Master of Economic Geology

S7R Master of Economic Geology as at 14th May, 2002
Master of Economic Geology
Abbreviation: MEconGeol
Course code: S7R
Course contact (faculty or school) (03) 6226 2819
Introductory comments
This is a specialised master degree course in Economic Geology for industry and
government geologists. It forms the nucleus of the postgraduate teaching program at the
Centre for Ore Deposit Research (CODES). From 2001 the course will form part of the
National Masters Program sponsored by the Minerals Council of Australia and the
DETYA Science Lectureship Scheme.
Admission & prerequisites
Bachelor of Science with Honours is the normal entry qualification. However, for students
without this qualification the entry requirements will depend on whether the applicants
come from a professional industry background.
Applicants from industry without a Bachelor of Science with Honours degree will require
the following:
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Science (Applied); and
A minimum of two years’ experience working as professional geologist in industry
or a government institution; and
Completion of a significant geological company report or paper, based on some
aspect of work carried out during employment as a professional geologist.
Course objectives
Course objectives are to update knowledge and skills required by geoscientists for the
exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits. These are accomplished through
completion of six short courses and a small in depth research project OR eight short
courses. The courses will cover a spectrum of topics relevant to the exploration mining
Career outcomes
This course is for geoscientists who want to gain a thorough up-date on advances across
the spectrum of economic geology applied to mineral exploration.
Professional recognition
The course is part of the G3 National Masters course sponsored by the Mineral Council of
Australia and the Commonwealth Government (DETYA). Units will be taught by the
University of Tasmania, the University of Western Australia and James Cook University.
Course structure
The Master of Economic Geology is a coursework master degree. A thesis can be
undertaken which amounts to 40% of the overall assessment and is examined by the
School of Earth Science and CODES staff.
The course work consists of the following units, each weight at 20% of a full year’s load.
The course can be commpleted in either of 2 options.
University of Tasmania course details
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S7R Master of Economic Geology as at 14th May, 2002
Option 1
Six units coursework and a thesis (4 units and thesis must be completed at the University of
Option 2
Eight units coursework (a minimum of three units must be completed at the University of
Schedule of units
Unit title
Ore Deposit Studies H1
and Exploration
Volcanology and
Mineralisation in
Volcanic Terrains
Remote Sensing
and Geographic
Hydrology and
Ore Deposits of
South America
Each unit is taught in an intensive program of lectures, seminars, practicals and field work
over a 2 week period amounting to 65 lecture equivalents.
Research Thesis
The research thesis is on a well defined and concise topic in the field of economic geology
that may be related to a specific aspect of the candidate(s current exploration or mine
geology work.
The six units of coursework are taken over an eighteen months period; three units a year
will be offered in March, June-July and October-November. The research thesis must be
submitted within 30 months of the enrolment date. In special circumstances candidates
may be allowed to suspend their enrolment or, where they have failed to meet one or
more of the requirements, to repeat them.
Note: The following information is NOT included in the printed edition of the Course and
Unit Handbook
Hobart: Administrative Officer ph 6226 2819 fax 6226 7662
Additional Information
The following information answers some frequently asked questions.
Note, however, details should be confirmed with the appropriate authority
University of Tasmania course details
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S7R Master of Economic Geology as at 14th May, 2002
Responsible faculty or school | Faculty of Science and Engineering | School of Earth
Sciences, Centre for Ore Deposit Research (CODES)
Campus(es) offered | Hobart
Mode of delivery | Full time | Part time
Course duration | 2 years minimum (4 semesters) | 6 years maximum (12 semesters)
Costs (course fees only – annual) | HECS: NO | Australian residents: $$2,000 per
unit | International students: $13,500
Students enrolled in this course | Total students enrolled last year: 19 | International
students last year: 3
Approximate student-staff contact hours | 3x2 wks annually + email/fax contact, field
visits by supervisor with student
University of Tasmania course details
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