University of North Florida Student Senate


1 UNF Drive

Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645

(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005

Office of the Student Senate

University of North Florida Student Senate

Senate Meeting Agenda – April 2


2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers

Call to Order- 6:38 I.





Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Kyler Dykes –

- quorum is established with 39 voting members

Approval of Minutes- Motion; Sen. Versace: postpone the minutes approval until next meeting, seconded, no objections, passes


Approval of Agenda a.

Motion; Sen. Brady: add judicial appointments after judicial report, seconded, no objections, passes b.

Motion; Sen. Brady: add Joe Mains to judicial appointments, seconded, no objections, passes c.

Motion: Sen. Versace: add SB-12S-2594 to first read, seconded, no objections, passes d.

Motion; Sen. Fassi: add SB-12S- 2592 to second read, Sen. Fassi, motion for unanimous consent, no objections, passes e.

Motion; Sen. Jones: approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, passes



Student Remarks – a.

President Brockleman- we have a state senator in the room tonight. We ought to thank Senator John Thrasher for helping our university on not getting that big of a cut than some universities in Florida got. b.

Abduhl Hurmo, junior, international relations- green revolution is during April and it is going to educate students about the environment and recycling. The whole concept is to show that UNF is an environment conscious campus. Came to ask for support and there is a Facebook where you can join to get updates about the green revolution


Sen. Garcia- “what made you have an interest in the green revolution?” a.

He works with the environment department at UNF, he wants people be more environmentally friendly

Guest Speakers a.

Senator John Thrasher- thanks everyone for their commitment to their university and student government. More and more young people are getting involved with the government now. The fact that you all are getting involved in student government so early in life. John Delaney is a great president not only in Florida but now getting more recognition in the country wide setting. If the constitutional change happens and the Supreme Court passes it, he will no longer represent Duval County. With the passing of the budget they had to cut some really good programs for the state. They have been trying to protect the university programs and UNF didn’t get as big of a cut as most of the universities in Florida. 17%of the graduates are in the

STEM courses but the other percent’s are where some jobs are. He is the chairman of the rules committee in the senate and he gets to recommend to the president which bills will be heard by separate committees. Vice chair of higher education and he is a lawyer on the side. He thanks us for our service and there are a lot of things going on at the university. If he gets reelected they are trying to get a medical school on the UNF campus.


Sen. Versace- “have you considered moving to Duval and in college what set you up the most with success in college?” a.

He just got interested in it in college and when he got back from the armed forces he wanted to help people and give back to the community and state. He has no plans on moving to Duval County.


Sen. Galanti- “what law school did you attend and what made you get into politics?” a.

He attended FSU law school after returning from Vietnam, being in Tallahassee for school really jump started him in politics by interning up there.


Motion; Sen. Fassi: revisit the agenda, seconded, no objections, Sen. Fassi, motion for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes


Motion; Sen. Versace: add students seeking appointment before senate committee reports, seconded, no objections, passes


Motion: Sen. Versace, approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, passes



Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Zak Varshovi-

– presented his bill and is coming up tonight in senate, they are resolving the committee appointments problems

Students Seeking Appointments- no one here

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution

1 UNF Drive

Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645

(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005

Office of the Student Senate






Senate Committee Chair Reports a.

Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace –

congratulations on being in the E&A committee b.

Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Jerry Barrs –

– met today before senate and passed a bill and looking forward to seeing it before senate. c.

Student Advocacy Committee- Chairman Megan Jones-

lighthouse is a major part of the student government and you are required to do them once a month. This committee needs to go out and talk to their constituents about issues. d.

Budget and Allocations Committee –Chairwoman Lacie Normandy –

she is transitioning well into this chair position

Fiscal Requests from Committee

Old Business a.

Vetoed Legislation b.

Tabled Legislation c.

Bills on 2 nd reading

University Wide Committee Reports- Sen. Fassi- The center for student media appointed new manager and editor and chief for the spinnaker

Student Government Judicial Report a.

Chief Justice – Matthew Yost -

the parking movie will be filmed during summer A and be distributed during summer B. Joe Main is coming up for appointment and this will make the committee full. b.

Judicail Appointment- c.

Joe Main, management and economics, junior


Sen. Estrada- “why did you want to be a justice?” a.

There was an opening for it and this will give me a more understanding of the appeal processes


Sen. Galanti- “what leadership experience do you have?” a.

Worked at Publix for a while


Sen. Garcia- “what change do you want to change in the judicial council?” a.

Not sure what kind of changes he wants to make yet


Sen. Fountain- “how can you be an effective justice is you have no prior experience?” a.

His dedication and hardworking attitude. He likes to get involved


Sen. Caoudio- “have you ever had to appeal a ticket?” a.

No but he knows how


Sen. Kerr- “how many statutes are there?” a.



Sen. Versace- “what involvement do you have on campus?” a.

On the sailing club


Sen. Fountain- “have you ever shadowed a justice or sat in on a senate meeting and what have you learned?” a.

He sat in on a senate meeting and he learned that it is very organized


Sen. Versace- “how did you find out about it?”



He walked up to the front desk and asked the lady if there was an opening

Sen. Broskie- “besides dedication what else qualifies you?”



The dedication and his understanding of student problems

Sen. Fountain- “what problems do you see?”




Sen. Walker- “what sets you apart from other people?”



He doesn’t quit

Sen. Fountain- “do you think you could sit in on more senate?”



He has all the resources he needs to be fine in the position

Sen. Lundy- “how else will you try to get involved if you do not get this?” a.

Doesn’t know because the clubs do not get back with him


Sen. Fassi- “what are the job responsibilities that the justices have?” a.

To stay unbiased with appeals and parking problems


President Brokleman- “if you first got involved with SG you didn’t know everything, it’s because other people give you the opportunity to do great”


Motion; Sen. Versace: open the floor for discussion, seconded, no objections, passes

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution

1 UNF Drive

Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645

(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005

Office of the Student Senate









Sen. Versace- he seems like a broad balanced student and can do good in the position

Sen. Stromquist- he was on her campus tour and he was asking a lot of questions about how to get involved

Sen. Garcia- he has great characteristics and he has his support

Motion; Sen. Versace; close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes

Motion; Sen. Stromquist: to approve Joe Main as a justice, seconded, no objections, passes 29-0-9

Student Government Executive Reports a.

Attorney General – Joe Turner -

– approached by your peers about writing legislation so if you want to learn how to write a bill come by and find out b.

Treasurer – Billy Namen -

- nothing c.

Vice- President – Courtney Warner -

– not in the room d.

President – Matthew Brockelman -

– this is his last senate meeting, never forget who you are here for, trust the facts not the noise, always ask why until you are satisfied, don’t always assume that you know what all the students want, knowledge is power, no substitute for dedication, seek the advisors wisdom, never think you have done enough, never too late to make a difference, and thank you for all the support in the executive branch. Thank you for all the help and he will still be here rooming with Sen. Fassi.

Student Government Agency Reports: (2-minutes each) a.

Volunteer Center – Gia Ciccone -

– the pantry is opening tomorrow at 10am. Make sure people are there, she would really appreciate it. They have Can UF tomorrow night and it is a big game, bring a canned good to win some fun prizes. The give luncheon is on Wednesday and the park cleanup coming up


Sen. Delgado- “how long is the reception for the pantry?” a.

No more than 45 min


Advisor Betty- “she is astonished on how much that she got accomplished this year” b.

Osprey Productions – Brent Fine -

– not here c.

Club Alliance – Paige Lehman -

– the president’s gala this week, trying to get the end of the year reports out before transitions, this past Friday was the deadline for the budget boost, and I encourage you to come out to the meetings and meet with your constituents.


Sen. Howard- “what was the deadline you mentioned?” a.

April 16 th is the deadline for clubs to make a purchase request


Sen. Delgado- “when were the summer meetings?” a.

Friday June 15 th and July 13 th 11 am in building 58, room 704

New Business a.

Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1 st Reading b.

Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1 st Reading i. SR-12S-2592 - The University Affairs Committee Policies and Procedures, Sen. Zak Varshovi


Sen. Galanti- “would the bill from last year of no guns on campus be allowed in this committee?” a.

Absolutely, this committee will be university and state wide


Sen. Fassi- “big issues are arising in this state would it be appropriate to change the name to the university and governmental affairs committee?” a.

Yes it could change


Sen. Caudio- “she does not fully understand the bill, can they explain it more?” a.

Bringing more issues in the public light will make other people take notice on what’s going on, it may not affect a lot on the committee level


Sen. Saavedra- “could you explain what jurisdiction they will have over title 8 and an example of a resolution?” a.

This committee has no jurisdiction over title 8 and a resolution would be a bill like the one last year like no guns on campus or the smoking issue could be an example


Motion; Sen. Garcia: to approve, seconded, no objections, discussion follows


Sen. Stromquist- this is a phenomenal thing to do


Sen. Bowman- she totally agrees with Sen. Stromquist


Sen. Versace- he was initially opposed to this and it was redundant but after further thinking a lot of people are becoming narrow minded , 1300.4 he does disagree with though


Sen. Stromquist- it is trying to look at the results as a committee


Sen. Varshovi- it is to keep both of the committees on the same page


Sen. Garcia- this is a great way to let us know what going on around us


Sen. Galanti- 1300.4 gives him the impression that the SAC committee still has say over the lighthouses

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution

1 UNF Drive

Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645

(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005

Office of the Student Senate


Motion; Sen. Dykes: to add SR-12S-2592 to second read, seconded, no objections, passes


Motion; Sen. Dykes: to approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, passes


Motion; Sen. Delgado: to make SR-12S-2592 effective immediately, seconded, no objections, passes c.

Legislation considered for 2 nd Reading a.



Motion; Sen. Barrs: to approve, seconded, no objections, no discussion, Sen. Edwards, motion for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes


Motion; Sen. Edwards: to make it effective immediately, seconded, no objections, passes


Attorney General Turner- to clarify that whole issue, the lighthouse polls is just using information from SAC and putting it towards this new committees goal


Roll Call vote, passes 35-0-1


Motion; Sen. Dykes: revisit the agenda, seconded, no objections, passes




Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 36 voting members


Adjournment- 8:22

Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
