Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting September 20 , 2013 Senate Chambers 1:00 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
September 20th, 2013
Senate Chambers 1:00 PM
Chairman: Sen. Fransua Estrada
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 1:07pm
Roll Call
Quorum is established at 6 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 09/06/13
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to approve the minutes from 9/6/2013. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 09/20/13
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to strike Amber Stickel from Travel Requests. Second. No objections.
Motion to add Phi Alpha Delta sponsored by Sen. Wolf to the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion to add the UNF Organic Project sponsored by Sen. Anderson to the agenda. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
We added the UNF Organic Club to the agenda, even though they aren’t currently here. We are trying to have
it intentionally failed; they were not notified in time. There were a lot of time constraints that were occurring,
and so we wanted to give them a fair amount of presentation time. I believe that coming up in front of senate
would be the appropriate place and would give them enough time to actually present.
We currently have $27,089.73; with the organic project passing it would be at $23, 165.73; and with Phi
Alpha Delta it would be $1,785.39. The Organic Project is not here but I suggest you will be seeing them next
week in senate.
Treasurer’s Report
I just have one transfer to report and another transfer that came to me that I’m going to explain and I want the
committee to vote on, because it’s a larger transfer and I didn’t feel it appropriate as just one man, myself to
approve it.. Angela will also help explain what exactly they’re requesting.
On the 9th of September, Osprey Radio transferred $178.05 cents from their telephone into their audio
equipment line. I believe there were some problems with the banner, our university payment system, the way
it was billed; it ended up coming out of the one line as opposed to the 2 separate lines that it was supposed to
come out of, as 2 different receipts. So they transferred the same amount of money they already spent on one
line into another line. What it was, was a phone system for the radio for the office. Angela deemed it
appropriate and I’m reporting it to you all like Title VIII dictates I do.
The transfer that is being requested is being requested by recreation; specifically the wellness complex and
then recreation. There are 2 separate requests in here; one is for the wellness complex to combine their OPS
wage line for fitness trainers, member services and building operators all into one lump sum line. The reason
being for that is they have a considerable amount of turnover, overlap of employees working between
different categories and there have been some problems when it comes to payroll and accounting on our end
because we get a receipt saying to pay this much out of a line and we don’t know exactly how many hours
they worked at each; so they all have fairly similar roles, they’re all support staff to the operational wellness
complex. I think it’s a good idea, I think something should be done. It allows recreation a little more
flexibility, and it allows them to help out the students who do work out across the different jobs. None of the
provisionary language provisions that we have regarding payment and caps on payment would be altered by
this it’s just simply the line that all these people are funded out of would go from 3 individual lines per
position into 1 student wellness complex positions line. We’ve never done one of these votes before, Fransua,
but I’d like to hear it, or vote on it as the student wellness complex since it’s one index and recreation as
another index, so if you’d like now somebody could make a motion on it; a simple majority will suffice.
Motion from Sen. Estrada to make the transfer valid. Second. No objections.
Treasurer Turner – for the record, the motion should state: motion to combine fitness trainers, member
services and building operators line with the student wellness complex index into one line. It’s a large sum of
money that I didn’t want to say was appropriate without your say.
Sen. Waychoff – Will any of those people be getting paid more?
Turner – No. As I mentioned we have various provisions within our provisionary language that say there are
caps on expenditures and because they will collapse into one, none of those caps get altered. So they’re still in
existence; nothing changes as far.
Electronic vote. Motion passes 6-0-0.
Treasurer Turner – There’s another motion I’m going to want to make you all hear on another request. This
time from index 402030 which is recreation and intermural sports. In this index they’d like to combine
intermural staff and scorekeepers lines into one line. That does not touch the sports trainers or the intermural
supervisors or officials. The reason being supervisors and officials get paid more as it’s a different position
where as intermural staff and scorekeepers are general support positions, non-specialized; again, it makes
sense to just overall as intermural sports staff. The reason that it is in here currently as 2 individual lines, is
because prior to this being a recurring budget item, president Fassi and his previous administration did a
special request for this position of intermural scorekeepers, so at that time it was placed separately and never
combined. I think it’s a smart move going forward for efficiency sake to have those combined. The budget I
propose to you will have those 2 lines combines. I’d like to make that change now; since these are separate
items I’d probably vote on this one as well, and then the other following this.
Motion from Estrada to combine intermural staff with the scorekeepers into one line. Second. No objections.
Roll-call vote. Passes 6-0-0.
Treasurer Turner – The final change that recreation came to us and asked for was for their canoes, camp
check out line, challenge course staff, and eco adventure staff combined into 1 line. Reason being that all falls
under their satellite of Eco-Adventures and it’s all over there out there near parking services and there’s a
significant amount of overlap between employees in each one of those categories. For the same purposes of
general accounting efficiency, just having it all come out of one line, making sure the same area can all
contribute to the same mission. I again, support this and if you will Fransua, the motion should be to combine,
canoes, camp check out line, challenge course staff line, and eco-adventure staff line into 1 lump sum.
Motion from Sen. Estrada to combine, canoes, camp check out line, challenge course staff line, and ecoadventure staff line into 1 lump sum. Second. No objections. Roll-call vote. Passes 6-0-0.
Business Manager’s Report
VIII. Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2013-2014 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Sweep-up Funds
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Travel Requests
a. Delta Sigma Pi – Sen. Ramirez
Sen. Ramirez - I’m happy to introduce Delta Sigma Pi. Here to speak on their request is Ashlee
Li-tha-lang-C; she is a junior and currently Vice President of Finance, Webmaster, and Initiation
Chair and has been a member for 2 years. This request is for 12 students to attend the national
conference on October 12 in South Carolina. This fraternity has been on campus since 1981, and
has produced numerous leaders. In fact, their former president will present a seminar at this
conference. There are 16 seminars with experts presenting on various topics.
Ashley – Good afternoon. Just to give you a little foreback of what Delta Sigma Pi is: we’re a
business professional fraternity that is on campus. Currently we have about 30 members and
about 20 that are about to join. What is LEADS? Lead is Leadership Excellence Academic for
Delta Sig, but it is open to every student and actually last semester we took about 2 students with
us that weren’t a part of our organization. In the fall it’s what they call a school which is a 1-day
conference, and in the spring is the prevention conference which is 2 days. This is showdown of
what’s happening on Saturday. We have one big opening presentation and then it goes into 4
sections and then lunch. Within the 4 sections there are 4 different topics that you go to and the
way that we tackle this is whoever is going, we try to send at least 2 of the 3 to each one. So by
the time we meet for lunch and dinner we can coordinate and share what we’ve learned. One of
our members has asked to be chosen to present at this, at our national leadership in august. Out of
all the schools from Mississippi all the way up to Virginia and down to Miami, the only 2 schools
that have been incorporated into the event is the University of South Carolina, who is hosting it,
and our alumni, Christopher Luker, who is going to present at the 3:00pm session for “Have Your
Friends and Lead Them Too”.
Everyone who’s going is from Missippi up to Virginia and down to Florida.
With the request our total is about $3202.18, the registration fee is $45 for early registration, but
I’m the only one who registered early; everybody else registered for $65 dollars. We’re asking for
the lodging, which is the base price of $109 for 3 rooms. We have done the reservation for it and
a total, with tax and everything, has come out to $738.90.
We are in good standing with Club Alliance; we’ve been member since December 5, 1981. All
the students are enrolled but they will not receive a grade from this. 6 students from the past have
gone to this organization and 4 are current, but the only one that has actually gone to the LEAD
school is 1 person.
We take what we have and bring it out to everyone. WThe best thing, with this group of people
that are going, we have the president of Human Resource, we have the treasurer and the
marketing director for Transportation Logistics, people who are part of the economics society and
women in business. On October16 at 9pm in Ballroom B we will be having our professional
event, where we correlate with a panel of some of the professionals in the city and then we also
bring in what we learned. Last semester we did the Dream Board; you have a personal dream and
a professional dream and everyone in the room goes in and signs and shows how they can help
you incorporate that.
We have only received $150 from our alumni. They have asked for it to go strictly for gas money
for right now. We have been doing t-shirt sales that we bought last semester, and from that we
only have $100. We’re doing a cook out in a few weeks and a car wash next week. SG has funded
the LEAD Provincial conference last year for $1,000 and the registration fee for that time was
$85 and $100, compared to this semester, which is $45 and $65. Some students will have to drop
from this as I had a congress meeting with them yesterday; they just have a big issue with the
hotel fee. And I believe it’s 4 people who said they would have to drop completely.
Sen. Waychoff – Why did the other 11 not register early?
Ashlee Li-tha-lang-C – We got a curveball. Usually they give us until mid-September to register
but they told us by September 3rd was the last day for early registration. So everybody basically
had to pay the $65. Because our general chapter meeting was that Thursday, after the early
registration deadline.
Sen. Waychoff – How long before the due date did they know?
Ashlee Li-tha-lang-C – We had 2 weeks at the beginning of school.
Sen. Baker – If 4 people dropped does that mean you only need $520 for registration?
Ashlee Li-tha-lang-C – Yes.
Motion from Sen. Baker to change the registration fee amount to $520 instead $760. Second. No
objections. Discussion.
Sen. Wolfe – Can you explain that further of why we’re cutting it?
Sen. Baker – She said that 4 people dropped so that would be $520 instead of $760.
Sen. Wolfe – They’re only dropping if we don’t fund it.
Ashlee Li-tha-lang-C – If we get it partially funded or not funded at all then 4 people have
confirmed yesterday that they would have to drop.
Motion is rescinded.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to strike $220 from the registration line to make it a total of $540,
making the new total $1194. Second. No objections. Discussion.
Sen. Waychoff – I don’t think we should have to pay the increased $20 per registration fee
because they did not pre-registration or meet that early registration time. So we have to pay extra
$220 because they didn’t take the necessary 2 weeks that they had to do it. I don’t think we
should be responsible for that money.
Roll call vote – Split 3-0-3.
Sen. Estrada votes No.
Motion dies.
Motion from Sen. Wolfe to approve Delta Sigma Pi for their travel request of $1,414. Second. No
objections. No discussion. Roll-call vote. Passes 5-0-1.
b. Phi Alpha Delta – Sen. Wolfe
Sen. Wolfe – This is Phi Alpha Delta and they’re requesting travel fund for a prelaw conference
of $1,370.74. This is the president Ben Jaeger. I’ve been in contact with them this week working
through the details of their conference and they’ve really chosen the most cost efficient ways as
possible and I ask that you give them your full attention and consider their request.
Ben Jaeger – I’m president of Phi Alpha Delta, and we are an international law fraternity that
consists of both law and prelaw chapters. We are of course one of the prelaw chapters. We give
students all across campus opportunities and tools to help them succeed in the law school
application process, like the LSAT, and we do this through a variety of events and techniques,
including LSAT practice; we’ve actually got an arrangement with Princeton to bring them here
and show us various LSAT strategies. We also have a group heading to Tallahassee next week to
tour the capital and the Florida Supreme Court. We also bring guest speakers, resume workshops,
and so many opportunities from Phi Alpha Delta. We’re excited to have this here. Every year Phi
Alpha Delta hosts an annual conference, this year it’s in Alexandria, Virginia. This conference
has a variety of seminars and breakout sessions ranging from LSAT prep sessions, or a Princeton
Review, events and chapter operations, and a behind-the-scenes look at how the admissions
process really works; how to finance law school, and also learn the best career path for you; there
are so many different opportunities at this conference and they’re also doing a law school expo.
We’ll be able to talk with representatives from different law schools that, because of their
distance, aren’t able to normally recruit at UNF. This is a really unique opportunity for us to be
able to talk face-to-face with their members. We currently have 6 students going, including
myself and 2 others in the room. Everyone who is going did not go last year; we actually had 3 or
4 students go last year. Everyone who is going this year has been or will be initiated into the
international chapter, which is a 1-time $100 fee for that; you don’t have to be initiated in the
chapter in order to participate in our events. We will bring back various programing techniques
after getting to network with students from all across the country. We’re a relatively new chapter,
so we’re going to be getting new ideas from students who have had more experience with their
chapters and how to make their chapters run smoothly and different programming ideas. We’re
going to be able to bring back knowledge about the law school application process, how to make
our chapter run smoothly and efficiently. Some quotes from students who went last year: Leanne
Frazier – This provided me with the right tools and steps to apply to law school and I was able to
extend this knowledge of the pre law program to other fraternity members. Sarah Hauler – From
attending this conference I was able to share my knowledge with the student body and spread the
word on how law school admissions work and what to focus on when applying to them. I look at
it as sharing inside knowledge that has helped me clearly overlooked the right tools to apply to
law school and I was able to extend this knowledge with those in the pre law program and fellow
fraternity members.
We’re requesting currently $1,370.34. Last year we had 3 or 4 students go, and we successfully
requested our total of $1,900. This year we’re trying to do more with less. We have 6 students
going and we’re requesting roughly $529 less than what was requested last year. This will cover
lodging at the hotel. I realize this isn’t exactly the cheapest hotel; I would have gone cheaper but
this is where they’re having the conference. This will cover the rental van; we’re getting the state
rate that UNF gets through Avis and this will also cover fuel. We’ll be covering the majority of
the cost because of the conference registration fees, which are $250.
Motion from Sen. Waychoff to approve request for $1370.34. Second. No objections. No
discussion. Roll-call vote. Passes 6-0-0.
c. The UNF Organic Project.
Sen. Estrada – They are currently not here to be heard. So I would like to suggest that someone
makes a motion to table this bill.
Treasurer Turner – You had said at the beginning of the meeting you wanted the bill to fail, do
you still want it to fail?
Sen. Estrada – you can still table it and have the bill come up in senate next week.
Treasurer Turner – You cannot. Title VIII states that a bill first has to fail for 8 senators to
sponsor it before it can be before senate. You can put it in purgatory, but still your desire to
potentially have it come up in next senate, I would recommend that you make a motion that
nobody second.
Sen. Estrada – No motion so the bill dies.
Sen. Estrada – I will explain what just happened. No one made the motion so the bill dies and
now I will request to get some signatures from you guys to have it come up in senate so it can be
given a fair and just presentation. With that in mind, that takes care of all our business today.
Special Requests
Finance Code
General Reserves
Budget Balancing
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 1:39pm