Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting February 20th, 2012 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM Chairman: Sen. Monica Bowman I. Call To Order-4:33 II. Roll Call- quorum is established with 9 voting members III. Approval of the Minutes A) 2/6/2011- - motion, Sen. Haley, to approve the minutes, seconded, no objections, passes IV. Approval of Agenda A) 2/20/2012- Motion; Sen. Normandy: to add provisionary language to the finance code, seconded, no objections, no discussion, passes B) Motion; Sen. Normandy: to hear the American Society of Civil Engineers before provisionary language, seconded, no objections, passes C) Motion; Sen. Turner: to approve agenda, seconded, no objections, passes V. Chairman Report and Remarks- this is going to be an interesting meeting VI. Treasurer’s Report- not in the room VII. Guest Speakers A) Mike McGuire- Student Government Business Manager- - the university increased the enrollment, this is time sensitive and the treasurer has made some great recommendations B) Motion; Sen. Haley: for a 5 minute recess, seconded, no objections, roll call vote, passes 9-0-0 C) Reconvene at 4:42 D) Roll call- quorum is reestablished with 9 voting members E) Motion; Sen. Turner: to revisit the agenda, seconded, no objections, passes F) Motion; Sen. Turner: to move travel requests before the budget, seconded, no objections, passes G) Motion; Sen. Turner: to re approve the agenda as amended, seconded, approved VIII. Account Totals 2011-2012 Fiscal Year Special Requests Travel Requests Salary Reserves IX. Now $82,705.88 $17,127.55 $15,000.00 After $82,705.88 $14,224.07 $15,000.00 Old Business A) Travel Requests 1. American Society of Civil Engineers- 2500.00 i. Sen. Garcia-“how were the 30 students chosen?” a. It is whoever wanted to go ii. Motion; Sen. Delgado: to approve the American Society of Engineers for $2,500, seconded, no objections, passes 9-0-0 B) SB-12S-2574- 2012-2013 Activity and Service Fee Budget 1. Sen. Haley- “when someone comes up for special requests are they 2 different things?” a. It would be normal legislative process 2. Sen. Saavedra- If you increase one then they think that it is unfair to the people who didn’t get an increase. 3. Motion; Sen. Saavedra: to revisit index 402502, osprey radio, seconded, no objections passes 4. Sen. Saavedra- resends his motion 5. Sen. Turner- “with the student union index, there were money for repairs so did you think to add to that?” a. there is a student union fund so any money left over from that can be used for the equipment 6. Motion; Sen. Saavedra: to approve the recommendations for the budget, seconded, no objections, no discussion, roll call vote, passes 80-0 C) 2012-2013 Provisionary Language 1. Sen. Turner- “with that language we don’t have fund anyone? a. No you don’t have to fund any entity 2. Motion; Sen. Turner: to approve the provisionary language for 20122013 per the treasurers recommendations, seconded, no objections, roll call vote, passes 9-0-0 3. Motion; Sen. Haley: to send provisionary language for 2012-2013 and budget to next senate meeting, seconded, no objections, no discussion, roll call vote, passes 8-0-0 D) 2011-2012 Provisionary Language 1. Motion; Sen. Turner: to approve the provisionary language of 20112012 by the treasures recommendations, seconded, no objections, no discussion, roll call vote, passes 8-0-0 X. New Business A) Finance Code B) Travel Requests C) Special Requests D) General Reserves E) Transfers F) Budget Balancing XI. Announcements A) Senate Monday, February 27th at 6:30pm. Senate Chambers B) B&A Monday, March 5th at 4:30 p.m. Senate Chambers XII. Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 8 voting members XIII. Adjournment- 5:15