Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting March 5 , 2012 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
March 5th, 2012
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Monica Bowman
Call To Order-4:30
Roll Call- quorum is established with 9 voting members
Approval of the Minutes
A) 2/20/2011- Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve, seconded, no objections, passes
Approval of Agenda
A) 3/5/2012- Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve the agenda for today, seconded, no objections,
Chairman Report and Remarks
Treasurer’s Report- we are trying to save the money by being financially responsible
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2011-2012 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
New Business
A) Finance Code
 SB-12S-2581- The Budget Transparency Act; Sen.Laudelino Garcia and
Sen. Sergio Saavedra
1. Sen. Haley- “is SG in control of the website or is an outside source?”
a. We have direct control over it
2. Motion; Sen. Bass: to pass SB-12S-2571, seconded, no objections, no
discussion, electronic vote, passes 9-0-0
B) Travel Requests
 Society of Automotive Engineers-$2,500.00; Sen. Greg Spelios
1. Sen. Normandy- “how many active members are in your club?”
a. 33
2. Business Manager Mike McGuire- “do you have to be an international
member to be in the club?”
a. no
3. Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve SAE for $2,500, seconded, no
objections, discussion follows
4. Sen. Delgado- wants to point out how dedicated and helpful they are
5. Sen. Haley- said no last year but this year is all for them to go win the
6. Roll call vote, passes 9-0-0
C) Special Requests
 Osprey TV- $2,306.00; Sen. Laudelino Garcia- expanding the closet where the
control room is.
1. Sen. Glasser- “are you going to move the equipment out of the room?”
a. They would put a plastic sheet over the equipment so they
wouldn’t have to move it.
2. Sen. Bass- “is there any way for the equipment will be moved to a
different space?”
a. No you don’t want the expensive equipment in the open and the
space up there is full enough as it is.
3. Business Manager McGuire- “is there a door on there?”
a. There is no door on it anymore and they have to keep the area
4. Motion; Sen. Glasser: to approve Osprey TV for $2,306.00, seconded,
no objections, discussion follows
5. Sen. Haley- voting no because a sledge hammer and some paint would
do a fine job
6. Business manager McGuire- you can’t just go around up here with a
sledge hammer
7. Roll call vote, passes 6-0-1
 Center for Student Media- $2,491.00; Sen. Laudelino Garcia
1. Sen. Delgado- “is there no way you can put the TV on a stand?”
a. The TV would be sitting to low and people would hit the TV
coming in
2. Business Manager Mike McGuire- “it is a security issue because you
can’t see who is approaching you”
3. Motion; Sen. Garcia: to approve CSM for 2,491.00, seconded, no
objections, no discussion, roll call vote, tie 4-0-4
4. Sen. Bowman breaks the tie to read 5-0-4, passes
 Osprey Radio- $5,107.00; Sen. Laudelino Garcia
1. Sen. Delgado- “how are they fixing the air conditioning?”
a. They have to mess with the recording because of the air noise
2. Sen. Delgado- “how would they fix it?”
a. They would insulate and move the air ducts
3. Sen. Saavedra just entered the room
4. Sen. Haley- “did you recently request a new amp in the budget?”
a. no
5. Sen. Bass- “have any students reported a noise?”
a. The staff brought up the noise complaint
6. Business Manager Mike McGuire- “do you have to do a permit for this
a. It would have been reflected in the cost
7. Sen. Bass- “can you solve this in another way and do you have
somewhere in your budget for regular improvements?”
a. No we couldn’t solve this on our own and they need this money
from SG to get these improvements
8. Motion; Sen. Delgado: to approve Osprey radio for $5,107, seconded, no
objections, discussion follows
9. Sen. Shows- they should drop the heating and ventilation because the
amp and power problem is more important
10. Sen. Cunningham- agrees with Sen. Shows and you should come back
at another time
11. Business Manager McGuire- don’t just solve half of the problem
because they need it fixed
12. Roll call vote, passes 7-0-2
D) General Reserves
E) Transfers
F) Budget Balancing
A) Senate Monday, March 19th at 6:30pm. Senate Chambers
B) B&A Monday, March 26th at 4:30 p.m. Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 9 voting members