University of North Florida Student Senate Senate Meeting Agenda – January 7th 2013 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers I. Call to Order Meeting is called to order at 6:36 pm. II. Pledge of Allegiance – Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Britt Stromquist III. Invocation IV. Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens ( Quorum is established with 41 voting members. V. Approval of Minutes Motion from Sen. Jones to approve the minutes from November 19, 2012. Second. No objections. Moved. VI. Approval of Agenda Motion from Sen. Amira to add SB-13S-2667 to first read. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Anderson to add JR-13S-2666 to first read. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Grego to add on nominations to parliamentarian after executive reports. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Stoval to add SR-13S-2665 to first read. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Brady to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved. VII. Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment Louis Rites seeking a senator position. VIII. Student Remarks Anne and Jeanine from the Haitian Cultural Club- like to remind all of you of a human trafficking walk in osprey plaza this Saturday, can register online and all proceeds go to helpings these kids find a home. Wayne Tutwiler- swoop madness pep rally tomorrow in arena at 8 pm. There will be interactive events; DJ Capone and Dan Hickens from first coast news will be in attendance. Will also have a special music performance. First 500 students receive glow sticks and swag bags. One student will win free books for a semester. There also are two games and a tailgate this week. Come out to these events and support our athletics! Anthony Hendricks- the guest performer tomorrow is going to be very exciting even though it’s a surprise and we can’t tell you, you should all come out. 11 days away from JU weekend. Lot 18 will have tailgating and some free food. Will need some volunteers for this events, come see me if interested. IX. Guest Speakers a. UNF Chief of Police – John E. Dean Here to talk about a new law that came into effect on October 1. This law has to do with child abuse. In the Sandusky case there was a problem because no one reported. This new law is to compel you to report. Instead of it just having to do with a legal guardian, the law also includes anyone 18 years or older. Therefore if you are over 18 and you know of some one under 18 being abused and you do not report, that is a third degree felony. Once someone under 18 tells you this information, it is your obligation to report it to the police. If you do not, we the police and university cannot say, “oh they didn’t know.” It has to then go to the state attorney’s office. You also cannot wait to report, you have to report it immediately. What does immediately mean? We expect you to stop what you are doing and report it. What is abuse? Abuse can be physical, emotional, and mental. Mental abuse can be threats or saying “I wish you were never born.” Emotional is causing another person distress. Those of you who are involved in fraternity and sorority life, this applies to Greek life. If you know of something that is harming another, you must report it. You can report by phone, fax, or online but once you call an officer they will walk you through these steps. Anytime that there is an occasion to report, it is all confidential information. No one else will have this information unless you give them the permission to retain this information. If information is given that is fictitious, that is also a third b. c. d. X. degree felony. Once reported you have immunity, meaning they cannot come back at you criminally or civilly, which is a good reason to report it. UNF Counseling Center – Renee Moneguo Here to talk about the services provided by the UNF Counseling Center. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, you just have to call. There are also walk in services if it cannot wait for an appointment. The counseling center can be used for times of depression, hard times, high stress, and so on. We also have psychiatrists if you are on some type of medication. I am also here to speak of the car accident causing the death of Dara Kusiv and the three others injured in the accident. If you knew these students, you may want to visit the counseling center. An individual can have physical reactions, withdrawing from others, or having bad thoughts. This incident was not normal and these reactions are normal reactions. So visiting the counseling center can be very beneficial. As a counselor, I suggest that you talk about these thoughts and emotions and go through the grieving process and be patient with this process. Take your feelings seriously. Hope you all can come to the candle light vigil this Saturday on the Amphitheater. If you have any questions you can always email me. UNF Registrar – Megan Kuehner Main reason I am here is because our office is seeking a relationship with Student Government. We believe student-to-student communication can be more effective than administrator to student communication. We are making a new withdraw policy limitation that is going to impact students. This policy speaks specifically to undergrad students. We will exclude for military reasons or extreme circumstances. We are hoping to partner with you all to help students to understand because we understand there may be a large reaction from the older students. This is an attempt to help students from getting into academic or financial holes. Also to help before a student makes a rash decision, to seek out an advisor. Sen. Caudio- this doesn’t effect add/drop week correct? Yes, that is right. Mike Naughton- medical conditions also fall under those conditions correct? Yes, of coarse. On the registrar webpage there is a link for the legislators on how you feel about this change. Again as we move forward, students can be affected by this surcharge. Alex- is this from the fees or tuition? This is your tuition not your fees, you are not paying the school you are paying the state. Sen. Caudio- is this the same for transfer students? Yes. Advisor Delaney- does this also have to do with the repeat surcharge? The repeat surcharge is different but it can play into this charge. Sen. Brady- can excess hours effect double majors? There is an allowance for that because you have established double majors. However some double minors are not seen as required. There is an excess hour page on line where you can see your hours and where you stand. You can contact our office if you feel that you have an excused exemption from the surcharge. Sen. Daniel- does this effect international students? It can, depending on the transfer evaluations. For those students we suggest working with their advisors. Sen. Anderson- is this going to force students to have to choose classes and lock them into choices they are not ready to make? This is to help students find the quickest degree path. I think that was their intent, to not let students continue school without deciding their major. SG Advisor – Katie Delaney Also want to thank the counseling center for speaking. Would also like to mention that if you do not feel comfortable you can also speak to the staff of SG. I am also here to speak on SG. Spring semester brings elections, budgeting, and so it is time to focus. Review Roberts Rules, policies and procedures, get to know your constituents, and ask questions when you have them. We are all learning together. Lets make this year the very best yet. Legislative Cabinet Reports a. Senate President Zak Varshovi ( Welcome back, great to se you all. Have a lot planned this semester. These reports will consist of some goals for this semester. The goals that I have drawn up consist of you maximizing your experience here. I would like to meet with each of you this semester one on one. To answer questions and so that I can get feedback so we can improve and move forward. Also would like to improve training and workshops that relate to committees. Would also like your feedback on this as well. This is critical that we improve on training and development. Lastly, an outreach campaign we are working on. This is different from osprey voice because it is just to make a dialogue between other students and getting their concerns. Will go into more detail next b. c. d. e. f. g. senate but believe we must work together this semester. Also we are doing committee reassignments because schedules have changed so sign up for top three and for a meeting time with me. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Corey Amira ( Some of my goals are to have a full senate. Currently have 4 vacant seats. Will be email the colleges to get some of the grad seats filled. Also looking to find more efficient ways to vote. Will have upcoming meetings to discuss some ideas. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs ( Want to set up monthly reoccurring meetings with my committee and also to find ways to be more involved in the committee and to practice writing bills. Also like to create a publication to reference our constitution that way students have a better sense of what we do up here and to get them more involved and so that more students can come and speak in senate and voice their concerns. Student Advocacy Committee – Chairwoman Megan Jones ( Heads up SAC is now at 6 pm. As for goals, mine our more involvement. Would like more partnering with the agencies to help them with events. I may do biweekly meetings but if you would like to meet with me that is fine too. Would like my committee to get more involved and talking. Want to get as many voices and opinions to get you all excited about the issues. Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Christopher Brady ( First budget meeting is this Friday at 9:30 and will be for the next three Fridays. (Reads the names of those on the committee.) Highly encourage those who can come to the hearings to come because it is a great learning experience. Go over the current standings. Goals to teach ways to approve of requests hope to teach the committee ways to be more fiscally responsible because the accounts are getting low. University Affairs Committee – Chairwoman Monica Bowman ( Like to thank all those who came to the gen ed committee, they were really impressed. My goals are to have more guest speakers, just to get another view on the committees. Also a goal is to have more follow ups to check on the issues being pursued. Another goal is to put members on more active committee and to gage more discussion. Also to help more committees with legislature and the issues. Senate President Pro-Tempore - Tony Stevens My first goal is to create a more organized way to sort attendance for each committee. A lot of our stuff isn’t completely up to date because it is harder in the different forms. But I am working on making the O Drive easier to work and chairs can just point and click and drag their information to the drive right after the meeting. Another goal is to just make everything more simplistic for the chairs. Also, my goal is for all senators to know the points system. I will be making pocket size cards explaining how much events are worth, how to appeal points and also examples of legitimate and illegitimate excuses. Sen. Pres. Varshovi- We have an open door policy here. If you all have questions in regards to your positions you are always welcome to come into our offices or if you even just want to hang out and see what we do to learn more about SG. XI. Judicial Branch Report a. Chief Justice – Alex Goetz ( (5-minutes) Have one vacancy on the branch and we are currently looking to fulfill it. There was a complaint about the elections in regards to pizzas but it was found invalid because there is nothing in our constitution about this. Our meetings are on Mondays at 2 this semester; I welcome you all to come to learn more about the branch. XIV. Executive Agency Reports: (3-minutes each) a. Volunteer Center - Our general meeting next Thursday at 5pm will also double as a casting call for our fashion show. Looking for models. Will have free pizza as usual. Lend a wing pantry has extended hours this week and are looking for volunteers b. Osprey Productions - Welcome back to a great spring semester. Have a lot planned. Budget deliberations are coming up and it is important to be able to justify allocating money to OP. Also encourage you to check out our Facebook that has all our events. These events our successful because you all promote them. This week movie night, coffee house, and Winter Fest this Friday- bringing in real snow. After basketball game there is a magic show. c. Club Alliance - Spring Bash is planned for March 7, the theme is movies. Our first general meeting is Monday. The spring audit is coming up. President’s Gala also is coming up. Getting ready for the semester. XII. Executive Branch Reports a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - (3-minutes) b. Treasurer – Billy Namen - (3-minutes) Reiterate what Chris said, that budget hearings are all this month. If you want to get more involved or have questions come talk to me. I will also be creating a student panel to discuss the issues with one stop and the cashier’s office. These services are like the customer service of our university so this will be an important panel to focus on the pros and cons of the office. Any questions on that, come ask me as well. My email is c. Vice- President – Mike Naughton - (5-minutes) Hope everyone had a happy first day of classes. Tomorrow is swoop madness, starting at 8 pm. You guys are going to love the performer. This Thursday is the beat the bears game. Tailgating starts that afternoon. Would now like to turn it to a more serious note for Dara, an osprey whom we lost over the break. (Have a moment of silence for her.) The candlelight vigil is this Saturday. ZTA is handing out black ribbons this week on campus. d. President – Carlo Fassi – (7-minutes) If interested in joining that panel our treasurer mentioned, make sure to email him. I will be meeting with Sen. Bowman tomorrow to figure out the committees so let us know which you wish to serve on. Who saw the movie Lincoln? It was great. Explained a bill that wanted education given for a reasonable price that provided skills for high demand, high paying jobs. Lincoln found it important to put this bill in place. I have been discussing with you all a lot about the Aim Higher campaign. We cannot forget that our policy makers cannot continue to back away from education systems. The student body presidents across the state have joined together on this. A week from today we will have a rally. My administration needs help from senators. If you are interested in speaking in classes, come see us. We are also looking to make a video and need speakers for that. We will give you all the talking points so that you are well versed for that. Nominations for Parliamentarian Sen. Pres. Varshovi- Job is to point out proper parliamentary procedures and answer questions that arise, also update bills when reviewing them on the screen. Motion from Sen. Stevens to open the floor for nominations. Second. No objections. Moved. Motion from Sen. Stevens to nominate Sen. Dikes. Second. He accepts. Moved. Motion from Sen. Galanti to close the floor. Second. No objections. Moved. Elections will take place in two weeks from tonight. XIII. Fiscal Requests XV. New Business a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading d. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading XVI. Announcements None. XIV. Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens – Quorum is reestablished with 40 voting members. XVII. Adjournment Meeting is adjourned at 7:59 pm.