University of North Florida Student Senate

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – March 19th 2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order- 6:37
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Lindsay Edwards – – quorum is established with 36 voting members
Approval of Minutes-Motion; Sen. Jones: to approve minutes, seconded, no objections, passes
Approval of Agendaa. Motion; Sen. Versace: to table CR-12S-2583, seconded, rescinds his motion
b. Motion; Sen. Versace: SB-12S-2591 to first read, seconded, no objections, passes
c. Motion; Sen. Versace: SB-12S-2591 to second read, seconded, Sen. Versace: motion for unanimous consent, seconded, no
objections, passes
d. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, no discussion, passes
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
a. Joe Main- junior, business management and economics- associate justice
b. Jason Fountain, freshman, political science- general senate seat
c. Richard Marks, senior, political science- general senate seat
d. Joe Bass, freshman, engineering and anthropology- general senate seat
e. Anthony Tallie freshman, biology- general senate seat
Student Remarks (2 minutes)
a. Courtney Warner, senior, civil engineering- the society of automotive engineers will be supported by her tonight because they
have been working so hard for 2 years on this project.
b. Lindsey Edwards- Monday at 5pm they are having their pig out to help out in the amphitheater.
Guest Speakers (5 minutes)
Shelly Purser – Director of Health Promotion- talking about whether the campus should go tobacco free or not. President
Delaney had a tobacco attitude survey to the students last fall. Some of the big campuses in Florida have gone tobacco free like
UF and FIU. If we could hold a seminar with Joe Patterson this summer with funding we could get the word out.
Mike Naughton – Student Government Chief of Staff- the SG banquet is coming up this year and the most important thing is the
awards. It is Friday April 13, 2012 at 6pm in the SG ballrooms.
1. Outstanding Senator- Sen. Bowman, Sen. Haley, Sen. Turner
2. Outstanding New Senator- Sen. Staton, Sen. Turner, Sen. Barrs, Sen. Dykes, Sen. Bowman
3. Rising Star- Sen. Normandy, Sen. Staton,
4. John E. Sapp- Sen. Pres. Fassi, Gia Ciccone, Sen. Saavedra, Sen. Versace, Mike Naughton
5. Douglas F. Cubby- Celeste Watkins
6. MVP- Courtney Warner, Billy Namen, Mike Naughton, Sen. Hebeishy, Brent Fine
7. Hall of Fame- Matt Brokleman, Courtney Warner, Matt Yost, Gia Ciccone
Matt Brockelman – Student Government President- shows a presentation on the tuition increase that will be voted on
tomorrow at the university center.
1. Sen. Pres. Fassi- is there anything that the senators can sign?
a. Yes, just check your email for the petition
2. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: motion to re-open the agenda, seconded, no objections, no discussion, passes
3. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: add JR-12S-2572 to second read, seconded, no objections, no discussion, passes
4. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, no discussion, passes
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Carlo Fassi- – thanks Sen. Versace on a great campaign cycle and the
senators for working the polls, SG banquet April 13th. Some fiscal requests. This is his last senate meeting so there are nominations for
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
the committee chairs and other positions. No cell phones in senate or you will get absentee points.
Student Committee Council Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace – – thanks everyone for making the
elections run smoothly and if you have any suggestions for the election process, let him know.
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Yousra Hebeishy – – if this is your last senate meeting,
drop the constitution off in her office. New senator orientation is this Friday so she needs the constitutions.
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairman Kyler Dykes- – lighthouses coming up next Tuesday and Wednesday.
d. Budget and Allocations Committee –Chairwoman Monica Bowman – – they had 3 travel requests last meeting
Fiscal Requests from Committee
a. SB-12S-2586 – Center for Student Media, Sen. Bowman
1. Motion; Sen. Bowman: add to line 17 $93 for permit fees bringing the total to $2,584, seconded, no objections discussion
2. Sen. Bowman- this fee is mandatory for this project to be done
3. Electronic vote, passes 26-0-6
4. Motion; Sen. Cunningham: to approve the bill for $2,584, seconded, no objections, discussion follows
5. Sen. Cunningham- she went there and it really is in the way
6. Sen. Stromquist- does not see it as a very beneficial project
7. Sen. Versace- was surprised by the hello behind the big pole when he had to do there
8. Electronic vote, passes 25-0-8
b. SB-12S-2587 – Osprey Radio, Sen. Bowman
1. Sen. Normandy- “would you see any more sound intrusions if we fix this one?”
a. They are hoping that this is all of the noise
2. Sen. Marks- “how does this enhance the student body?”
a. When they have guests they have to go in with audio tools and fix the excess noise
3. Sen. Kives- “can you hear the excess noise in the radio?”
a. Yes it can affect the noise
4. Motion; Sen. Haley; to add $102 to line 17 and line 21 to the total to $5,209, seconded, no objections, no discussion,
electronic vote, passes 26-0-6
5. Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve for the amount of $5,209, seconded, no objections, discussion follows
6. Sen. Haley- he will be voting yes because this can improve the student body
7. Sen. Bowman- this is good for the students
8. Sen. Bass- he would listen to it more often and loves the radio
9. Electronic vote, passes 25-0-8
c. SB-12S-2588 – Osprey TV, Sen. Bowman
1. Sen. Galanti-“is the wires there that are intertwined a hazard?”
a. No because they have a guy come through to check this
2. Motion; Sen. Bowman: to amend on line 16 and line 20 to add a permit fee of $93 bringing the total to $2,399, no
objections, no discussion, electronic vote, passes 30-0-4
3. Motion; Sen. Bass: to approve SB-12S-2588, seconded, no objections, discussion follows
4. Sen. Haley- does not find this relevant
5. Sen. Bass- went down to check it out and it is really crammed in there
6. Electronic vote, passes 20-0-12
d. SB-12S-2589 – Society of Automotive Engineers, Sen. Greg Spelios
1. Sen. Bass- they have put some serious effort into this
2. Sen. Galanti- “is there any out of pocket money that they will have to pay if we do not fund you?”
a. If they couldn’t raise it themselves they would have to pay out of pocket
3. Sen. Edwards- “how did you choose the members to go?”
a. They had some qualifications
4. Sen. Galanti- “did you receive money last year from SG?”
a. no
5. Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve SB-12S-2589 for the amount of $2,500, seconded, no objections, discussion follows
6. Treasurer Namen- line 17 should read May 15th instead of March 15th
7. Sen. Galanti- they are doing everything they can do to go on this trip
8. Sen. Bowman- there request was flawless
9. Sen. Kvies- you guys will be a great organization for UNF and will make the university proud
Electronic vote, passes 34-0-0
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Old Business
a. Vetoed Legislation
b. Tabled Legislation
c. Bills on 2nd reading
University Wide Committee Reports
Student Government Judicial Report
a. Chief Justice – Matthew Yost (2 minutes) - – student parking is a battlefield but try to improve it. They are going
to have a parking video released about the lots, permits and tips about parking. The UNF flags are going to be color coded for
each lot on campus, driving safety hazards on campus are brutal so they have rules in place, a how to appeal tips page in case
you get a ticket, and a parking tips document. He is confident in the new judicial members that are coming before senate
Student Government Executive Reports (5 minutes)
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner, – he is reviewing the statutes and coming up for conformation this senate.
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen, – there is a bill coming up on second read tonight that has to do with provisionary
c. Vice- President – Courtney Warner, – get excited about her report next time
d. President – Matthew Brockelman, – not there
Student Government Agency Reports: (2-minutes each)
Volunteer Center, – second wounded warrior project coming up, service project with habijax coming
up, the can UF game which is for the lend-a-wing foundation and the repairs to the lend-a-wing pantry is almost
b. Osprey Productions, – march 22nd the Starbucks is having an acoustic band play, Sherlock Holmes is playing,
Cobra Starship is coming to UNF in a couple weeks
Club Alliance, – all the meetings are done this year, he has been working on a presentation about the clubs
on campus, the presidents gala is coming up, working on a special request with some senators, and now over 250 clubs
on campus now
1. Sen. Edwards- “what are the new clubs?”
a. Osprey’s for Obama and some international club
2. Sen. Galanti- “is the dance groups downstairs an official club on UNF’s campus?”
a. He is not sure if they are an official club
Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. Nominations
a. Motion; Sen. Haley, to open floor for senate president nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
b. Senate President
1. Sen. Hebeishy
2. Motion; Sen. Marks; close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes
c. Motion; Sen. Versace: to open the floor for senate pro- tempore nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
d. Senate President Pro-Tempore
1. Sen. Dykes
2. Sen. Jones
3. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy, close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes
e. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to open the floor for B&A chair nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
f. Budget and Allocations Committee Chair
1. Sen. Bass
2. Sen. Galanti
3. Motion; Sen. Cunningham, close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes
g. Motion; Sen. Haley: to open floor for CSC chair nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
h. Constitution and Statutes Committee Chair
1. Sen. Marks
2. Sen. Barrs
3. Motion; Sen. Spelios, close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Motion; Sen. Haley: to open the floor for E&A chair nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
Elections and Appointments Committee Chair
1. Sen. Versace
2. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes
Motion; Sen. Haley: to open the floor for SAC chair nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
Student Advocacy Committee Chair
1. Sen. Staton
2. Sen. Jones
3. Motion; Sen. Haley: to close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes
Motion; Sen. Haley: to open the floor for parliamentarian nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
1. Sen. Kvies
2. Motion; Sen. Bass: to close the floor, seconded, no objections, passes
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-12S-2578 - Title III: Chapter 309 - Executive Transition Period, Sen. Yousra Hebeishy
1. Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve SB-12S-2578, seconded, discussion follows
2. Attorney General Turner- make it effective immediately if it passes
3. Motion; Sen. Bass: for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes
4. Motion; Sen. Haley: to make it effective immediately, seconded, no objections, no discussion, passes
b. SB-12S-2590 – Change to 2011/2012 Budget Provisionary Language, Sen. Monica Bowman
1. Sen. Haley- “the $25,000, they can only apply it to what they already stated?”
a. Yes, it is in the provisionary language
2. Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve SB-12S-2590, seconded, no discussion, electronic vote, passes 31-0-0
3. Line 20- effective day is July 1st 2012
4. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: make it effective immediately, seconded, no objections, no discussion, passes
a. SB- 12S-2591- The Validation of the Spring 2012 General Election- Sen. Versace
1. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to reclassify Airhan Saheen to a graduate seat, seconded, Sen. Hebeishy:
motion for unanimous consent, no objections, passes
2. This bill is SB-12S-2591, not what is on the bill with the senators
3. Motion: Sen. Bass; to approve bill as amended, seconded, no objections, no discussion, electronic
vote, passes 26-6-0
b. JR- 12S-2592- Ospreys Against the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Tuition Increase
1. Motion; Sen. Bass: to approve, seconded, no discussion, Sen. Hebeishy: motion for unanimous
consent, seconded, no objections, passes
Legislative Appointments
a. Joel Versace, Senior, Business Management Major – General Senate Seat
1. Sen. Haley- “how will you approve upon the past?”
a. There were some more title 6 complaints he needs to change
2. Motion; Sen. Kvies: to approve him as a general senate seat, seconded, discussion follows
3. Sen. Kvies- Joel is a class act and he deserves it
4. Sen. Hebeishy- Joel is a great guy
5. Electronic vote, 31-0-0
Executive Confirmation
a. Joe Turner, Freshman, Political Science Major – Attorney General
1. Sen. Bass- “you said you wanted senators to help with bills, so when?”
a. My office hours
2. Motion: Sen. Haley; to confirm him as the Attorney General, seconded, no objections, no discussion,
electronic vote, passes 31-0-0
Judicial Confirmations
a. Ryan Dewitt, Junior, Financial Services Major – Associate Justice
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Sen. Marks- “What internships do you have?”
a. He is working on an internship right now for the summer
Sen. Hebeishy- “are you familiar with the constitution?”
a. He is working on it
Sen. Versace-“How many statutes are there?”
a. He is not sure but will get back with him when he knows the correct answer
Motion; Sen. Jones, to confirm him as associate justice, seconded, no objections, discussion follows
Sen. Jones- he has known him for a while and is a great guy
Sen. Hebeishy- she is tired of people just sliding by without knowing anything about SG and the constitution
Sen. Kvies- if he is working under Matt Yost, he will learn everything he will need to know
Electronic vote, passes 25-0-7
Motion: Sen. Normandy: confirm Alex Goetz as associate chief justice, seconded, no discussion, electronic
vote, passes 27-0-2
Announcements- legislative cabinet after SAC next week
Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 31 voting members
Adjournment- 9:19
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution