).
The Transformation of Warfare and Conflict in the Late Twentieth Century, prepared for the
Graca Machel study, UNICEF, 1996 (with C. Smith).
Armed Conflict and the Humanitarian Dilemma: An Overview of Issues Facing Relief and
Development Agencies, prepared for CARE International UK, 1996.
Published Papers
The Burundi Defence Review: Charting a new path for peace, security and stability, ALC
Monographs 32A and 32B (French), African Leadership Centre, King’s College London, July 2014.
Security Sector Transformation in Africa: Challenges Confronting Bilateral Donors, in A. Bryden
and F. Olonisakin (eds), Security Sector Transformation in Africa, Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2010.
La Reforme du Secteur de la Securite en Republique Democratique du Congo : Enjeux
Strategiques, Issue Paper No. 4 – Security Sector Reform, Center on International Cooperation, New
York University, January 2010. Co-authored with Missak Kasongo.
Key Challenges Facing Security Sector Reform: A Case for Reframing the Donor Policy Debate,
University of Birmingham GFN-SSR Working Paper, May 2009.
Security Sector Reform and Donor Policies, in A. Schnabel and H-G. Ehrhardt (eds), Security Sector
Reform and Post-Conflict Peace-building, United Nations University Press: Tokyo, 2005 (with A.
Security-Sector Reform as a Governance Issue, in Bryden & Fluri (eds) Security Sector Reform:
Institutions, Society and Good Governance, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2003.
The Challenges of Security-Sector Reform, SIPRI Yearbook 2002, (with A. Karkoszka).
Cambodia’s Security-Sector Reforms: Limits of a Downsizing Strategy, Journal of Conflict, Security
and Development, Issue 1:1, 2001.
Globalisation, Insecurity and Post-War Reconstruction: Cambodia’s Precarious Transition, IDS
Bulletin, Vol. 32:2, April 2001.
Security-Sector Reform: A Work in Progress, Humanitarian Exchange, Overseas Development
Institute, Oct 2000.
A Review of Security-Sector Reform, Conflict, Security and Development Group Working Paper
No. 1, Centre for Defence Studies, 1999.
Humanitarian Action in Protracted Crisis: An Overview of Debates and Dilemmas, Disasters, Vol.
22:4, 1998.
Safeguarding Peace: Cambodia’s Constitutional Challenge, Accord: An International Review of Peace
Initiatives, No. 5, Conciliation Resources, 1998 (Editor).
Institutions versus Personalities: International Peacebuilding Dilemmas, in D. Hendrickson (ed.)
Safeguarding peace: Cambodia’s Constitutional Challenge, Accord: An International Review of Peace
Initiatives, No. 5, Conciliation Resources, 1998.
Cambodia’s Unravelling Peace Process, 1993-98, in Brassey’s Defence Yearbook 1998, London:
Brasseys, 1998.
The Changing Nature of Conflict and Famine Vulnerability: The Case of Livestock Raiding in
Turkana District, Kenya, Disasters, Vol. 22: 3, 1998 (with J. Armon & R. Mearns).
Humanitarian Action in Protracted Crises: The New Relief ‘Agenda’ and its Limits, RRN Network
Paper No. 25, Overseas Development Institute, 1998.
The Mozambican Peace Process in Perspective, Accord: An International Review of Peace Initiatives, No.
3, Conciliation Resources, 1998 (with J. Armon and A. Vines).
The Dynamics of Security and Development: State Failure and Emerging Patterns of Armed
Conflict, Insight Working Paper, DERA, UK MOD, 1996 (with C. Smith).
Oct 2014