SAC Agenda September 20 , 2013 3:00pm

SAC Agenda
September 20th, 2013 3:00pm
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 3:10pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 4 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes from July 15th meeting. Second. No objections. Moved
Motion to approve the minutes from September 6th meeting. Second. No objections.
Motion to approve minutes as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion to add Carlo Fassi as a guest speaker. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to add Kaitlin Ramirez as a guest speaker. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Guest Speakers
Student Government Student Advocate, Alin Cepoi – I have a few
announcements. Today at the parking advisory meeting they said the innovations have
been completed for the 2 garages; it was to ensure the safety of the students. There is a
plan to build a garage in lot 12 right behind the fine arts center. It will be a 4-story
parking garage. I talked about this last meeting about not having enough parking spaces.
The projected completed date is the fall of 2014. I didn’t get a cost.
Treasurer Turner – It’s worth noting the spaces in the garage are for Housing A with the
addition of a connected 4th floor for premium. One deck will be premium; one deck will
be housing and another for premium. The project and deadline are not set in stone.
Student Advocate Cepoi – The Student Government banquet is April 10, 2014. We will
have about 200 guests. We do have priority request for this event. The last topic is osprey
questions. Since I serve on quite a few committees, I would like to link this information
to the students. So I’m trying to provide information to you guys and how all the senators
should deduce what issues to focus on for the students.
Treasurer Turner – Isn’t that more so the responsibility of the UAC? That’s what they’re
there for.
Student Advocate Cepoi – I serve on a lot of committees and the UAC does not serve on
as many as I do.
Treasurer Turner – We just want to make sure the UAC is properly utilized.
Chairman Anderson – I encourage questions to be had at the end of the speaker, for the
sake or Ms. Shuman.
Student Government Treasurer, Joe Turner – At the last meeting, I came at the
request of Chairman Anderson and proposed an idea that he and I talked about; it is to
have a monthly round table town hall event at various locations around campus. We
would have senate participation once a semester. The topic and location would be
planned ahead of time. We would alternate back and forth between the round table and
Osprey Voice; one Osprey Voice and one round table a month. The senators would go
out and engage the student body. Tops for the town hall could be on smoking, etc., and
would engage the students to see how they’re doing. If it does not work the first couple of
times then we can suspend it. I wanted to bring it to your attention to take any action on
it. I support any additional funding you would need on it and Senate President Brady
would support it support it as well.
Chairman Anderson – I think it’s a great idea and, in addition to other topics, that we
have topics students are interested in with answers to the Osprey Voice for that month.
We can directly use those answers to create a topic discussion at these town hall
Would the Osprey Voice questions be directly linked to the discussion topic?
Chairman Anderson - However you want to do it; I think it’s great if there’s any
feedback. There is some wiggle room for it with these questions. You can really get some
clarification with these answers and have a spectrum with support.
(drum roll for announcements)
Student Body President, Carlo Fassi – You will notice in old business you have
to approve the Osprey Voice questions for today for the COT survey. In the last question,
what I proposed was “would you support a Pita Pit in the new clubhouse building?”
which is currently being constructed next to the Hall and the Coves. If not, what food
vendor would you support. This was proposed in 2011 by Vice President Gonzalez and
the SG leadership at the time supported it. It would be paid for in cash by housing
auxiliary. There is a 2600 square foot are set aside for a food vendor. Chartwells and the
food administration were proposing Ozzie’s Food Store and Grill. We’ve been seeing
positive sales numbers from Chick-fil-a and Papa John’s and Jamba. Because of the
brand names SG has gotten involved with on campus, we feel it appropriate to add
another brand name vendor rather than giving the students the same thing we already
have on campus. If they want that food they can still go to the Fountains; it’s open until
3am. So, why Pita Pit? Really, there are 2 main reasons: when we were proposing Chickfil-a and Papa Johns, every survey showed CFA as the desired brand name on campus;
the next biggest brand name was Pita Pit or Angie’s. I have had multiple conersations
with the President and Vice President and they want something we don’t have on
campus. We can get sandwiches and clubs on campus. Pita Pit has gluten and vegan
options, which we don’t have. This could potentially hurt the sales at the Café and
Ozzie’s but students are here to spend their money on brand names we give them like Pita
Pit. With this survey, we can get the enthusiasm needed to support this. During a
conference call set up on Tuesday with CP of expansions, Director of Housing, Director
of Chartwells, Director of Auxiliary Services and Dr. Gonzalez, we all know there is a
$250,000 royalty fee and 1% communications fee that they would charge Chartwells, but
this is something Chartwells and Pita Pit could work out. Hopefully, I would like to get
the senate to endorse a resolution endorsing another brand name and not a Chartwells
name. Hopefully we get some solid numbers to come back with.
Do we have any more of an idea, if Pita Pit will be open 24/7 or not?
President Fassi – The facility is intended to be opened 24/7. Another reason we would have a
Pita Pit is that they have already set a precedent to be open until 3am Tuesdays through
Sundays; they have no problem using the same hours that they do at the Beach location. It
does need to work with Chartwells, as Chartwells would man the place. Pita Pit would have
standards required in regards to logistical issues.
Chairman Anderson – Billy brought up the last time that there are some amenities already in
the clubhouse that are already compatible.
President Fassi – Those that wouldn’t be compatible we’d find other places on campus to put
them. We have the Boathouse, Ozzie’s, and Chomp’d and Wrap’d that could use this other
equipment; we can find space for the other equipment. That shouldn’t stop us from investing
in something that the students want. I talked to the Beach Pita Pit about the demographics
between 10pm and 3am and I’d be willing to wager that they are our age. The Beach location
is open from 11am-3am Tuesday-Saturday.
You said the space is 2,600 square feet for the facility. Is it just going to be a Pita Pit?
President Fassi – Pita Pit requires a space of 1,500 square feet. Something I don’t know if
they’d be willing to do, and the one argument I agree with and is completely valid, is that
some of the students in that area want a convenience store where they could by things. I’m
not sure if Pita Pit would allow it. There obviously would be tables and chairs so people can
eat inside. Students who are in the pool can walk up to the window and order food from the
window right there. There is a convenience store in the Fountains that makes a lot of money.
Like Alin just said, there’s going to be a garage built right out there within the next 2 years.
Would the menu for Pita Pit be similar to Chick-fil-a in that it is expressed?
President Fassi – I can’t answer that. I will ask that in the meeting on Tuesday.
Does the 1,500 square feet include the chairs and tables?
Yes I assume that it does. The one at the Beach isn’t that big. We’ve always talked about
something beachy, like sandwiches, pita, and whatnot. Dr. G really wants this so that’s why
we’re moving in the Pita Pit direction; it encompasses a lot of the options the students want
and it offers options we don’t already have. I urge you guys to pass the question. I’m going to
work with Alin to get it to be placed online so we can send it out via email via the SG
Blackboard page.
How many comments or shares did you get on the Facebook page?
President Fassi – In 24 hours I got 200 likes and 6 or 7 students shared it. And the SG sit got
100 likes on Pita Pit pictures. There are students who propose Angie’s or Chipotle. You’re
never going to get 100% of the student body to agree on something. If you can satisfy 70% I
think that’s a step in the right direction. Chipotle doesn’t have very many locations and when
they do it’s very successful. I know Chili’s and Wendy’s has been proposed; I don’t think that
would satisfy too many students. This is that variety I think students are looking for that has
been getting positive messages.
d. Student Government Senate Pro-Tempore, Kaitlin Ramirez – In my touch point with
Aaron, we talked about Osprey Voice and so we talked about ways to improve it. I spoke to
my statistics professor who is an expert in analytics and she has given me specifics. Her first
thing she wants us to keep in mind is what do we want to know; to think from the end and
move to the beginning. So, to use the first question as an example, what do you guys want to
know from that information?
Chairman Anderson – We wanted to look for stories about academic advising; something we
can take back to academic advising and show them what they’re doing great and what they’re
doing not so great; something we can take to senate and report back to academic advising.
These reports are not going to be personal; they should be as impersonal as possible. That’s
the way to crack the egg, is to get it personal at first and then make it impersonal.
Sen. Ramirez – Coming from a scientific aspect, you need to give controls to get that
information. You need to know if it was negative or positive, and you need background
information to correlate that info. I advise first for it to be an online survey. This almost goes
in hand with the direction it has been in the past. We can use the all-student email, using the
widest net as possible and so everyone has the opportunity. We need to be as anonymous as
possible. For the third question she gave a unique perspective: correlate the information of
questions 1 and 2, or 2 and 3, however you like. Possibly ask their GPA, what year they are,
their major, are they on-campus, are they full or part time students, etc. You could see if
there’s a relationship with lower GPA having worse experience with ACE or reverse; if
students having problems with ACE are also having problems with One Stop; if more are
part-time vs. full-time students; if more full-time students are in favor of Pita Pit or if parttime students are. From there, anyone in the statistics department would be happy to consult
the data. You can use something as basic as Survey Monkey or Qualtrix, but you need IB
certification. IRB states you’re not going to cause any mental harm or distress. We could be a
little unofficial. You basically need the data that was collected and use various tools like
Excel or a statics professor to analyze the data. For the first 2 questions we spoke about, it
wouldn’t necessarily be a yes or no, but a positive, negative, or neutral; and question 3 would
be a yes or no. Questions would be revised accordingly. My statistics professor recommended
using a nova or chi square; it simply depends on the information. A chi square scales the
questions and calculates the foreign average. The survey would be short and sweet, and to the
point but enough have information to have sufficient data.
She did support online type survey?
Yes because it is the quickest and easiest, and for this type of survey it seems best suited.
We’ve been pushing for online surveys to hit more of the demographics. Vice President
Namen shot it down because out of the 600 students who answered Osprey Voices at the
Jaguar Ticket Sales only 100 liked the idea for online voting. If we have it open for longer we
could get more information.
President Fassi – The Chick-fil-a survey got 300 responses in 24 hours. You can get numbers
back, it just depends on what the survey is.
If you have it open for a bit longer you can still get more responses and extra statistics.
I asked the professor for her recommendations, and sometimes we need to consider the
students time as well. In person, it’s tough to be as short and sweet as possible. We want to
educate them so much so we talk a lot. We talked about Treasurer Turner’s town hall idea
earlier, and that could meet that requirement; we could leave it open and online. We would
use a URL specification and you could email-blast your classes through Blackboard; it may
be that personalizing it be necessary. This way, all the students have the same opportunities.
Chairman Anderson – Are you talking about we pretest the election on line?
Sen. Ramirez – No, but moving the Osprey Voice into more of an online survey.
We’re moving towards online, as we voted for it. Many people want that. It’s not going to
happen for online voting for this election though.
You guys can start online voting anytime. If you chose to do Survey Monky, you’d go
through the process from there. You can go to any statistics professor and the data can be
Chairman Anderson – We’re not having an online survey?
Treasurer Turner – There are no secrets in government .
Chairman Anderson – So, we are using that platform for Osprey Voice specified by Sen.
Brady and E&A to test out that platform with Osprey Voice. I have looked at Qualtrix, but I
didn’t know I’d get in trouble if I used it. Hopefully we move forward quickly with the online
components. Maybe we could use online components with these for Survey Monkey. I like
these neutral ideas; I think they should be added in.
How will that background information help with the survey in regards to GPA, major, etc?
Sen. Ramirez – We wouldn’t know GPA because of FERPA. With major or year, especially
for ACE and One Stop your advisor is dependent on your major or year. So maybe you can
see that the art majors have negative responses. When the resolution is passed you can be
Chairman Anderson - The point of the question is to come back with that information and this
does exactly that.
Chair Report – Aaron Anderson
I’ve had some trouble with signs that we put out for the senate meetings. They’re getting
wet despite my efforts. We’re going to move forward probably with some lamination and
have someone from SAC Programming do that. I’d like to get through these questions
today please.
Old Business
a. Discuss Possible Changes to In-person Osprey Voice
Using the survey monkey, would that happen this round or next round? Maybe
next time do less in-person Voices?
Chairman Anderson –I’d like to see more result. Although 30 times 35 is a lot,
I’d like to see more. That will be as well as with the other online components.
We want a higher up of statistics in the student response ration. It makes it easier
and it’s more important that we can go back to these agencies.
Sen. Ramirez – The only problem is if the in-person surveys wouldn’t be as
anonymous as it could be.
Generally speaking in regards to the questions.
We wouldn’t be conducting the survey as a whole without the anonymity.
I like that online idea, I think it’s awesome and maybe do it in person at tables.
Do Osprey Voice at the tables and every other time online. We’d be required to
go to tables that day.
Chairmen Anderson –It’d be like finals frenzy where you sit at a table.
Sen. Ramirez – In person, it could still just be to inform the people that there is a
survey in your email and that it’s brought to you by SG and give a blurb about
Chairman Anderson – I think the idea that these 2 first questions are extremely
personal questions, and that’s what I was looking forward to but its something I
overlooked that it’s maybe something people would talk to senators about but
senators wouldn’t record it accurately. I think it’s good to go with the online
Sen. Ramirez – And to include Carlo’s aspect as well to do a cross analysis.
Alin Cepoi - Are we talking about just these questions or the future questions?
Chairman Anderson – I would like them to be both.
In an effort to keep them not as personal would GPA be rated as 3-4?
Chairman Anderson – We’re just asking for a story about a negative, neutral, or
positive respons response.
Advisor Shore – I think GPA is something personal so we’d have to do it within
a range. You cannot connect your n-number to the GPA.
Treasurer Turner – There would be nothing to connect a name or an n-number to
the information given. We’d have to check with the general council but I don’t
believe if we have anything connecting it to an individual we wouldn’t have a
problem with FERPA.
Alin Cepoi – The only obstacle would be double voting.
Sen. Ramirez – It would be based off a computer address.
Senate President Brady – I’m a big proponent of online voting; it’s more accurate
and it can reach more students. We should get to it as soon as possible. We’d still
have in person contact by setting up laptops, and have senators sign up for 2 one
hour shifts so we still get those students who don’t check their email or don’t run
into the senators. IT has checked the online voting system and it should be done
pretty soon. It will not be used for fall elections, so we’ll start using it after this
election. There might be a setting that would turn that off.
Chairman Anderson-I’d like to table the first 2 questions until we have the online
survey figured out.
Sen. Ramirez – For this it might be better to use survey monkey or Qualtrix so an
N-number or name is not traced whatsoever; it’s complete anonymity. The
students can trust their voice is truly heard.
Chairman Anderson – Should we still do these questions in person or do these
questions online or research the online surveys more?
Through this meeting I think we all are trying to move forward as much as
possible with the online survey.
Sen. Ramirez – Just a reminder that if it were also conducted in person, the data
would not be comparable anymore. So you cannot do the same questions in
person and online and then compare them.
Senate President Brady – With Qualtrix it’s very easy to empty your cache and
erase your cookies and vote multiple times.
Chairman Anderson – I’m intimidated to put these online immediately but if my
committee wants it I can do it. That’s a vote I would like to see happen.
Alin Cepoi – If you vote on it, then when would you post them?
Chairman Anderson – I’d like to vote today. We’d go out one Friday and the next
Friday we would have the results at senate. We’d open it on Monday after this
next senate meeting on the 30th and have it open for that week. So it gives me
some time to figure out how to do this.
Treasurer Turner – I think from hearing the different feedback, we like the fact
about we can do an online survey to get better demographics and better
conclusions and solutions. I think it’s important to also have an in-person face-toface kind of thing. I propose doing online surveys on iPads that senators would
walk around with. As long as the questions pass and are given to the students,
how it’s done is in your purview.
Senate President Brady – Right now that is most likely not going to be happening
any time soon but maybe in the future.
Sen. Ramirez - Maybe there can be a link to the comment box that is so
Alin Cepoi – On the UNF SG homepage you will see my name, my picture, and a
comment box to contact me. This was made for all Student Advocates to respond
to student concerns. We want students to know that there is a person on the other
side that their question goes to and not just to SG as a whole.
Chairman Anderson – I need to come up with some ideas and talk to IT about
getting tables and laptops out there and come up with a sign up sheet for senators
to sit out there and get people to vote on online surveys.
b. Discuss Possible Roundtable (a two (2) day event in which Senators engage the
student body on various issues of student concern) Issues/Topics.
Chairman Anderson – We’ll get knowledged speakers to talk about issues.
There’s been a lot of bickering about parking so, maybe assure people we have a
solution that’s on the way and in the process of going. But my question is
whether or not we will be allocating these spots around the clubhouse. Parking
will be one issue. Originally the round table has come up to talk about issues that
have come up with the election, like CR’s. But I think parking is more important.
c. Vote on Osprey Voice questions:
These questions will be done online, but the senators will be volunteering for time
slots to promote and attract these people to the online survey.
i. During your time at UNF has your experience/interaction with Academic
Advising had a positive or negative impact on your educational experience?
Please explain.
Motion to add “neutral” to the first question along with adding an
additional question on GPA, major, and year. Motion rescinded.
Motion to add “neutral” along with positive and negative for question i.
Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to 3 preface questions of what is your GPA, what is your gradelevel, and what is your major to the online survey. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Motion to approve question i. as amended. Second. No objections.
ii. During your time at UNF has your experience/interaction with One Stop had a
positive or negative impact on your educational experience? Please explain.
Motion to add “neutral” along with positive and negative for question ii.
Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to approve question ii as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
iii. Would you support a Pita Pit in the new Clubhouse building, between The
Villages and The Cove? If not, what food vendor would you support?
Motion to approve question iii as amended. Second. No objections.
There will be a link to a comment box at the end of the survey.
New Business
a. The next regularly scheduled Senate meeting will be on September 27th at 1:00 pm.
b. The next regularly scheduled Student Advocacy Committee Meeting will be on October
4th at 3:00pm.
c. There is a mandatory meeting after senate about suicide awareness, at 3pm.
Quorum is reestablished at 4 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 4:26pm.