Units offered at the North-West Centre as at 14th May, 2002 Units offered at the North-West Centre Unit title Economics for Business Foundations of Economic Policy Quantitative Methods 1 Accounting and Financial Decision Making Accounting Context and Method Commercial Transactions Financial Management Social & Environmental Accounting Accounting Information Systems Corporate Regulation and Accountability Auditing Taxation Introduction to Management Business Information Systems Information Modelling and Infrastructures Advanced Study/Research/A dditional Study Rural Clinical Program Surgical Specialties Professional Issues in Nursing Practice campus-sem B1 weight 12.5% code BEA110 B2 12.5% BEA130 B2 12.5% BEA140 B1 12.5% BFA103 B2 12.5% BFA104 B2 12.5% BFA141 B2 12.5% BFA181/281 B3/1/2 12.5% BFA207/307 B3 12.5% BFA221 B1 12.5% BFA241 B1 B1 B1 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% BFA303 BFA391 BMA101 B1 12.5% BSA101 B2 12.5% BSA102 B2 50% CAM400/420/440 B1&2 100% CAM500 B1&2 B1&2 25% 25% CKA550 CNA307 ________________________________________ July 2, 2016, 01:42 AM, page –1 Units offered at the North-West Centre as at 14th May, 2002 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care Acute Care Nursing Community Practice Nursing Research Nursing Inquiry in Practice Research Seminars and Project Rural/Remote Nursing Practice A Rural/Remote Nursing Studies A Curriculum Studies 1 Education 1 School Experience 1 (ECE/Primary) Study Skills Communications I Communications II Academic Literacy Using Information Technology for Academic Purposes I Using Information Technology for Academic Purposes II Academic Studies I Academic Studies II Bridging Maths Technology Studies (1) Module 1: Personal and Professional Use of Information Technology in Education Australian Literature Romantic Poetry Sociology A Sociology B B1 12.5% CNA308 B3/1/2 B3/1/2 37.5% 37.5% CNA315 CNA316 B1&2 B1&2 12.5% 30% CNA365 CNA405 B1&2 70% CNA435 B2 12.5% CNA744 B2 12.5% CNA746 B1&2 12.5% EPC150 B1&2 B1&2 25% 12.5% EPF150 EPT150 B2 B1/2 B1 B2 B1/2 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% ESA010 ESA020 ESA030 ESA040 ESA050 B1 12.5% ESA060 B1 B2 B1/2 B1&2 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% ESA070 ESA080 ESA090 ESI443 B2 12.5% HEA101 B1 B1 B2 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% HEA280/380 HGA101 HGA102 ________________________________________ July 2, 2016, 01:42 AM, page –2 Units offered at the North-West Centre as at 14th May, 2002 Introduction to Logic Introduction to Government A Introduction to Government B History 1 History 1A Natural Environment Field Techniques Psychology 1A Psychology 1B Population and Urbanisation The Physical Environment Sustainable Resource Management Research Project (Pass)/(Honours) Programming and Problem Solving Computer Organisation and Architecture Computer Applications Software Process Professional Computing Multimedia and Web Applications History 1B The Death of the Author Writing the Grand Tour Asian Studies for Professional Purposes Theories of Social and Cultural Expression in Asian Contexts English Literature B1 12.5% HPA291/391 B1 12.5% HSG101 B2 12.5% HSG102 B1&2 B1 B3 25% 12.5% 12.5% HTA100 HTA103 KGA213 B1 B2 B1 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% KHA101 KHA102 KGA121 B2 12.5% KGA122 B2 12.5% KLA115 B1&2 0% KLA500 B1 12.5% KXA151 B2 12.5% KXA152 B1 12.5% KXA153 B2 B1 12.5% 12.5% KXA154 KXA155 B2 12.5% KXA156 B2 B1 12.5% 12.5% HTA104 HEA233/333 B2 12.5% HEA234/334 B1/2 0%/25% HMA410 B1 0%/25% HMA414 B1 12.5% HEA102 ________________________________________ July 2, 2016, 01:42 AM, page –3 Units offered at the North-West Centre as at 14th May, 2002 Supervised Practicum in Counselling Dissertation in Counselling Dissertation in Counselling Part A Dissertation in Counselling Part B Professional Issues in Nursing Practice B1/2 12.5% ESW709 B1&2 37.5% ESW712 B1 37.5% ESW713 B2 37.5% ESW714 B3 12.5% CNA309 r=rotation, v=video-link, w=web-based, nb=see Unit details 'Special notes' ________________________________________ July 2, 2016, 01:42 AM, page –4