SAC Minutes January 14, 2013 6:00pm I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Call to Order a. 6:00pm Roll Call a. Senator Ramirez preformed Roll Call. b. Quorum is established with 7 voting members. Approval of Minutes a. Senator Dykes- motion to approve the minutes from October 29th, 2012 b. Senators- All Second Approval of Agenda a. Senator Dykes- Motion to approve the agenda for January 14th,2013 b. Senators- All Second. Guest Speakers a. Student Advocate i. Sergio came in and spoke out the Aim Higher campaign to the committee. We need 4,000 letters to bring to our state senators. If you would like to volunteer or write a letter please find Michelle Staton, Carlo or Sergio. Chair Report a. Welcome back! b. Osprey Voice will be held on January 29th and January 30th from 11am-12pm on both days. If you have a time conflict please email me the Friday prior which is January 25th by 5:00pm stating your conflict and we will work something out. Old Business New Business Announcements a. The next regularly scheduled Senate meeting will be on January 28th at 6:30pm. b. No school on January 21st MLK Day! c. Next regularly scheduled committee meeting will be on February 4th at 6:00pm. d. Osprey Voice will be conducted on Tuesday January 29th from 11am-12pm and January 30th 11am-12pm. We will be meeting in the Rotunda and walking down to the Student Union together to do the survey. Adjournment a. Quorum is reestablished with 7 voting members. b. Adjourn at 6:05pm.