E&A Agenda February 18th, 2013 3:00pm I. II. Call to Order Meeting is called to order at 3:02 pm. Roll Call Quorum is established with 6 voting members. III. Approval of Minutes Motion from Sen. Tortolero to approve minute from February 4. Second. No objections. Approved. IV. Approval of Agenda Motion from Sen. Stromquist to table SB-13S-2674: The Electoral Integrity Act. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Stromquist to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved. V. VI. Guest Speakers None. Chair Report We have had 27 senators to submit a declaration of intent. If you all have committee requirements make sure you come up here for me to sign it. VII. Old Business None. VIII. New Business a. SB-13s-2671: Plebiscite Enhancement Act Sen. Pino- The purpose of this act is that we want to make it clear how you ask a student a question. The addition is to only address one question towards a student at a time so you can separate one subject matter at a time. That’s basically it. Questions? Sen. Tortolero - What is this act referring to? Osprey Voice? Sen. Amira- The Plebiscite is basically a public opinion pole that we added in Senate. Sen. Wright- Who chooses if it’s a good question Sen. Amira- that would be me or the attorney general. Sen. Brady- to clarify, it would have to go to senate first. Motion from Sen. Stromquist to approve SB-13s-2671. Second. No objections. Roll call vote. Passes 6-0-0. b. SB-13S-2674: The Electoral Integrity Act Tabled. IX. X. Appointments None. Announcements Again if you need sheets signed you can come up here afterwards. XI. Final Roll Call Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members. XII. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 3:07 pm.