University of North Florida Student Senate

University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – January 28th 2013 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
The meeting is called to order at 6:31 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance – Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Britt Stromquist
Invocation – Senate Chaplain Star Caudio
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens (
Quorum is established with 41 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the minutes of January 7. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Amira to add Louis Reich to Senate Appointments after new business. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to add SR-13S-2670 to second read. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Garcia to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Dylan Howe- seeking a general Senate seat
Aaron Anderson- seeking a general Senate seat
Student Remarks
Guest Speakers
Legislative Cabinet Reports
a. Senate President Zak Varshovi (
Excited to present an SR outlining the outreach campaign which is a project that we came up with based off of your all’s
feedback. Will be scheduling bill-writing workshops. Also we have the new senators workshops coming up.
b. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Corey Amira (
Tonight we have Louis Reich coming up for a graduate seat. Also there is a title 6 bill tonight. The committee is currently
working on getting advertisements and other items ready for elections.
c. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs (
Been meeting one on one with my committee. We have two SRs tonight that went through my committee and passed
unanimously. Today at 3:30 we met with the Coggin student advisory board and the accrediting board and the accounting
board. For those of you in the college seats, get to know your constituents because we got a lot of really good feedback.
One idea from another university is their “ask tom” forum. Tom is their mascot. Thought this is a good idea to work on for
commonly asked questions by our students. Could develop an “Ask Ozzie” forum.
d. Student Advocacy Committee – Chairwoman Megan Jones (
Will be conducting Osprey Voice tomorrow. Meet in the rotunda before. Work and class are the only excuses I will accept.
e. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Christopher Brady (
Had two requests go through B and A. Travel was approved. Osprey TV is coming up because their amount increased. Had
about 4 travel requests just come up so if you are looking to sponsor a request come talk to me. Also if you are interested
in being the next B and A Chair start talking to me now about the duties. This Friday we have budget deliberations. Come
if you can because you can learn a lot from it.
f. University Affairs Committee – Chairwoman Monica Bowman (
Scantron bill passed unanimously in committee and is in senate tonight. A fire marshal came and did an exception of the
campus. The only issue was in the dorms. People were parked in wrong spots for too long. They said to give tickets after a
car is parked for 30 minutes. Another issue they had was before break; there was a small explosion in the chemistry lab so
they ask that students let someone know if you will be working alone. Osprey radio is looking to get a low FM radio
station. This is a big deal for them. If you are interested in UAC Chair let me know so we can discuss it.
Judicial Branch Report
a. Chief Justice – Alex Goetz ( (5-minutes)
The constitutions finally came in so we will be starting our “know your rights” campaign and passing out the small
constitutions at market days. By next senate we should have some positions to approve. Carlo is still deliberating.
Executive Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
Volunteer Center -
Today was the first meeting of the spring semester. Was very successful and received a lot of positive feedback. Open
house this Friday. If you are looking for more information this will be good. The lend a wing pantry has had over 100
visitors since the semester started. So we are in need of more volunteers and donations. With homecoming coming up we
will need some extra help as ell so contact us if you are interested.
Osprey Productions -
Last week we had Sex Fest with the dos and don’ts of doing the dirty. A professional sex educator was there and a film
was shown. We have a dodge ball tournament coming up and will be in black light. Will be having a short film contest.
Grab a calendar on your way out. With homecoming coming up we also need help as well.
Club Alliance -
No report.
Executive Branch Reports
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - (3-minutes)
SB-13S-2667a is an addendum that Carlo asked me to write. This creates a way for students to have a voice more strongly
than in osprey voice. We can add this in during SB-13S-2667 and discuss it all at once.
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen - (3-minutes)
The budget process is halfway done. All the departments and indexes came up and presented before the committee. Next
is deliberations will be this Friday at 9 am until it ends. If you are interested or want to express your opinion you should
come. After that, the next step is to have a forum, which then will be presented at the following Senate meeting. Will see
the budget at that senate and you may express your ideas then as well. Once the budget process is over we will be meeting
about looking over the cashiers office.
c. Vice- President – Mike Naughton - (5-minutes)
d. President – Carlo Fassi – (7-minutes)
Report given by the Attorn. Gen.- “Currently at the nations capital lobbying with Mike Naughton. Outstanding student loan
dept has surpassed credit card debt. The FSA understands that our efforts are for the students. Tallahassee has already
begun with meetings in regards to these issues. In state tuition for military personal will also be on list of issues.
Encourage all senators to attend Rally in Tally in April. Also been discussing preliminary ideas of a football team.
Understand this can be a costly and controversial topic but many students are very persistent about the idea. This
movement will not be done without the student body voting on this. Our treasurer will be presenting the budget on Friday
this week. I hereby endorse the budget they are working on. Boom. Carlo.”
Fiscal Requests
a. SB-13S-2668: Osprey TV – Sen. Heather Deyarmin
Station manager at Osprey Television- special request to purchase a field production kit; two new cameras, a compact
switcher and a black magic video hub. Two cameras will complete the set, we already have one. We will be able to give a
better coverage of UNF events with this equipment. If we go out to a concert on campus, it can be difficult to capture with
music. But with this switcher the editing does not have to be done and it helps us tremendously. This will give students
better excess of the events. Also gives more equipment to help go out in the community and get our name out there. Takes
out any of the limitations of having to edit afterwards. This also prepares our students working at Osprey Television for
life after UNF because this is what others are using. We can cover any event on campus if we have this equipment. Osprey
television is funded by SG so any student can volunteer for osprey television, they all have access therefore it gives our
students more knowledge in this field. They will be given proper training on how to use the equipment so don’t have to
worry about it breaking. The three cameras give a variety of pictures. Overall this is a benefit to the university and the
department of student media. Students can go to channel 170 or online to see Osprey television. We cover news events,
movies, UNF events, and this give us future event potential if we receive this equipment. The reason we had to up the cost
is because when we originally came in to request we had a rebate but that expired at the end of the year. But we do have a
discount by putting it all on one bill. The sheet in front of you is the current total.
Sen. Brady- the new total is $11,345.
Sen. Galanti- what is the lifetime on these products?
With technology it is always advancing but we have had our cameras for four to five years. With regular warranty it is
about 3 to 5 years. The switcher would be a little longer.
Sen. Tortolero- what will you do with the old equipment?
This isn’t replacing anything just adding to what we have to help gain more coverage. We will continue using what we
Sen. Tutwhiler- like that you will be able to cover commencements. Do you have any other sources of funding or anything
else set aside for these expenses?
We came in here because we cannot go any further without this equipment. The reoccurring funds are for repairing
equipment so we don’t have to come back to you every couple years.
Motion from Sen. Brady to amend line 11 and 12 to strike student leadership and board and read Osprey Television.
Second no objections No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Jones for unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to change line 14 to read $6,080. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Dykes for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve SB-13S-2668 as amended. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Brady- I like this
idea, it will give a lot of capabilities to Osprey television. Now we can be on Comcast. I am all for this. Go ospreys! Sen.
Caudio- will bring osprey television to a new standard. An investment in Osprey television is also an investment in UNF.
Electronic vote
Passes 42-0-1.
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-13S-2667: Spring 2013 Title VI Bill – Sen. Corey Amira
SB-13S-2667a- is to get a public opinion poll, what the attorney general was talking about. Advise that we add this
to the SB.
Advisor Delaney- do advise that this goes through the first read process.
Motion from Sen. Brady to add SB-13S-2667a to SB-13S-2667. Second. Objection: Sen. Anderson- as a legislative
body I believe that we have not had time to look over this yet. Believe this should go through the full process if it
really needs to be done. Sen. Dikes- believe as the attorney general said we are adding this onto the bill and will
have had time to discuss and have time to further read and look over during that time.
Electronic vote.
Passes 33-0-8.
Sen. Amira- figured you all have read this but it says that we ask the students first, for instance on the subject of
football this would ask that we have the students vote prior to us discussing the subject. Secondly, there isn’t a
huge need for the elections commission. The elections supervisor has the same responsibilities as this
commission so it is not needed.
Also added in a straight party vote option. For those who want to vote for all party A or all party B. This will
make it easier and quicker for students to vote.
Pres. Varshovi- the highlighted section is what is added to the bill
Sen. Tutwhiler- how did you come up with 20?
That is the number of general senate seats.
Sen. Brady- how did you come up with that name, plebiscite?
Pres. Varshovi- a plebiscite is what we are trying to attempt. This is for democratic bodies to vote on proposals.
Is a correct term.
Sen. Estrada- what exactly will this plebiscite be doing?
Giving us the option to vote.
Motion from Sen. Turner to add the word “have” to the added line. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Bowman for section 3 to read “have the ability to have up to 20 students.” Second. No
Motion from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to approve SB-13S-2667. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Barrs- plebiscite from
referendum is to clarify a public opinion as opposed to it being set in stone. Sen. Ramirez- wondering if the one
click party system is making the students vote “too quickly.” Like to hear discussion. Parties are already grouped
together. Sen. Barrs- some states do have a straight party vote although Florida doesn’t. I think the objective of
this is you have two different types of voters; those who vote for a party or those who pick and choose. I don’t
think it encourages one way or another. But at the end of the day it doesn’t take away form the experience, it just
allows to be more efficient. Sen. Doty- a lot of students asked for a one party vote during the last election. Sen.
Estrada- if this bill does not pass, than the plebiscite does not pass either, correct? Pres. Varshovi- Yes.
Electronic vote
Passes 36-0-7.
Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading
a. SR-13S-2665A: Senatorial Development and Training Act – Sen. Zak Varshovi
A goal that we have for this upcoming year regards addressing the training and development aspects of our
branch. Our new senator orientation has not been adequate enough in the past. This is to be more structured and
detailed so that new senators have the tools they need to succeed. Puts the responsibility on the legislative
cabinet to facilitate. Will take place every fall and spring. Chairs will each have workshops to teach all aspects of
the senators’ duties. The skills workshop is usually done by the senate president but I left this open for the senate
president to decide whether they wish to do this or not.
Sen. Garcia- for all members of senate?
Sen. Jones- do members have to retake the workshops if they are reelected?
No. Once they have done them they do not have to complete again.
Sen. Brady- can we clarify when this is needed
Motion from Sen. Barrs to amended line 30 to say “for first term senators of the fall or spring semester.” Second.
No objections.
Motion from Sen. Barrs for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
Motion from Sen. Anderson to strike on line 2 on page 2, “two (2).” Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Garcia to approve SR-13S-2665A as amended. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Jones for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
SR-13S-2665B: Scholarship Reconstruction Act – Sen. Zak Varshovi
Next resolution is something that has been discussed among the cabinet. This encourages senator participation
and adds to the structure of the scholarship. This adds the structure that isn’t currently present. Ties in the
attendance at the workshops and says to sponsor/co-sponsor at least once to receive the scholarship.
Sen. Brady- why did you decide just one time and not two or three?
I put once just in case there isn’t enough to go around, gave some room to more around.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to approve SR-13S-2665B. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Turner for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
JR-13S-2666: Universal Scantron and Blackboard Testing – Sen. Steven Anderson
Trying to get rid of some of the confusion and stress of the students of getting the right colored scantrons.
Request that the colleges get together to have a uniformed scantron or at the least have a uniform scatron within
each college. This also looks to increase blackboard testing. Some people like it, some our concerned about the
stability of Blackboard. Believe that if something does not need to be taken in the classroom then it can be online
to help further our campus in going green.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to strike lines 12-14 and 17-19 ending at “and to proctor.” Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Trayer- don’t support online testing. Sometimes it is necessary but testing online is not a good
way to test the knowledge of the students. Can lead to a lot of cheating and not learning. I think we have
advantages being a smaller university and having seats for all our student to be in the classroom. Sen. Barrs- think
this crosses our boundaries. If it is a professor’s personal preference to test in the classroom, they should b able
to. Think it is crossing the line. Sen. Anderson- academic honestly is on the responsibility of the students. If one
will cheat, they will cheat. We are not here to say whether or not they are going to cheat. Believe we have the best
students. We are not forcing the professors; we are opening up the dialogue. A lot of professors don’t know how
so we are asking professors to look into the use of the technology we have. Sen. Doty- I hate Blackboard.
Blackboard is not up to speed with a lot of things. It does lock you out. By doing this we are kind of telling
students they can work from home, it takes away from the classroom atmosphere to keep students from being
honest with a teacher in the room.
Attorney General Turner- will recommend a veto to the president because two JRs don’t have to do with each
Sen. Brady- have done Ospreys Voices on the scantron issue but nothing has been done on Blackboard. We need
to go to the students first and ask them. We do not have the results of what they wish.
Sen. Anderson- good and valid point, I am a fan of statistics. I would like to pull the bill until I have better results.
Advisor McGuire- advise to send this back to committee to separate.
Motion on the floor to strike all portions that reflect Blackboard and only refer to scantrons. Second. No
Electronic vote.
Passes 37-0-3.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to amend line 1 to strike “and blackboard testing.” Second. No objections. Motion from
Sen. Jones for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen Galanit to move it back to committee, not to table it. That way, we can gather some data. Second.
Objection: Sen. Brady- to open the floor for discussion. Second. No objections. Floor opened.
Sen. Brady- the only part of bill we have left we are in support of because we have the data about the scantron.
Sen. Stevens- there was an Osprey Voice done on this and students want a single scantron system. Sen. Caudiobelieve we have the duty to do it the correct way. We can do this JR much better. Sen. Lundy- nothing in this bill
that hasn’t gone through committee. We can go ahead and get this out of the way and come back to the
blackboard issue in committee. Sen. Barrs- save us money to buy one type of scantron. Sen. Galanti resends his
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve JR-13S-2666 as amended. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Stevens for unanimous consent. Second. Objection.
Electronic vote
Passes 39-0-2.
SR-13S-2670 - Senate President Varshovi
This is a senate resolution because it is a formal expression of support. This outreach campaign is directed at us
to engage our students. Ideally we wish for you all, as senators, to talk to at least one senator per week. Educate
them on what we do and to talk to them about their concerns as students. Help to better connect with the
students. The logistics of this will be to have a box in the rotunda to fill out a sheet on what you discussed. Then
we are able to go through them and get ideas for initiatives and on our development as a branch. There is no sort
of penalty if you do not complete this, we are just encouraging it.
No questions.
Motion from Sen. Dykes to approve SR-13S-2670. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Motion from Sen. Pino for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
Senate Appointments
a. Graduate Senate Seat - Louis Reich
Sen. Amira- Louis is coming up for a graduate seat. He does not have class on Monday nights. We currently have two seats
Louis Reich- In the college of education. I worked for a whole semester to get Monday nights free. Was on several different
bodies on local and state level during my undergrad. Have the experience and think I am a good fit for this.
Sen. Farrell- where did you get your undergrad?
University of South Florida
Sen. Brady- which committee would you want to join and why?
The Constitution and Statutes Committee because I like Robert’s Rules.
Motion from Sen. Brady to confirm Louis Reich for a graduate seat. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Brady- has been
very persistent to meet with me. He also attended the budget hearing. Sen. Anderson- thoroughly impressed. Great addition.
Sen. Caudio- really cool. Anyone who digs Robert’s Rules should be here.
Motion from Sen. Pino for unanimous consent. Second. Objection: Sen. Lundy- think we should vote on it properly.
Electronic vote
Passes 41-0-0.
Chief Justice swears in Louis Reich.
Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. Parliamentarian
i. Sen. Kyler Dykes
Motion from Sen. Stevens to open the floor for any other nominations. Second. No objections. Opened.
Sen. Anderson nominates himself. Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Barrs to close the floor for nominations. Second. No objections.
Sen. Kyler Dykes- I’m a junior in bio medical sciences. Been in senate for close to two years. Helped the student advocacy
chair, have ran meetings. Know procedures and know Robert’s Rules from running committees and Greek life. I know the
responsibilities and tasks of Parliamentarian and I am fully prepared for the position.
Sen. Steven Anderson- I am new here. This will be my first year working with you all but I am a senior here. Did run
meetings in high school for ROTC. Also ran committee meetings using another form of Robert’s Rules. I am a quick study.
Have worked hard to be up to speed with you all. I have copies of Robert’s Rules and the constitution.
Sen. Brady- will you be graduating at the end of the semester?
No discussion.
Electronic vote
Sen. Dykes passes as Parliamentarian.
Chief Justice swears in Kyler Dykes.
Will be scheduling bill-writing workshops so be expecting an email from me. The new senators workshops are on February 7th
at 7:30.
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens –
Quorum is reestablished with 41 voting members.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:15 pm.