Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting February 18 , 2013 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
February 18th, 2013
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 4:33 pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 9 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 02/04/13
Motion from Sen. Anderson to table the minutes from February 4. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 02/18/13
Motion from Sen. Anderson to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
This should be a pretty easy meeting. We only have three requests tonight. All three are travel requests. If the
requests pass, the totals are listed below.
Treasurer’s Report
Business Manager’s Report
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Special Requests
D) Travel Requests
a. UNF Potters Guild – Sen. Fransua Estrada
Motion from Sen. Caudio to table the UNF Potters Guild. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Farrell for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
b. North Florida Wrestling – Sen. Fransua Estrada
Zac Lebovic- We were in here before to request money. Our wrestling team has been a student
organization for four years now. Have some handouts to pass out. I want to give you all an update
from the last two weeks and a lot of that is listed on that flyer. The last time we made a travel request,
you all asked how much we fundraised and I didn’t have a clear answer so I did some research to
document that. The flyer also states places we went and how many of us went, and the outcome of
the season. I have also listed miscellaneous fees because there are many of those. I hope this gives
you a better idea of what needs to be funded. We have gotten donations as well. The only other
expenses we will be taking on is, is a stop at a hotel on the way to the tournament.
Sen. Wycoff- During your last proposal, there were the same fundraising activities. Is it still the same?
Yes I try to keep everyone focused on fundraising for the whole year and not on a specific
tournament. But no not for this specific trip.
Sen. Garcia- which of the goals that are listed have you met?
We had a goal to host 2 events here and we hosted one. This was a goal because we are split up by
divisions. We did not expand the women’s wrestling team as much as we liked. The men’s team did
expand more.
Sen. Trayer- Can you explain what your goals are in general- long-term goals?
Out mission statement is listed on the front. We hope to instill life skills, good character, and give
students the opportunity to wrestle while earning a degree. Our focus is on academics but we want to
help them also gain life skills.
Sen. Anderson- where did you get the total for fuel?
It is a different formula for a rental car or your own car.
Motion from Sen. Anderson to strike registration from the request. Second. No objections. Discussion:
Sen. Anderson- think it is a good idea to fund the travel and lodging but not the registration because
they still have time to fundraise for that.
Roll call vote.
Passes 7-0-2.
Motion from Sen. Anderson to approve the travel request as amended. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Anderson- I commend you on all your hard work. Glad we can help you all get there
and have a place to stay. Sen. Trayer- I am excited to see what you all do and I am glad to hear how
you all are putting UNF out there and how well you are expanding the program.
Roll call vote.
Passes 9-0-0.
UNF Equestrian Club – Sen. Dylan Farrell
Motion from Sen. Anderson to table UNF Equestrian Club. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Farrell for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
E) Finance Code
F) General Reserves
G) Budget Balancing
Remember the dress code- business professional. You need at least a collard shirt and slacks. If there is a special
circumstance let me know other wise, you will not be able to come and will receive absentee points. This makes
us look bad when clubs come before us. Also if you need a signature come see me after.
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 9 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 4:47 pm.