B&A Minutes 12-6-13

Emergency Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
December 6th, 2013
Senate Chambers 1:02 PM
Chairman: Sen. Collin Waychoff
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 1:02pm
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 6 voting members.
Approval of Agenda
A) 12/6/2013
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
Right now there’s a list of everyone’s name, please write your major next to it; it’s for better assigning to
your major and if you have any hobbies write it on there as well. Right now I’ve started doing efficiency
and effectiveness reviews. I’ve two started right now. I have a schedule of those if you would like to see
that. Right now, I’ve started with student government executive branch, their index, looking at the
travel and then the OGA and their relationship with that travel as well. The second review is on
Spinnaker print index, specifically looking at some changes made in their new subscription that started
in 2012-2013, as well as their change from a newspaper to a magazine as well. That is all.
Treasurer’s Report
I just have one transfer to report to you all today, and besides that I’ll talk about some amendments the
executive branch is going to be seeking on later. I do have a procedural question first: are we going to
have time for student remarks today?
Sen. Waychoff – We are. It’s on the agenda.
Treasurer Turner – After my report?
Sen. Waychoff – After guest speakers.
Treasurer Turner – Great. So first off, I’ll start with announcing the one transfer that I approved and I
approved it on December 2nd. It’s for $25 for the student wellness complex to transfer from their
printing and reproduction line into their dues line to cover a $25 overage uncovered. It’s approved and
they got that paid for. Next I’d like to talk about is one of the requests we have coming up tonight.
Currently it’s for lights on the practice softball field to turn that into a more functional space. At the time
we submitted that request we only had the quotes back from the lights. We had hoped all along that we
would have the quotes in time to get the full renovation done in that request but we did not have those
quotes in time submitted that way. However, after submitting it and after it had been approved we did
receive those quotes back so tonight we’ve drawn up some paperwork and provided the quotes here
this evening in the necessary spreadsheet, in hopes that this committee will amend it to hear the full
initiative and the full project as one. And I’ll talk more about it when it comes up. But also, in student
remarks, I want to say there are going to be a couple sport club presidents here tonight who are going to
be talking about this request to the recreation field and the practice softball field renovations that we
are asking for, and what that’s going to mean to their organizations and to the university.
Business Manager’s Report
Hi. Budget season’s upon us so you’re next meeting is going to be January 10th, and that’s going to be
the budget workshop. January 17th-24th will be your budget hearing process. Then the following one
after that will be the budget deliberations. The B&A chair and the treasurer are going to be compiling all
the budget books and they will be housed in my office. If you’d like to come review them anytime before
the actual budget planning start you’re more than welcome to. We have extra space closed off. If you
want to come see me, come review the books. We’re going to be right across the hall.
Sen. Caudio – are the books going to be ready, or when do you know?
Business Manager Rivera – Probably the next 2 weeks. All the copies are due today. More so probably
after finals, when the treasurer and B&A chair have time to start putting them together.
Sen. Caudio – You said that we can go meet up with you to see the budget books from previously?
Business Manager Rivera – Yes and I’ll have space for you guys to review them. Oh for previous books?
You can look at them absolutely but if you want to just look at the ones from this year, that’s what I was
referring to. But we can pull past year budget books too.
Guest Speakers
Student Remarks
Michael, mechanical engineering, senior, Osprey Racing Society of Engineering international club – We
are here to discuss a travel request possibility. We have an international competition we go to in
Michigan in May. We’ve gone 2 years before with SG funding; this past year we made 61st place out of
121 teams internationally. Basically, the competition: we built a racing car from ground up. We designed
it and built it in house here. we have a lot of sponsors that helped us out. We’ve been responsible for
helping build the engineering school here at UNF. We’re a great organization, we’re very involved with
the college and the community and we’d like to see the funding possible for travel this year to Michigan
for competition.
Sen. Waychoff – Just to clarify they are, what you’ll see on their travel request is $670 left is all of these
are approved today and there is someone who has submitted a request for $670. Thus, liquidating our
travel request index. What they were wanting to do is to urge one of the senators in here to sponsor
changing the provisionary language of the budget so we can transfer into the student conference travel
Sen. Caudio – If we didn’t do what you needed us to do for this conference, would you be able to go?
Osprey Racing – Absolutely. We will be ready with a racecar built.
Sen. Caudio – If you don’t get the money from SG will you be able to go?
Osprey Racing – It’s a possible if we can find the sponsored money, but as it is our budget is not allowing
for it. We’ve also built the racecar as well which is why we want to attend this competition, otherwise
we would not be able to go.
Account Totals
2013-2014 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Sweep-up Funds
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Travel Requests
Motion to revisit the agenda. Second. No objections.
Motion to move Better Together travel request after Society of Human Resource Management Travel
Request. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to move Jacksonville Christian Life travel request after Better Together Travel Request. Second.
No objections. Moved.
Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
a. Tyler Toomey – Sen. Moore
Sen. Moore – Tyler is hoping to attend a conference in Kansas and the reason why he wants to
attend this conference is that there’s going to be another conference here at the university. He is
requesting $500. I fully devote Tyler and let him have the floor.
Tyler Toomey – I apologize for any miscommunication; this is my first travel request. Much of
the information will be in Haileigh’s presentation and I apologize for that. From my
understanding of the conference, the conference is the Midwest Bi Lesbian Gay Transgender in
Allie College Conference. This conference has been around since 1993 and it’s been traveling
around the Midwest colleges since then. It’s a very popular conference; around 1700 college
students attend every year. it’s one of the larger known conferences towards LGBT communities.
I am a junior here at UNF, I’m a biology education major and I want to teach high school
biology. I’m a student assistant in the LGBT resource center as of this fall. I’m also a student in
the UNF High club and I’m helping them. We are hosting the state-wide Florida collegiate pride
conference in March of next year. I’m the chair of that conference and we get to bring 500 LGBT
across the state of Florida to our wonderful UNF campus to learn about LGBT issues. We’re
really excited about that.
Haileigh and I are traveling to this conference for the first time ever. I don’t think many UNF
students have ever been to such a conference. I personally would learn a lot to come back in
February or March and help further the conference for all those attending the conference here at
The total amount requested is $500. As you can see on page 3, the total amount of the trip
estimates $751. I am are asking for lodging of $153.40, no transportation, and airfare of $346,
totaling $500. I’ll cover the cost of transportation and registration and any other costs associated
with traveling that aren’t within the $500 means. Again, this is my first time that I have attended
this conference, and Haileigh and I hope to learn a lot. The conference schedule is on the
following page after the cost breakdown sheet. There are a variety of student-led and
professional-led workshops that I will attend as well as popular fit and famous guest speakers and
entertainers about a variety of issues. On the last pages there’s the Marriott hotel cost of around
$304. And then the flight details on the last page.
Sen. Caudio – How long have you known about this conference?
Tyler Toomey – I learned about this conference around last year. I was a transfer student from
American University in DC and my friends there were in attendance to go to that conference and
sent a delegation to that conference of about 20 people. But as I transferred to UNF to a public
school, the people who know about these conferences are limited. I ran across Haileigh and she
thought it was an amazing idea to attend this conference. I always wanted to go since last year.
Sen. Caudio – If you’ve known about it this long how come you have not done any fundraising?
Tyler Toomey – That’s a good question. I didn’t really think of going until this year. Last year I
knew of it but I didn’t know about the travel request until this semester. I definitely don’t think I
could have went when I knew about it.
Sen. Moore – To clarify, the whole point of you going to this conference was to bring back the
skills necessary to host the conference here. What do you think the things you need to learn, in
order to make the conference here so successful.
Tyler Toomey – I definitely think the logistics behind the conference; I was asked to have the
conference as pride level. I’ve never run a conference before. We’re hoping to have 500 students
and I’d like it to be the best conference that those students could ever go to because this is UNF
and that’s how we should do the conference. I honestly feel that I can network there at the
conference to talk to those students that are in the Midwest and the guest speakers to see if they
have any resources that they can shed on helping our conference here in March. I don’t have any
specifics other than that.
Sen. Caudio – I’m sorry I didn’t realize that you wanted to go to this conference to help you
better do a conference for the one here. Do you think that if you don’t go to this conference
you’re not going to be able to host a great conference?
Tyler Toomey – We’ll be hosting a conference regardless but I feel like attending this conference
will definitely help make the conference that much more significant by adding the knowledge and
learning about the conference of this magnitude can be.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve the travel request for Tyler Toomey for the amount of $500.
Second. No objections.
Sen. Caudio – I completely understand why you want to go on the conference, but from what I
can see you’ve known about it for a while and he has not done any preparation. This is a great
school and because it is such a great school I feel that there are resources here that he can utilize:
Osprey Productions I know if you want to go talk to the chair for 5-10 minutes he would
definitely help him get some ideas to through a great conference together. There are conferences
here all the time. There are a number of resources here that he can use and a number of people he
can talk to to make this conference great. I have confidence in his ability to through a great
conference without going to this conference.
Sen. Moore – Normally I would agree with you, but because, when I think in the overall context
of what he’s asking for; he’s asking to attend a conference, a successful conference that’s been
around, this is the first time UNF is throwing this this kind of conference. That’s not the type of
conference we have normally thrown in the past. Going somewhere that’s very traditional with
the kind of tricks for the conference is very valuable that you can’t get from somewhere like OP
or anywhere else on this campus. While the experience of going to this conference is going to
make the conference here successful.
Roll call vote. Passes 4-0-3.
Treasurer Turner – Travel request requires 2/3 vote. You are 1 vote shy.
Sen. Waychoff – I am sorry, the travel request does not pass.
b. Haileigh Baier – Sen. Moore
Haileigh Baier – My request is for the same conference that Tyler was talking about. It’s a
conference that’s held annually and began in 1993. Held at different college in Midwest. Over 90
education workshops over 3 days. Inspirational keynote speakers, such as drag shows, queer
speakers. It’s February 7th-9th 2014 in Kansas City, Missouri. Saturday – workshops, key note
speakers, workshops, career fairs. Sunday there’s workshops in the morning, key note speakers
and closing remarks.
I’ll get leadership experience out of it. I am currently the president of the UNF Pride Club, as a
sophomore here, which I find pretty astounding. I am part of the Florida Collegiate Pride
Planning Committee. If I get to go to this conference in the Midwest where LGBTQ issues are
widely accepted. I am majoring in education, therefore I can further on with my education and
LGBTQ issues. I can make connections there to bring to FCPC.
It will better the LGBTQ presence and representation on the campus. I’d like to see a bit more of
that, a better safe space training and more of that on campus. Safe Space is a training that gives
faculty, staff, and students the chance to learn about LGBTQ issues like homophobic or
transphobic. Generally a bureau of students that go into classrooms that talks about queer issues.
I will be paying for the $70 registration fee. The airfare is $346. It’s the biggest cost. The total
amount requested is $500.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve the request for Haileigh Baier. Second. No objections.
Sen. Moore – I think even though the precedent of what happened with Tyler’s request. I urge all
senators to look at this request. She will be willing to pay for the extra money. I urge you guys to
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
c. Society of Human Resource Management – Sen. Lassiter
Sen. Lassiter – Sponsoring of HRM to attend the 2014 annual society of human resource
management conference. This is Brandon Header.
Brandon Header – I am the treasurer, and we are also known as SHRM. The interesting part of
this conference is that it’s a 2 in 1. One is for the student faculty and the other is the annual
conference. It’s located at OC conference center. It takes place from the morning of Saturday
June 21-22 and the next begins immediately after and continues until June 25. Prior to the start of
the conference will be workshops. The schedule for the student conference has not been posted.
Concurrent sessions revolve around these 6 topics. Students will be able to choose from multiple
sessions. From these concurrent sessions, students will be able to gather what they have learned
and better explain to SHRM members the possibilities of human resources and decide what
industries we can bring to UNF to speak. We’ll be able to use what we have learned from the
SLAB meetings by sharing new innovative strategies to manage a club more efficiently. Also at
SHRM annual conference, there will be the SHRM expedition offered at various times.
These events will help us network with dozens of firms, making contact with these firms will lead
to potentially being able to bring these firms to UNF.
Registration is $295, asking for 6 students. We’re asking for that total cost of registration, and
lodging is 5 nights at $159 less than a mile away; asking for partial funding. We’re taking 2
vehicles. This cost is formulated from the SG formula.
Sen. Caudio – Do you have any fundraising ideas?
Brandon Header – Yes we decided to go on this trip late in September. So far we’ve done CPK.
Looked at bake sales in that regard. Currently what we’re looking at is helping out with Everbank
field. Each person gets $50 who help out. Another is donor’s play, a bunch of apps and games
that if you have 20+ people sign up and do a survey per week over a time period you get paid a
certain amount.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve the request. Second. No objections.
Sen. Moore – Personally I really like this request. It sounds from the way that you’re talking
about fundraising you haven’t done much but you have many ideas that I’ve never heard of
before, so I applaud you for that.
Roll call vote. Passes 6-0-1.
d. Better Together @ UNF – Sen. Moore
Sen. Moore – This is Better Together. They’ve been on campus for about 1 ½ years. They’re
looking for $1,311.12. There is a leadership conference in Atlanta, GA. After talking with them
and looking at their scale of range of activities on campus, from trying to stop human trafficking
to the interfaith with getting involved on campus, I just really like this request. I’ll let them have
the floor
Better Together – We are requesting to go to the interfaith leadership institute aka ILI in Atlanta,
GA. We actually have 4 students requesting to attend. One is in class right now. What is it? This
is something that is put on by Interfaith Youth Core. This is a national group and a national
movement. It’s all about promoting relationships between students of religious and non-religious
At the ILI, students will be trained to be interfaith leaders. Learn to build relationships across
religious and non-religious identities. Staff and faculty that attend will be able to network across
the event, and partner with students to transform campuses as well. There’s a movement called
President’s interfaith community service challenge. That is something UNF has decided to
participate in. It’s a white-house initiative. We have decided to use Human Trafficking for this
cause. Florida is I believe the 3rd in the nation for human trafficking. It’s something that’s not
only relevant to our campus but to our greater community as well.
One of the coined terms is: Voice, Engage, Act. Why attend? The first is to improve the UNF
campus atmosphere. We want to improve the amount of religious tolerance, to create a more safe
space, to exchange ideas and knowledge here and through other campuses.
This will also place UNF on the map. We’ve been doing a lot more events over the past couple of
years. We’re starting to be known nationally. We want to increase the talk about UNF, that it’s
great for students, great for faculty, that it’s not only a great place for students but for faculty as
Better Together & IFC have hosted multiple events regarding the president’s challenge. This is a
place that employs women that have come out of the sex-trade industry and are trying to find
Registration is $596, lodging $447, transportation is a rental care shared by all of us and fuel.
We’ve done a lot of fundraising with our t-shirts. We’ve been selling them to students and
nonstudents. We’ve sold $172 dollars. We hope to continue fundraising throughout the semester.
ILI is going to give us a lot of leadership opportunities. My goal is to learn to be more culturally
sensitive to aid me in my future career.
Leadership skills learned through ILI will not only help Better Together but other clubs on
campus. But this year with the help of the IFC we’ve hosted about 5 or 6 events on campus and
become more active.
Sen. Wisz – Are you guys planning on doing other fundraising?
Better Together – We have a few donors who have agreed to help with us. We’re working on
raising money individually and saving up to be able to attend.
Requested amount is for $1,311.12
Motion from Sen. Caudio to change amount requested to $1,311.12. Second. No objections. No
Motion from Sen. Higdon for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve the travel request for Better Together as amended. Second.
No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
e. Jacksonville Christian Life – Sen. Abreu
Sen. Abreu – They wish to attend the Faith Walkers conference in the summer.
Rebecca Bacher – I’m a senior here at UNF studying community health. We’re an on-campus
ministry here to represent the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We were established in 1999 and have been in good standing ever since. We go from freshman to
seniors. There have been 100s of students who have attended faith walkers. We are currently
enrolled in classes and will not be receiving a grade for this. The cost breakdown has been edited
from 15 to 17 students. Lodging we have 4 rooms for 4 nights. Fuel cost would be $2,784.96.
JCL has done a few fundraising nights, a few Chik-fil-a spirit nights. The last we had was
November 27th, we’re not sure about the price that we’ve raised. We’ve had an anonymous donor
donate $100. The effects of receiving partial student funding, some students would not be able to
JCL is a bunch of college students and we are really big on volunteering. We went to El Salvador
to an orphanage and opened a free dental clinic for 2 days. We opened an autoclave to sanitize the
utensils. We volunteer with HabiJax. We try to go there at least once a semester. We participate
in operation Christmas Job. We send out hundreds of shoe boxes with various items in them to
children in 3rd world countries.
We come back as more educated individuals. There are lessons on various faiths not just our own.
This will be particularly seen when we help out with international dinners. Leaders are created at
faithwalkers. This is where a lot of students begin to be affiliated with JCL. It’s an area that really
gets a fire going under them. Within JCL itself we’ve had plenty of networking opportunities.
I’ve met doctors, dentists as well, who were assisting us in El Salvador.
This goes to show that it’s more than just a conference that lasts a few weeks and it really
changes our life.
Sen. Waychoff – Can you please go over the cost break down of what you are asking?
Rebecca Bacher – The request is for $2,500. We’re requesting registration; lodging is $1,440
covering 4 rooms. Our population that has now been going has increased. Also, we have 2
vehicles for our way up there. It looks like we’re going in SUVs which holds from 7-8 people.
Fuel cost we have estimated about $394.96 with reduction from fundraising we’ve broken it
down to $250.
Sen. Wisz – How many people are in the organization?
Rebecca Bacher – It’s around 25-35 students. We meet weekly; so it depends on the night.
Sen. Moore – You said 17 of those 30 students are attending this?
Sen. Wisz – 11 out of 17 students have already attended. What would you say is the benefit from
going to this conference?
Rebecca Bacher – The conference last year was called Disciple and was talked about better ways
to live out your life. The second was called Blessings. This year it’s on Jesus and his Mission.
Every year the topic changes and there are smaller seminars that we can choose to go to. One of
the ones they talked about last year was going to college debt free. It didn’t really have too much
to do with Jesus but how to look at your spending from a biblical standpoint. Some other options
talk about other faiths; there was one that talked about Islam which was pretty awesome. I’m not
an expert but it was awesome to learn a little bit more.
Sen. Caudio – You’ve known about it all this time you’ve been here and you guys have known
about this conference, and you have only managed to raise $300?
Rebecca Bacher – We’re still trying to figure out which ones are the most beneficial.
Sen. Caudio – Concerning your fundraising budgets are there other ways to raise money?
Sen. Wisz – Jacksonville is a huge city and I feel like there’s a huge religious organization.
Rebecca Bacher – I know Celebration is planning mission trips overseas so we’re affiliated with
the Waken church. We didn’t want to interfere with the budget of other church’s and what their
vision and mission is.
Motion from Sen. Moore to strike $440 from total amount. Second. No objections.
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
New request amount $2,050.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve request as amended. Second. No objections.
Sen. Caudio – I think this is a great organization but when looking at the request you have to
break it down. They’ve known about this conference for quite some time. If this was their first
time or second time I would be so much more in favor. SG’s purpose has been to help get their
foot in the door. They’ve known about this conference for quite some time and I haven’t seen any
real effort.
Sen. Moore – That’s why I made the motion to strike the registration fee. Between lodging and
transportation that would be hard for an individual, which is why you need a collective group to
bring. This is my rationale for why I would approve it for $2,050.
Roll call vote. Passes 5-0-2.
D) Special Requests
a. Practice Softball Lights – Treasurer Turner
President Fassi – On November 25th the executive branch submitted this request to enhance the
practice of the softball field next to the soccer field. Since then we’ve received quotes for the
actual field to modify the field and make it an actual intermural field. We’re also adding
hydration stations.
Motion from Sen. Moore to amend the SR to fully represent all the line items in the request to
$49,274.24. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
Treasurer Turner – This is to redo the softball field. I have used the field plenty of times this
semester. The grass isn’t well kept, and it could use lights. I’d like to invite the president
Logan Baker the Club President of Soccer Club to speak: We had practice from 6-8pm; it’s a lot
harder to struggle to get those spots. At least once a month we had kids hopping the fence
thinking it’s open when it’s actually locked. This way everyone can play on it.
President of Rugby team – I don’t feel like we have enough fields right now. It’s evident with
practices and having the right timing. We’d be able to get more clubs and sports practicing at the
same time. We’d have an extra tournament that’d be able to hold more teams. Along with that
field it’d be perfectly held for practice, warm up fields, instead of taking up a full field. We’d be
able to differentiate between a game field and practice fields. This would help maintain the field.
Here on behalf of the Ultimate Frisbee President – Also play on ultimate teams. The field we’re
using right now is the crossings field. Its lower quality, it’s torn up a lot and really dangerous for
your ankles. We want people to be able to come out and play and be safe and not have to worry
about injuring themselves during practice. The fence is really low and students hop it all the time.
It’s more wear and tear on that area, where if we had a place specifically secluded it would really
help flourish it. Renovations like these really help us expand and grow.
I’m here on behalf of the women’s lacrosse team – With these practice times, we have a big issue
of working on 7-9 am. So we have a coach who has come to practice with us for free and it’s been
very difficult. Recently we’ve been invited by UF to come play them down in Fort Lauderdale.
It’s a horrible condition for the field.
Treasurer Turner – The director of recreation can talk about the history of recreation and the more
clearly defining need for more recreational space.
Director of Recreation, Becky Purser – Thank you. We have not built a new field on campus in
10 years. In the past 10 years our campus enrollment has grown from 12,000 to 16,000. And our
club sports program has grown as well. This field can be renovated. What would we be doing is
taking the clay out; the field is virtually useless. By taking the backstop out and lengthening the
sides we lengthen the playing field. So it can be used by many different sports. We want to put
lighting on the existing polls that face the soccer field. We’ll get a quality field at about 1/10th of
the cost of what it would take to build a brand new field. This will be a big help in growing the
recreational outdoor space for students
Treasurer Turner – This includes a couple of hydration stations.
Director of Recreation, Becky Purser – Those will be a real luxury out there. There is a little tiny
water fountain out there. It will barely fill your water bottle up when it does work. Basically what
you do is you bring your water bottle and it fills it up. Currently we have no water fountains down
at the eco-adventure area. For people that run the trails and use the amenities down there it will be
a big plus.
Treasurer Turner – We’ve put together a short PowerPoint . This is an aerial screenshot of the
practice field. First part of this request is for the lighting of these fields. Those I highlighted in
red. We’re going to have 4 lights that approximately in that way will illuminate that entire field. It
will be good enough for recreation and sports. You can faintly see it in the top of the picture;
there is a cage and fence area that has to come down. And it’s the largest chunk of these. It
involves removing and patching up the cement there as well. After we’re done, the green x shows
the play area, which will be removed, and the entire play area will be extended down. This is one
of the most inexpensive ways we can provide this for the campus. It’s a way we can very cheaply
get another resource to meet our campus needs. Currently Physical Facilities maintains the rest of
that grassy area, they will be able to maintain that field at the same cost they do today.
President Fassi – 2 hydration stations are indoors at $625 a piece. One is in the food court
downstairs. The second will go up here in SG. The SG Exec branch has consistently paid for this.
This would do away with that extra cost and eventually will pay for itself.
Treasurer Turner – It will pay for itself this year. Over the next 10 years it will save us $1200 and
another $1200 after that. There is a significant cost difference between indoor units and outdoor
units. Outdoor units are much more industrial and commercial and a lot more standing. Adding a
10% contingency gives us some cushion. If we do it now I’m confident that we can see this field
being utilized by the spring. Students would really get to fully utilize these fields until fall.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve the request. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
b. 5 Year Computer Replacement Plan – Sen. Higdon
Sen. Higdon – This is about 5-yr replacement plan on computer inventory. Please give them your
undivided attention.
Treasurer Turner – This request is something that we’ve been putting forward out of research that
we’ve done and the best way to manage the technical resources we’ve done. In our budget we
have $5,000 to replace computers every few years. In today’s market that will buy about 5
computers. We currently have 85 computers. However, with replacing 5 computers a year with 85
computers. We’ll eventually have to deal with a $50,000 request to replace a bunch of computers.
The university is currently on a 4-year replacement plan. With a 5-year plan we will adequately
meet our needs. In January, over half of our computers will be out of warranty. If you like I can
tell you unit by unit which one will be replaced. ITS reviewed the plan with me. The list I
presented and that has just been passed out is for each unit that is going to be replaced. The iMacs
will be going to OP, the one MacBook pro is going to replace John Timpe’s current iMac because
of the mobility he does for his position. It was determined by Timpe and Daniel that this was
necessary for him. The rest is a 3-year subscription to software package. There are 2 larger
computers, both are $1,900 and both are for the Spinnaker TV station managers, and those are
going to his editing bank. If you ever watch the early bird, during the commercials there will be a
25 second lag. The computers are so far out of warranty that it really hinders their product. 11
other computers across the various indexes list. All of these have been deemed necessary for a 5year plan. The budget I will propose will have a $10,000 increase.
Connor Spielmaker – The computers need to be more robust to handle the high definition that we
give out. We’re not able to use these computers for proper editing. Those help us do better and
they really area affecting us.
Motion from Sen. Moore to approve the request. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote. Passes 7-0-0.
E) Finance Code
F) General Reserves
G) Budget Balancing
Last committee meeting of the fall. Enjoy your holdidays.
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 2:37pm.