ADP Steering Committee Meeting 5.1.08

ADP Steering Committee Meeting
Present: Perry, Ahmed, Jaffee, English professor, Burk, Ladendorff, Smith, Corrigan,
Berrin began the meeting at 3:05pm. She asked members to review the minutes from the
4/3/08 meeting.
David Jaffee introduced guests Marcia Ladendorff (potential ADP member) and Jason
Mauro (has proposal for a fall event).
Jason Mauro’s proposal
He attended a conference at Central Michigan…terror at the voting booth?? How subtle
and unconscious death threats may affect voting behavior. Would like to bring greg
Bennick and Sheldon Solomon, producers of that film, tentatively reserved rights to
theater for Oct 15…screnning of film, talk by producers about the work they’re doing,
concerning voting behavior, book by American psychological association, In the Wake of
9/11…works of ernest becker…tracking irrational, deeply psychological responses.
Flight from Death is name of film…is a documentary. Would like money to bring them
here, and promos to pack Robinson Theater. Nancy Soderberg indicated that Jim Zogby
is coming the night of Oct 13….could make a week-long event and expand opportunities.
He distributed a handout to give background info….it is somewhat partisan, but
solomon’s info is not. Also distributed an outline of the proposal. Estimate of $4500
needed. NS will help with coordinating Jim Zogby possible speaking gig.
Jason left; committee discussed endorsing Jason’s proposal and decided in favor of it.
They also decided to invite him to join the ADP committee.
Meeting with Chairs
All COAS chairs have been addressed by an ADP member. MC suggested doing a
follow-up through campus update. NS asked everyone to let Martina know when they’ve
met with a department so we can keep track of who has been visited.
MS: Anthony Mack will be taking his slot on behalf of SG…poli sci major, sophomore.
Sunshine Week (BB)
Good turnout for panel discussion. Thanked Heather Patterson & Janet Owen for their
financial support. Approx. 50 students attended; substantive speakers. Might want to try
again next week in some form. DJ said Barbara Petersen was an excellent speaker.
ML’s Film Screening
Went well; DJ: impressive, informative documentary. Approx. 30-40 in attendance. ML
would suggest considering incorporating more student-type presentation….students bring
out students. Present opportunities to professors to allow their students to make public
presentations, and support those opportunities.
MS: Public Relations students have to take a campaigns class and make a
presentation…might be able to link to ADP in some way.
NGYSD: Heather Burk
425 students participated by making something, writing a letter or card, etc. Lots of
opportunities…students liked. CDRC and local elementary school also participated.
Worked well because a student subcommittee planned it. Student-run, student-engaged.
HB suggested that volunteer center be present??
Definitely want to repeat for next year.
National Security & Civil Liberties Panel
Opening statement from 4 panelists, then Q&A. Ken Hurley was moderator. Good
turnout. Good community event…not a lot of students or faculty…mostly communitybased. NS suggested doing it not during exam week. Likes partnering with the ACLU.
NS: Mauro’s thing could be connected with Ken Hurley / ACLU in the fall.
City Hall Tour: May 27, appt w/ City Council at 4:30. Trying to get to mayor’s office,
hopefully meet w/ mayor. Will be meeting downtown around 3:30. Needs to get better
info on parking – not a lot of options…MC will get info. Depends on # of students
attending as to whether we’d pursue providing transportation. City Council will be
having an election and a meeting. City Council meeting starts at 5. Berrin Beasley’s
principles of journalism with enrollment of 25 students could go and observe / write.
Parking garage next to library. Determined we’d try to do it without a bus….if there is
more interest, we’ll reconsider. MC will get a better description for MP.
Times-Union tour…DJ will do in early June – either 2nd or 4th. BB will make
arrangements. Can accommodate approx. 40 students on tour…20-30 is better. Will
consider doing a second tour in Summer B if the first one goes well. Need to get a date
as soon as possible.
MS: Summer B: when a new osprey productions director is hired, he might try to set up a
film screening on a political film and a discussion afterwards.
Decided not to do hob nob in august.
Jacksonville Week in Review
MP doesn’t think we should try to repeat it since only 2 people came last time, unless
someone can come up with a way to make it more participatory.
John Parmelee committed to event in October.
Jim Zogby: idea to have some sort of election related event on Oct 13 or 14 during lunch
time…poss. Incorporate Paul Harwood….or have representative for both candidates for
something similar. MC: will try to get poli sci honor society to help out. ML: have
students do debate? An op to get students to do presentation. MS: do mid-afternoon, on
green…Sept? platform and microphone? MS will try to think of a moderator that
students would want to meet. MS will try to find out about logistics (platform, amp,
mics, etc.). Have to fill out request and get approval at least 2 weeks in advance.
NS: try to get democracy engagement funding…collaboration with UF and FSU to go to
Tallahassee. MC: probably need to talk to Janet Owen before getting too far with
planning. Washington DC…increase our presence in Washington. MS: center for public
policy recently set up at UNF by bob graham. DJ: might want NS, DJ and MC to meet
separately to discuss sometime next week…get greater focus, then bring back to this
Constitution Week – Week of Sept 17th
MP: could do some repeat stuff, but would like to add some variety. DJ: please circulate
what was done last year to members to review….promotion is key. 3-4 events last year.
DJ: tie ACLU w/ constitution week?
MC: Paul Harwood is doing a survey of young people across the country…he’ll talk to
him to get more info and see if it’s something we can incorporate into the ADP. His class
is talking to UNF students to get ideas for ?s, then from results will formulate ?s to ask to
young people nationally. MC will follow up. BB: students report findings in spring?
For Zogby, it was decided we’d just promote the event at the University center and not
ask him to do anything else.
ML has a presentation on deconstructing political ads in the fall.
Recommended that we communicate electronically over the summer and meet again in
MC: need to know soon who is interested in city hall tour…he’ll get that to MP
Meeting adjourned at 4:10pm.