Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting January 14 , 2013 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
January 14th, 2013
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady
Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval of the Minutes
A) 11/19/12
Approval of Agenda
A) 01/14/13
Chairman Report and Remarks
Treasurer’s Report
VII. Business Manager’s Report
VIII. Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
C) Special Requests
a. Osprey TV – Sen. Heather Deyarmin
D) Travel Requests
a. UNF Women in Business Society – Sen. Ryan Traher
E) Finance Code
F) General Reserves
G) Budget Balancing
Final Roll Call
Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
November 19th, 2012
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 4:35 pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 12 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 10/29/12
Motion from Sen. Jones to approve the minutes from October 29. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 11/19/12
Motion form Sen. Farrell to adopt the agenda as presented in front. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
Current requests are as seen in account totals.
Travel request is the first order of business, lots of requests tonight.
Treasurer’s Report
Wrap up SFAC. Assess the fee increases if there will be. This year SG did not request anything. Athletic received a
$1.50 increase. The total amount increase is 5%. We were able to lower what they were wanting through our
fights and push. We will experience a cut because we did not receive an increase. Will be doing some budget cuts.
Please listen during hearings because this is an important time for SG.
Sen. Garcia- what is the $1.50 for athletics going towards?
Operating budgets and a new position, like a fundraiser.
Sen. Caudio- are we getting a budget cut because we don’t need it?
There was a decrease in the credit hours over the summer therefore we are budgeting from the decrease of credit
Business Manager’s Report
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
New Business
H) Transfers
a. SB-12F-2653 Special Request Transfer – Chris Brady
Special request index been getting low. Did one transfer already this year this, in my opinion will be
the last one. This will add another 7,000 to special requests. Will help be more fiscally responsible.
Sen. Caudio- does the fiscal year go till December?
The fiscal year is from July 1- June 30.
Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve SB-12F-2653. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-0-0.
Motion from Sen. Farrell to revisit the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Farrell to add executive branch under special requests. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Salary Reserve Requests
Special Requests
a. Student Leadership Advisory Board- Jerry Barrs.
Requesting money for a speaker they want to bring.
Request to bring Adam Carroll. He is an entrepentur and motivational speaker. Show presentation
about the speaker. Adam Carroll is a published author and public speaker. Presentation on “your
dream job is waiting” would like it bring to UNF. It’s a 60-90 minute presentation. Help you
ultimately discover you are closer to your dream then you think. January 30, 2013 is our target date.
Expect 300 guests and in the ballrooms. His fee is 3,500 for travel, lodging, etc. Marketing and
refreshments $142.50.
Sen. Broski- 3700? Or 3642.50?
Just a friendly.
Sen. Nahem- you were projecting 300. How are you projecting that number?
Have announced to all business club leaders and have their backing and membership. Will have
marketing and promotions. This is a very interactive presentation. Facilitates networking. Like to
open it up to students not just in the business clubs. We want to see students intersecting.
Sen. Jones- can you describe the marketing strategy?
Biggest start is to get club leadership to back the idea. Flyers, internet bases, word of mouth, and
Adam has a team of people to coordinate events and have marketing strategies planned out. Not
closing off the event to anybody.
Sen. Farrell- is 300 a max?
That’s our target audience.
Motion from Sen. Jones to approve student leadership request. Second. No objections. Discussion:
Sen. Jones- completely for this, it promotes education. Sen. Garcia- great event to fund, networking is
a priority. Sen. Caudio- great idea, don’t like that the date is on a osprey production movie night, so
suggest another night. Advisor McGuire- with all the events on campus there is no way to not plan it
on a night with other events. Sen. Nahem- look at what this club is doing, working together with a lot
of other clubs, look into this as a big benefit for the student body.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-0-0.
b. SG Executive Branch- Monica Bowman
Aim higher event to bring awareness to tuition and budget cuts on higher education.
Mike Naughton- should all know about Aim Higher. Will be having a rally on January 14 to energize
the UNF community on that fact that this is the last time you will pay these rates. Special request is
for a lot of promotional items to get students attention about this cause. Have road sign designs,
banner pens, A frames from OP, tshirts in our school colors.
Sen. Garcia- the new spread sheet includes dominos pizza and trapaziod decals?
Trapazoid decals are for the student union. There will be a lot of traffic during this time and do not
believe is will be fiscally responsible so we that changed.
Sen. Farrell- can you go into more detail about the actual rally?
Yes we really would like a lot of SG involvement. A lot of us will be speaking that day to the students.
Stations will be set up to write letters and letteres will be brought to the budget committees.
Hopefully looking for 1500 letters.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to adopt the new spead sheet. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote.
Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve the executive branch for $7,367. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Caudio- great idea, cant wait. Sen. Trayer- fully support, highly important that we
back up our votes with participation, we need to convince our peers to get involved as well and
represent the students.
Roll call vote.
Passes 11-0-1.
SG Legislative Branch- Corey Amira
This is for more money for the election.
Pres. Varshovi-we were allocated money but our former E and A Chairman wished for a record
breaking turnout. Its critical that our students know that there is an election going on. Our voter
turnout is also a representation that our students feel we are representing them. We agreed to spend
almost all the budget to get a better turnout. There was a record breaking turnout. The estimation
before you is 3,000 spent in fall. Spoke with Sen. Amira and would like to increase and to break the
voter turnout again. Oversight of mine, did not add road signs. If anyone could motion for adding
road signs that add up to $600.
Sen. Trayer- just tshirts and food? Like to see alternative ways to get the word out.
Didn’t feel 6 additional banners and flyers to give out were needed.
Sen. Walker- DO you think $1000 on food is really going to help the voter turn out?
Yes, its been shown that is helps.
Sen.- Has the funds for food been insufficient in the past?
All the money that isn’t spent will roll back to us so if the food is not used we don’t need to spend the
extra money.
Sen. Garcia- can you clarify the road signs?
Total of $600.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to amend the request for road signs. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-0-0.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the SG Legislative Branch request as amended. Second.
Discussion: Sen. Caudio- Think they hit it on the mark. People say they voted because the food. If that
is what will get the higher members I am for it. Sen. Keen- will get bigger numbers, but concerning
that we all looking at the quantity of votes not the quality. Think it would be almost better not to have
incentives for the voting process. Sen. Trayer- agree a little more with Sen. Keen. Should focus on
what the parties are running for, will get more diversity and better informed students.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-0-0.
SG Executive Branch – Corey Amira
Free printing initiative.
President Fassi- over summer, you approved a request to pilot the third version of free printing.
You’ve been hearing the success of the program from the treasurer in his reports. We still do not
know how much of the fall money will be spent. The money that is not spent will go into the special
request. What we are requesting is basically the same request in the summer. 25 prints or 10 colored
prints per students. Totals to $37,000. Just swipe card and it charges the free printing account. At the
end of the semester we will receive a bill from auxiliary services and will pay the bill and whatever
we didn’t use will get back.
Sen. Keen- can only be used for copies, correct, can’t go buy something else?
Correct, only works for printing.
Sen. Garcia- have not gotten number from fall yet?
Motion form Sen. Walker to approve the SG Executive Branch for the free printing request. No
objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-0-0.
K) Travel Requests
a. Catholic Ospreys – Tony Stevens
Coming up in January there is a national conference for a focus group. It is in Orlando so we don’t
have to worry about busses. This is to gain student leadership skills. Can choose the level of
workshops there. Not requesting funding for gas. Have been doing a lot of fundraising. This is just to
help in paying a little more than half.
Sen. Garcia- 11 students going, how were these chosen?
We advertised to the group and the 11 said they wanted to do it and are already signed up online.
Motion from Sen. Jones to approve the Catholic Ospreys for $2500. Second. No objections. Discussion:
Sen. Jones- great that you have already tried fundraising, this is a great experience. Sen. Keen- this is
what a club should do, have tried fundraising and now coming to us, they are are on good standing,
how a travel request should look.
Roll call vote.
Passes 10-0-2.
Jacksonville Christian Life – heather deyarmin
An on campus ministry here. Faith Blockers is a conference for college age students, families, coupes.
Club status 13 years old, have been in good standing since then. Over the years, we have had over
100 students go to faith blockers. Total has decreased since submitted because SG found cheaper
buses. Had a fundraiser and an ananimous donor. Out of pocket we are asking students to pay for
their own meals there. If SG doesn’t fund we wont be able to have students go.
Sen. Garcia- how were students chosen?
Was open to all, these were the ones who signed up right away.
Sen. Estrada- student will be paying what?
$70 for lodging
Sen- why haven’t you gone since 2010?
Have come every year, but didn’t get enough signatures to as SG.
Sen. Browski- if these students have gone before, how will this benefit them?
There is a different focus each year so there will be different topics.
Sen. Garcia- how will this benefit the student body?
Will mature the students to be around the entire student body.
Sen. Caudio- have you done any other fundraising?
No have done one fundraiser and had one donor.
Sen. Garcia- your fundraising was at tijuana flats?
Motion Sen. Estrada to strike registration fee from the request. Second. No objections. Discussion- to
be fiscally responsible will help take the burden off them.
Roll call vote.
Tied 6-6. Chairman Brady votes no to leave it on the request.
Motion from Sen. Farrell to approve Jacksonville Christian Life for the full amount. Second. No
objections. Discussion: Sen. Caudio- if they knew about the amount and have gone already, I think
they should have done better at fundraising. Sen. Trayer- support the travel request but for future
would ask to put more effort in fundraising.
Roll call vote.
Tied 6-6. Needs two thirds vote, motion dies.
Pride Club- Star Caudio
Wishing to attend the creating change conference. Have done various fundraisers and are planning
new fundraisers as well. This conference is put on by the national gay and lesbian task force. This is
to work toward achieving full equality. The conference is an annual gathering for gender identities to
not be discriminated against but to be celebrated. Would like to enrich the campus to appreciate
diversity on campus. Will benefit the UNF campus by taking back what we learn at the event. Many
speakers will be at this event. Total cost is $2,000 and asking for full amount. If request is denied, we
would lack the national exposure.
Sen. Farrell- said that there is a lot to bring back to UNF, can use give more specifics?
Would like to collaborate with the AASU for events and events like this can give ideas on how LGBT
persons and people of color experience. The pride club is looking to attend another conference and
like to use the funds from this semester and next for that conference.
Sen. Garcia- 5 members are going, how were they chosen or was it based on interest?
We decided to choose the five that want to go the most. Who is available to go, we all want to go. To
provide leadership skills, we see future leadership in our junior and sophomore members to lead in
the future.
Sen. Wolf- understand your money is going towards other events, but if this is such a priority why
isn’t your money going towards this?
Just came into this and so we didn’t have much money to go towards this.
Sen. Estrada- do you have any future planning of fundraising?
Yes, have things in the works but no dates set. Have a drag show and fundraising at Hamburger
Mary’s. Also received donations from businesses in the riverside area.
Sen. Caudio- if only partially funded, what will you do?
Will just seek out other funding but will not hinder what we do on campus because it is important for
us to play a role on campus.
Sen. Walker- did you have a rough estimate of the donations you have received?
Most of everything is not dollar amount, they are items to be auctioned off. And at the drag show
there was an entrance fee.
Motion from Sen. Estrada to strike fuel cost from special request. Second. No objections. DiscussionSen. Estrada- support but with aspiration to find more fundraising think the fuel amount is
reasonable to locate. Treasurer Nahem- make sure this is off merit not personal feelings. This is for
the general benefit of the student body.
Roll call vote.
Passes 7-0-5.
Motion form Sen. Caudio to approve the pride club’s request as amended. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Trayer- they provided how they will benefit the student body and Jecksonville in
general and I’m glad they are planning on that. The high schools could also benefit.
Roll call vote.
Passes 9-0-3.
d. Hana Ashchi- Dylan Farrell
Club called Better Together. Requesting funding to go to training in Atlanta. Attending this event will
better me since I am the first president of this interfaith club. Have studied Judiaism and Islam so far.
We are incorporating dialogue with it. My hope is that students will be more interested. Already have
30 students in our group. This is to help others understand other cultures. Also apart of a president
challenge. We are active with other clubs on campus.
Motion from Sen. Jones to approve the travel request for Hannah Ashchi. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Keen- see the value of her attending as the first president of interfaith club and it is
important to be careful of how you are communicating with others when it comes to religion so I
think this is good for her to attend.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-0-0.
L) Finance Code
M) General Reserves
N) Budget Balancing
A) Senate Monday, October 22nd, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Senate Chambers
XXVII. Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 12 voting members.
XXVIII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 6:05 pm.