Constitution and Statutes Agenda March 25th, 2013 Senate Chambers 6:30 PM Chairman: Jerry Barrs I. Call to Order – Jerry Barrs Meeting is called to order at 6:34 pm. II. Roll Call Quorum is established with 11 voting members. III. Student Remarks None. IV. Approval of Minutes- March 4th, 2013 Motion from Sen. Reich to approve the minutes of March 4, 2013. Second. No objections. V. Approval of Agenda Sen. Barrs- is everyone that is not going to be here after the April 1st meeting, ready to do his or her presentation? Senators- Yes. Sen. Barrs- Perfect, so those three senators who will not be here, will do their presentations tonight. But those who will be here, we can table those presentations to next semester. Motion from Sen. Lundy to add SB-13F-2686. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Stevens to strike Sen. Cunningham and Gloster from absentee points. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Reich to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved. VI. Guest Speakers None. VII. Remarks of the Chair- Thank you for everyone who has been here for the last semester, you guys have been great. VIII. Old Business None. IX. New Business Absentee Points- Senator Mack Hope to get rid of some of my points. I missed a senate meeting because I had strep throat. I manage a kiosk for phone repairs and my manager did not come on time and therefore I missed a committee meeting. Sen. Dykes- did you appeal this? I did for the senate meeting but for the committee meeting, I still have until tomorrow. Sen. Stevens- why didn’t you turn it in today? I can get paper after this. Sen. Reich- how many points do you have and how many do you wish to remove? Have four; I wish to get rid of 2. Sen. Stevens- which points? From the Senate meeting. Sen. Galanti- do you see a conflict with work in the future? No I usually don’t work Mondays and he is usually on time. Motion from Sen. Reich to remove 2 points for the Senate meeting. Second. No objections. Discussion- Sen. Reich: I don’t want strep throat, I’m glad you didn’t come to Senate. Roll call vote. Passes 12-0-0. Absentee Points- Senator Lundy I have accumulated 4 absentee points. I missed a senate meeting because of an illness. I missed a committee meeting and the last meeting because I work at Publix and my previous manager was transferred so I got a new one who was unaware of my schedule. I received other points from having to do school work; this is at the fault of my own misjudgment. I wish to remove 2 points for the other two incidents of work and illness because that was not my fault. Sen. Barrs- are you just finishing your term this semester and not returning? Correct. Sen. Galanti- how many absentee forms did you fill out? Two. Motion from Sen. Stevens to strike one point from January 7 and one point from March 11. Second. No objections. Discussion- Sen. Stevens: These are good reasons. Thank you for being respectable of not appealing the points that were of your own error. Roll call vote. Passes 11-1-0. Statute Presentations- Sen. Lundy, Sen. Ucciardo, and Sen. Dotty 1. Sen. Dotty- I have the first 3 articles of the constitution. Article 1 - Discusses the branches of government and the purpose. Article 2- Reviews the senators, officers, presidential, and pro tempore duties. Discusses the apportionment and the meetings of senate, legislation and passage of legislation. Explains the executive approval, veto, prohibited laws, and additional powers and duties. Article 3- States the executive powers, terms and qualifications for the president and vice president, vacancies, executive cabinet, additional duties and powers of the president, vice president, treasurer, and attorney general. 2. Sen. Ucciardo- I have title 9. Requirement for this title is applies to A and S paying students. Some limitations are the president and vice president may only serve 2 terms. Senators may serve 6 terms. Restrictions include, not being able to serve two major offices at the same time. For the installation of SG officials, they must take oath of office. Probation period for those if their cumulative GPA falls below 2.25. 3. Sen. Lundy- I have title 10 and the code of ethics The 3 main points are rights, standards, and anti-discriminatory. The rights encompass our freedoms and our right to inform. Our standards of conduct goes over what we consider unacceptable conduct. The anti discriminatory policy states that no entity of SG funding may be found of something considered discriminatory. Motion from Sen. Galanti to table SB-13S-2686. Second. No objections. Moved. X. Announcements 1. The State of the Student Body will be Monday March 25, 2013 at 7:00pm XI. Final Roll Call Quorum is reestablished with 12 voting members. XII. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 7:08 pm.