Professor Mats Berdal Department of War Studies King’s College London

Professor Mats Berdal
Department of War Studies
King’s College London
Select Publications
Power after Peace: The Political Economy of State-building, ed. by Mats Berdal and Dominik Zaum
(London: Routledge, 2012)
“The Political Economy of Protectorates and Post-Conflict Intervention” (co-authored with David Keen) in
The New Protectorates: International Tutelage and the Making of Liberal States ed. by James Mayall and
Ricardo Soares de Oliveira (London: Hurst & Co. 2011).
The Peace In Between: Postwar Violence and Peacebuilding, ed. by Mats Berdal and Astri Suhrke
(London: Routledge, 2011)
"The 'New Wars' Thesis Revisited" in The Changing Character of War, ed. by Hew Strachan and
Sibylle Scheipers (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011)
Ending War, Consolidating Peace: Economic Perspectives, ed. by Mats Berdal and Achim
Wennmann (Abingdon: Routledge for IISS, 2010).
 Building Peace After War (Abingdon: Routledge for IISS, 2009)
 Reintegrating Armed Groups After Conflict: Politics, Violence and Transition, ed. Mats
Berdal and David H. Ucko (London: Routledge, 2009)
 “NATO at 60”, Survival, Vol. 51, No. 2, April 2009, co-authored with David H. Ucko.
 “Humanity’s Mirror”, Survival, Vol. 50, No. 5, October-November 2008.
 “The UN Security Council and Peacekeeping” in The Security Council and War: The
Evolution of Thought and Practice since 1945, Vaughan Lowe, Adam Roberts, Jennifer Welsh
and Dominik Zaum, eds (Oxford: OUP, 2008)
 “Consolidating Peace in the Aftermath of War – Reflections on ‘Post-Conflict PeaceBuilding’ from Bosnia to Iraq”, in John Andreas Olsen, ed., On New Wars (Oslo: Norwegian
Institute for Defense Studies, 2007).
 United Nations Interventionism, 1991-2004, Mats Berdal, Spyros Economides, eds
(Cambridge University Press, February 2007).
 “Sources of Adherence to Multilateral Institutions: the case of the UN”, La Comunità
Internazionale, Vol. LXI, No.4, 2006.
 “The UN’s Unnecessary Crisis”, Survival, Vol. 47, No. 3, Autumn, 2005.
 “Beyond Greed and Grievance - and not too soon . . .”, Review of International Studies, Vol.
31, No. 3, 2005.
 “The UN after Iraq”, Survival, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2005
 “The UN, Peacebuilding and the Genocide in Rwanda”, Global Governance, Vol. 11, No 1,
January-March 2005.
 “The Security Council and the War in Bosnia”, in The UN Security Council: From the Cold
War to the 21st Century, David Malone, ed. (Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner, 2004).
 “How ‘New’ are ‘New Wars’ ? - Global Economic Change and the Study of Civil wars”,
Global Governance, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2003.
 “The UN Security Council: Ineffective but Indispensable”, Survival, vol. 45, No. 2, Summer
 “United Nations Peace Operations: The Brahimi Report in Context”, in Peace Support
Operations: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives, Studien zu Zeitgeschichte und
Sicherheitspolitik 4, Kurt R. Spillmann, Thomas Bernauer, Jurg Gabriel and Andreas Wenger,
eds. (Bern: Peter Lang, 2001).
 “From Operation ‘Maritime Monitor’ to ‘Allied Force’: Relations Between NATO and the
United Nations in the 1990s”, A History of NATO: The First Fifty Years, Vol. 1, Gustav
Schmidt, ed. (Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001).
 “The United Nations in Bosnia 1992-1995: Fateful Scapegoat to the World?” in Leveraging
for Success in Peace Operations, Jean Krasno, Bradd Hayes and Donald Daniel, eds.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger Press, Autumn, 2002).
 “International Security after the Cold War: Aspects of Continuity and Change” in Towards the
21st Century: Trends in Post-Cold War International Security Policy, Studien zu
Zeitgeschichte und Sicherheitspolitik 4, Kurt R. Spillmann and Andreas Wenger, eds. (Bern:
Peter Lang, 1999).
 Business as Usual? Transnational Organised Crime and International Security, Mats Berdal
and Monica Serrano, eds. (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, June 2002.
 Studies in International Relations - Essays by Philip Windsor, Mats Berdal, ed. (Brighton:
Sussex Academic Press, June 2000).
 Greed and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars, Mats Berdal and David Malone, eds.
(Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, May 2000).
 “Lessons Not Learned: The Use of Force in ‘Peace Operations’ in 1990s”, International
Peacekeeping, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2000.
 “Boutros-Ghali’s Ambiguous Legacy”, Survival, Vol. 41, No. 3, 1999.
 The United States, Norway and the Cold War, 1954-1960 (London: Macmillan/St. Antony’s
College, December 1996).
 Disarmament and Demobilisation after Civil Wars, Adelphi Paper 303, (Oxford: Oxford
University Press for the IISS, 1996).
 Whither UN Peacekeeping?, Adelphi Paper 281 (London: Brassey’s for the IISS, October