Constitution and Statutes Agenda January 14 , 2013 Senate Chambers 6:30 PM

Constitution and Statutes Agenda
January 14th, 2013
Senate Chambers 6:30 PM
Chairman: Jerry Barrs
Call to Order – Jerry Barrs
Meeting is called to order at 6:30 pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 7 voting members.
Student Remarks
Approval of Minutes- October 29th, 2012
Motion from Sen. Lundy to approve the minutes from October 29th. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Lundy to approve the agenda for tonight. Second. No objections.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair-
I am setting up touch points for everybody. I will pass out a schedule for you all to
meet with me. It will probably be 30 minutes maximum. This meeting is to retouch
on goals, get feedback of last semester, and to make sure we are on the same page.
We are going to do one of these once a month. This will also help to share ideas.
Old Business
New Business
SR-13S-2665A: Senatorial Training and Development Act – Senator Varshovi
Will be presenting two P and P bills for you guys tonight. These are to help
improve on the training and development of our senators. We want to train
and prep you all for your position as senator. This gives the legislative branch
the task of training. Our responsibilities as officers for you all are to make
sure you know what to do. To do so, there will be workshops. 1. A survey
workshop- this helps with osprey voice. 2. A budget workshop- this is
already done by B and A but this is opened up to all. 3. CSC workshop. 4. UAC
workshop- to give an overview of the structure and framework of the
university. 5. Elections workshop- go over title 6 and educate senators of the
elections process. Also like to add, subject to your approval, a workshop led
by our Pro Temp to go over P and Ps. I would also like to lead a bill-writing
workshop. And finally, a Roberts Rules workshop led by our Parliamentarian.
SR-13S-2665B: Scholarship Reconstruction Act – Senator Varshovi
This is something we discussed with the cabinet before break. Basically this
bill ties in getting your scholarship with these workshops. The workshops
are over two days to be manageable. The second part is to increase senate
participation. Participation could be being responsible for sponsoring a fiscal
request, a senate resolution or joint resolution, or sponsoring a bill. I want to
hear your feedback on this idea.
Attorn. Gen- as for the first bill, how does this tie in with the new senator
If this were passed, I would strike that because I don’t think the orientation
would provide much.
Attorn. Gen.- I suggest that you add that to the bill right now.
Sen. Lundy- This lists the P and P workshop and the Roberts Rules workshop
as separate. Do you think that could be combined into one workshop?
I would say for that workshop, that would definitely fit in. We could make a
joint workshop.
Sen. Barrs- does the requirement for the education part line up with
requirement to be a senator?
Yes that has to be worked out. But to get the scholarship you have to do the
workshop and participate. I would like it to read attending all workshops so
you have the training.
Sen. Lundy- I read it as, you must attend 2 but for the scholarship you have to
attend all to know the full overview and I like it that way.
Ok that is why am presenting it to you all because I wanted to know your
feedback. I want all senators to be fully trained regardless of the committee
you serve on.
Advisor Delaney- if you are planning over two days- isn’t this that same as an
orientation? Why is the name change needed?
I think this makes it more specific as to what they are learning. It is mainly a
new senator-training program.
Sen. Barrs- if this is named the new senator orientation would we then have
to make a change in the bill?
Attorn. Gen.- the orientation is just one 4-hour orientation of basic
welcoming. This is different depending on the workshops you attend. You
could amend the line of “shall consist of all workshops.” Either way some
part of that should be amended.
Sen. Anderson- from looking at the timeframe of these workshops, the
orientation could outline the full range of these workshops and how to sign
up for them. Also, why does it state in between 2 to 3 weeks, not just one
Sen. Pres. Varshovi- I was playing with that one, this can be changed.
Attorn. Gen.- suggest to leave that the way it is because it will give wiggle
room depending on the elections timeline.
Sen. Barrs- the way I read it, I would to say leave the 3 weeks because that is
a more definite deadline.
Sen. Turner- Was this something never done before?
This is a more formal way to write it because before it was just encouraged
Sen. Turner- Do you believe there are enough opportunities for everyone to
participate in this?
I do because so much can be improved on this campus with JRs.
Advisor Delaney- does cosponsoring a bill count?
Yes, together as senators you can get together to make solutions.
Sen. Anderson- all six of these workshops have to be attended?
Currently you have to attend the orientation and two workshops. To get the
scholarship you must attend all.
Sen. Lundy- as far as the language, it says if you are unable to make it you
must let the instructor know. So if I schedule to come and then cannot make
it but come the next day, will I receive the absentee point?
The point of this is so that if you have work, to schedule beforehand and so
that one does not just not show up. If you are a no show you would receive an
absentee point. Extreme circumstances obviously can be accepted. If you are
making effort to communicate with the instructor, that will not count against
Attorn. Gen.- suggest a change in Article 3 section 3. Recommend amending
to remove the period put a comma and inserting “with shall be comprised of
committee and skill workshops as defined in P and Ps.”
Motion from Sen. Lundy to amend D3 in SR-13S-2665A and strike “before the
workshop is held.” Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Lundy- agree but
the language should say that you could appeal and reschedule.
Roll call vote.
Motion passes 8-0-0. Sen. Ucciardo is in the room.
Motion from Sen. Doty to amend per the attorney general’s recommendation.
Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Lundy for unanimous consent. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Lundy to approve SR-13S-2665A as amended. ObjectionSen. Antworth- like to amend and add the policy and procedure as written.
Motion from Sen. Lundy to add Section 6 to the SR-13S-2665A. Second. No
objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Galanti for unanimous consent. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Lundy to approve SR-13S-2665A as amended. Second. No
objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Lundy for unanimous consent. Second. No objections.
Sen. Anderson- just a reminder that for SR-13S-2665B cosponsoring a bill
Motion from Sen. Lundy to amend Line 3, II of the bill to stating “sponsoring /
cosponsoring at least one of the three options.” Second. No objections. No
Motion from Sen. Galanti for unanimous consent. Second. No objection.
Motion from Sen. Doty to approve SR-13S-2665B as amended. Second. No
objections. Discussion- Sen. Shair – this bill does not mention when the
workshop will be completed. Sen. Pres. Varshovi- put a broad timeline so it
can work with schedules. No objection.
Motion from Sen. Turner for unanimous consent. Second. No objections.
1. The next scheduled Senate Meeting will be January 28th, 2013 at 6:30 pm
2. The next scheduled CSC Meeting will be February 4th, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 8 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:09 pm.