University of North Florida Student Senate

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Emergency Senate Meeting Agenda – February 20th 2012 – 7:00 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order- 7:03
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Lindsay Edwards – quorum is established with 38 voting members
Approval of Minutes-Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to approve, seconded, no objections, passes
Approval of Agenda
Motion; Sen. Normandy: to strike President remarks from the agenda, seconded, no objections, passes
Motion; Sen. Versace: to add SB-12S-2579 to second read, seconded, discussion follows
Sen. Versace- ITS has worked hard and made a ballot for us and we have to change legislation to match the ballot
Motion; Sen. Edwards: for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes
Motion; Sen. Staton: approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, passes
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Student Remarks (2 minutes)
Staci Rauth, education, freshman- with the chick-fil-a moving to campus there is another one a mile down the road that does so
much for this campus by holding philanthropies there and that would hurt the community putting one on campus. So just think
about that when you are voting. We should find a venue that is harder to get to and put that on campus.
Mike Naughton, deaf education, junior- he is reading the club alliance report for them. Congratulations to the Veterans
Students of America because they had the most cans for the lend a wing pantry and to the Triathlon club on them winning an
event in homecoming. Last general meeting is March 2nd and summer meetings are June 14th and July 15th.
Guest Speakers (5 minutes)
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Carlo Fassi- – like to thank all the senators submitting bills to him,
congratulate Se. Bowman on her first committee meeting as chairwoman.
Student Committee Council Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace, the bill on second read should not take too
long, we got chick-fil-a on board for the election, working with center for student media for a debate in the boat house.
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Yousra Hebeishy, if you are interested in writing in any
other bills come find her.
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairman Kyler Dykes- thank you everyone who came out to lighthouses
1. Sen. Bass- “can you repeat the first question because it might be misunderstood as two different entities in one question?”
a. “Are you in favor of replacing sabarro with chick-fil-a and salsaritas with papa johns?” it’s not just him sitting down
and writing it but he is with Sen. Pres. Fassi and others making the questions with him.
d. Budget and Allocations Committee –Chairwoman – Monica Bowman, looked over the provisionary language
in the committee and heard a travel request that passed.
Fiscal Requests From Committee
a. SB-12S-2576 – Young Vessels of God, Sen. Jeremy Carmical
1. Sen. Hebeishy-“how many of the students that are going that have already went?”
a. Only 5 have gone before but 29 are going
2. Sen. Edwards-“is there a specific way you choose the people who go?”
a. It is whoever wants to go
3. Sen. Lebovic- “how much of the fundraising is going towards this trip?”
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
a. They have other fundraisers do
4. Sen. Lebovic- “if we grant you this money will you have enough to pay the rest out of pocket?”
a. They will be able to
5. Sen. Hebeishy-“How much will you pay out of pocket?”
a. The number will be reduced if SG funds some of it.
6. Motion; Sen. Saavedra: to approve SB-12S-2566, seconded, discussion follows
7. Sen. Saavedra- this is great for the university
8. Sen. Lebovic- there is no reason we shouldn’t award them with the money if they understand the amount the pay out of
9. Roll call vote, passes, 34-0-5
Sen. Ramirez is in the room
SB-12S-2577 – Finance and Investment Society, Sen. Lacie Normandy
1. Sen. Bowman- “How did you choose the students to go?”
a. It was an application process
2. Sen. Hebeishy- “how many students have ever been before?”
a. Just one
3. Sen. Lebovic- “how come they didn’t ask for more?”
a. They have the rest covered
4. Motion; Sen. Turner: to approve SB-12S-2577 for $409, seconded, no objections, discussion follows
5. Sen. Hebeishy- Great job guys
6. Sen. Shows- there is a friendly on line 17 and it should read FIS instead of YVOG
7. Sen. Bowman- wonderful presentation and this is the kind of things we like to see
8. Sen. Carmical- wants to see what happens on campus when you get back
9. Sen. Galanti- you had us at hello
Roll Call vote, passes unanimously
Old Business
a. Vetoed Legislation
b. Tabled Legislation
c. Bills on 2nd reading
University Wide Committee Reports- be emailed to Sen. Pres. Fassi
Student Government Executive Reports (5 minutes)
a. Attorney General – Zakariya Varshovi, – if you are interested in writing legislation come by his office this week
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen, – the budget has passed again and the revise for osprey productions is up and he will
go up for more information later in senate
c. Vice- President – Courtney Warner, – not there
d. Chief Justice- Matt Yost- the associate chief justice just stepped down today, some new big parking initiatives, and working on
1. Sen. Lebovic- “let’s hear a teaser on parking efficiency?”
a. He will be featured in a video
Student Government Agency Reports: (2-minutes each)
Volunteer Center, the nest fest can castle was a huge success, they got a whole bunch of cans, had
the fashion show last week and it was a good one, will be helping out with girls inc. for their daddy daughter dance,
and will be collecting cans outside a baseball game .
1. Sen. Hebeishy-“what time is the daddy daughter dance?”
a. It’s at 7:30pm
2. Sen. Galanti- “is the Volunteer Center still doing the wounded warrior project part 2?”
a. yes
b. Osprey Productions, last week was nest fest with the lip sync and comedy show, twilight showing on
Wednesday, on Friday they have Parachute and Secondhand Serenade in the Lazzara, Billy Joel on Monday, and March
2nd will have a magician.
1. Sen. Bass- when is the magician performing
a. March 2nd
Club Alliance,
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
a. SB-12S-2578 – Title III: Chapter 309 – Executive Transition Period, Sen. Yousra Hebeishy- will be heard in CSC next
b. SB-12S-2579 – The Ballot Fix Act of Spring 2012, Sen. Joel Versace- will be heard in E&A
c. SB-12S-2580 – The Grand Ole Probationary Revisions, Sen. Samantha Delgado- will be heard in CSC next Monday
d. SB-12S-2581 – The Budget Transparency Act, Sen. Sergio Saavedra- heard in B&A next Monday
e. SB-12S-2582 – Party Affiliation Reform, Sen. Jason Howard- heard in E&A next Monday
f. CR-12S-2583 – The Graduate Student Constituency Act, Sen. Joel Versace-heard in CSC next Monday
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-12S-2572 – The Lighthouse Act, Sen. Staton
1. Sen. Bass- “any way that a question can be considered 2 questions in one?”
a. That’s why is goes through SAC
2. Motion; Sen. Versace: to approve, seconded, discussion follows
3. Sen. Barrs- 35 students to ask is a little too much and unrealistic in one hour
4. Sen. Haley- totally disagrees because he surveyed 80 in one hour
5. Sen. Hebeishy- agrees with Sen. Haley for the first time ever
6. Sen. Marks- this should not be in the statutes at all
7. Electronic vote, passes 31-0-7
b. SB-12S-2573 – The Title XII Revision Act, Sen. Staton
1. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to approve, seconded, no discussion, Sen. Edwards: motion for unanimous consent,
seconded, no objections, passes
2. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to make SB-12S-2573 effective immediately, seconded, no objections, passes
3. Motion; Sen. Dykes: to make SB-12S-2572 effective immediately, seconded, no objections, passes
c. SB-12S-2579- Sen. Versace
1. Sen. Bossa- “can we see a sample of how it’s going to look?”
a. He can pull up excel and show the senate in excel
2. Sen. Haley- “students that are running with no party affiliation, where are they on the ballot?”
a. The no party affiliation will not matter it’s all alphabetical
3. Motion; Sen. Dykes: to amend SB-12S-2579 as the recommendations of the senate sponsor, seconded, no
discussion, Motion; Sen. Edwards: for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes
4. Motion; Sen. Shows: to change parties groupings to each parties group, seconded, no objection, passes
5. Motion; Sen. Haley: to approve, seconded, no objections, no discussion, Motion; Sen. Garcia: for unanimous
consent, seconded, no objections, passes
6. Motion; Sen. Saavedra: to make it effectively immediately, seconded, no objections, passes
Senate on Monday, February 27th is canceled
Emergency Senate meeting on Wednesday, February 29th at 6:00pm
Committee meetings will take place Monday, March 5th from 3:00-7:00pm
The UNF Men’s Basketball team hosts Mercer tonight at 7:00pm
Osprey Productions is hosting a Trivia Night in the Boathouse tonight at 7:00pm
Osprey Productions is hosting a Coffee House at Starbucks tomorrow night at 7:00pm
Osprey Productions is hosting a Movie Night this Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Union auditorium
Club Alliance is hosting a Fundraising Workshop this Friday at 11:00am in Union room 2704
Osprey Productions will be having a General Meeting this Friday at 1:00pm in the Union ballrooms
UNF Ospreys @ Jacksonville University this Friday at 7:00pm at the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
Final Roll Call- quorum is reestablished with 36 voting members
Adjournment- 8:16
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution