Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting May 20th, 2013 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM Chairman: Sen. Fransua Estrada I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Call To Order Roll Call Approval of the Minutes A) 04/08/13 Approval of Agenda A) 05/16/13 Chairman Report and Remarks Treasurer’s Report VII. Business Manager’s Report VIII. Guest Speakers A) Business Manager Angela Rivera – Southworth Presentation IX. Account Totals 2012-2013 Fiscal Year X. XI. XII. XIII. Special Requests Travel Requests Salary Reserves Now $45,480.00 $0.00 $22,467.00 After $45,480.00 $0.00 $22,467.00 New Business A) Transfers B) Salary Reserve Requests C) Special Requests D) Travel Requests E) Finance Code F) General Reserves G) Budget Balancing Announcements Final Roll Call Adjournment Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting April 15th, 2013 Senate Chambers 5:30 PM Chairman: Sen. Fransua Estrada XIV. Call To Order Meeting is called to order at 5:35 pm. XV. Roll Call Quorum is established with 7 voting members. XVI. Approval of the Minutes A) 04/08/13 Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the minutes. Second. No objections. Moved. XVII. Approval of Agenda A) 04/15/13 Motion from Sen. Wolf to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved. XVIII. Chairman Report and Remarks There is only one travel request. If approved completely, the committee will exhaust all funds. Senator Orientations are tonight after Senate, I highly recommend that you pay attention to my section. XIX. XX. Treasurer’s Report Business Manager’s Report Advisor Rivera- No report. XXI. Guest Speakers XXII. Account Totals Now After XXIII. 2012-2013 Fiscal Year Special Requests Travel Requests $45,480.00 $226.00 $45,480.00 $0.00 Salary Reserves $22,467.00 $22,467.00 New Business H) Transfers I) Salary Reserve Requests J) Special Requests K) Travel Requests a. NSCS – Sen. Justin Turner Sen. Turner – This travel request is coming from National Society of Collegiate Scholars. They will be sending a member to Houston, Texas for a leadership conference. This will give the individual the opportunity to network and bring back leadership skills. Member- We are requesting $226 for the trip in Houston for a leadership summit. We pick the summit that we believe will benefit the UNF students. You have to be invited to it. It’s open to all individuals; NSCS is a honors society and you can get volunteer hours. The summit is June 21st-23rd, it’s two nights and three days. Will work with other NSCS members, and have the ability to attend keynote speakers. On the last day, we volunteer with a local organization. All this information we will be able to bring back to the UNF community. Questions? Sen. Anderson – Has anyone going attended before? Yes, a few years ago SG funded $500 for students to go to Puerto Rico. Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the NSCS for $226. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Anderson – Very attentive individuals. The events typically bring in a number of motivated individuals. So better to help one, than none. Sen. Caudio – A way of helping Ospreys, and something favorable to bring back to the UNF students. Roll call vote. Passes 6-0-0. L) Finance Code M) General Reserves N) Budget Balancing XXIV. Announcements If you will be here during summer session, be aware that we will have Title VIII revisions that we will be going over, and we will be having new senator orientations right after Senate tonight. XXV. Final Roll Call Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members. XXVI. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 5:43 pm.