University of North Florida Student Senate

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – February 13th 2012 – 6:00 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order-6:01
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Lindsay Edwards – – quorum is established with 40 voting members
Approval of Minutes- motion; Sen. Dykes: to approve the minutes, seconded, no objections, passes
Approval of Agenda
a. Motion; Sen. Versace: to add the quick fix act (SB-12S-2575) to first read, seconded, no objections, passes
b. Motion; Sen. Versace: to add SB-12S-2575 to second read, seconded, discussion follows
1. Sen. Versace- this is a really quick fix with only three minor things to fix
c. Motion; Sen. Dykes: for unanimous consent, seconded, objection, electronic vote , passes 38-0-2
d. Motion; Sen. Staton: to approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, passes
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
a. Joel Versace: Major- Business management, senior and is seeking a General senate seat
Student Remarks (2 minutes)
Guest Speakers (5 minutes)
Mike McGuire – Student Government Business Manager- new allocated money- $46,239.60, due to new legislature in the
state, the credit hours will go up as they let more students into the university. The treasurer has some good ideas of where
to allocate the money so just hear him out.
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Carlo Fassi- today around noon we found out we will have extra
money for the budget and we have the elections for the B&A chairman tonight as well.
Student Committee Council Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace, really quick fix to the title today, if
you are not running in the election meet in chambers on the 22 nd which is the election commission at 6pm, if you are not
there you will be receiving absentee points.
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairwoman Yousra Hebeishy, come to senate and committee
meetings because you don’t want to lose points; her committee is going to start tabling on market days to give people
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairman Kyler Dykes- lighthouses this week so show up
d. Student Body President- he vetoed the constitutional referendum because he wants to split the bill into 2 portions
e. Motion; Sen. Versace: to revisit the agenda, seconded, no objections, passes
f. Motion; Sen. Haley: to add CR-12S-2565 to second read, seconded, no objections, passes
g. Motion; Sen. Versace: to approve the agenda as amended, seconded, no objections, passes
h. Sen. Williams has entered the room
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
1. SB-12S-2573 – The 2012-2013 Activity and Service Fee Budget, Sen. Carlo Fassi
A. Sen. Byther- “we give them the club the money and do they decided what they do with it?”
a. they present their next year’s budget to the business manager and draws up a proposal for
them from the treasurer proposals
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Sen. Galanti- “would the money be for July 1st-June 30 or for the next year?”
a. the next fiscal year starting July 1st
C. Sen. Pres. Fassi, motion for open discussion, seconded, passes
D. Treasurer Namen- this is something that needs to be done now, The recommendations I have for
this is to allocate $30,000 to the minimum wage portions of the salary reserves, allocate the
remaining money to the special projects onto line 14 for computer equipment and furniture, and
the last recommendation is to give to the spinnaker where we take the funds from their OPS
positions and moving it to the operating expenses index to make it one lump sum.
E. Sen. Versace- “what would be done if through the course of the year if we didn’t have the newly
acquired money?”
a. they are going to start increasing the indexes annually now
F. Sen. Versace- “if we allocate the funds now towards minimum wage we couldn’t move it to any
other index or will we have enough sweep up money?
a. the sweep up money goes toward the special request fund
G. Sen. Garcia- “can you repeat the amount?”
a. $16,239.60
H. Sen. Bossa- “can we put it all in special requests?”
a. we cannot because it is non-reoccurring
I. Sen. Pres. Fassi- spoken with the spinnaker, and we fund the positions, but want to change it to
fund subscriptions, center for student media advisor is all for this.
J. Sen. Haley- “will SG subscription line item go to the off campus subscriptions?”
a. its only for on campus
K. Sen. Kvies- “you said we got the money this afternoon but you said you talked to him a couple days
ago, it doesn’t sound right”
a. This has been in the works for a while and they want to be separated from SG completely
L. Sen. Bossa- “how are the employees getting paid?”
a. they would use the money from the subscriptions and fund whatever positions they want
M. Motion; Sen. Pres. Fassi: to close the floor for open discussion, seconded, passes
N. Motion; Sen. Haley: to revisit index 40.25.00, seconded, no objections, passes
O. Motion; Sen. Haley: to re allocate 60,908.47 from OPS wages to operating expenses creating line
item one titled “subscriptions”, seconded, no objections, electronic vote, passes 40-0-0
P. Motion; Sen. Dykes: to revisit index 40.20.99, seconded, no objections, passes
Q. Motion; Sen. Dykes: to allocate 30,000 from salary reserves into minimum wages, seconded,
discussion follows
R. Sen. Versace- does not want to do this and would make do without it
S. Sen. Bossa- we are going to fast into this and there are other places we could put the money.
T. Roll call vote, passes 24-0-17
U. Motion; Sen. Versace: to visit index 40.25.01, seconded, passes
V. Motion; Sen. Versace: to add $2,200 to line 9 rentals, seconded, discussion follows
W. Sen. Versace- they use this to play movies and it is required for freshman to live on campus next
year so it will be good
X. Sen. Pres. Fassi- asks him to rescind his motion and put is back to B&A committee for them to
make their revisions
Y. Sen. Versace- resends his motion
Z. Motion; Sen. Dykes: to send this back to B&A committee, seconded, Sen. Pres. Fassi; motion for
unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes
d. CR-12S-2565- Constitutional Referendum (Second read)
1. Motion; Sen. Haley: to add CR-12S-2565A to the agenda, seconded, no objections, passes
2. Motion; Sen. Turner: to strike the amended GPA requirements from CR-12S-2565 to make it read a GPA of
2.25, seconded, no discussion, Sen. Kvies: motion for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes
3. Motion; Sen. Versace: to approve CR-12S-2565A, seconded, no discussion, Sen. Versace: motion for
unanimous consent, seconded, objection, electronic vote, passes 37-0-4
4. Motion; Sen. Versace: to add CR-12S-2565 as amended, seconded, no discussion, Sen. Versace: motion for
unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes
e. SB-12S-2575- Quick Fix Act
1. Motion; Sen. Delgado: to approve, seconded, discussion follows
2. There was a typo so it should read SB-12S-2575
3. Motion; Sen. Staton: for unanimous consent, seconded, no objections, passes
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Motion; Sen. Versace: to make effectively immediately, seconded, no discussion, passes
Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. Election
1. Budget and Allocations Committee Chair
A. Motion; Sen. Hebeishy: to open the floor for nominations, seconded, no objections, passes
B. Sen. Glasser- Nominates Sen. Cunningham, seconded, accepts
C. Sen. Bowman speaks
D. Sen. Hebeishy- “what characteristics and attributes can you bring to this seat?”
a. she has worked with bills and sponsored bills
E. Sen. Glasser- “will your school work get in the way of being a chairwomen?”
a. no
F. Sen. Versace- “do you see any complications in putting the student body first?”
a. no
G. Sen. Glasser- “what do you want to do with this position?”
a. wants to go over title 8 again and working with the clubs more
H. Sen. Hebeishy- “when does this become effective?”
a. end of spring
I. Sen. Galanti- “Are you aware of the new title 6 changes?”
a. yes
J. Sen. Saavedra speaks
K. Sen. Hebeishy- “with the class load and jobs will you be able to handle it?”
a. he will leave the bookstore if he gets this job and he has his classes covered
L. Sen. Turner- “why are you the most qualified candidate?”
a. he already stated but he loves the B&A committee so much because it helps him interact with more of
the students around campus
M. Sen. Cunningham speaks
N. Sen. Galanti-“this is a demanding position and do you have enough time for it?”
a. she would have enough time
O. Sen. Hebeishy- “what specific skills do you have?”
a. good at conducting meetings, task completion, is a leader and organized
P. Sen. Hebeishy- “how well do you know title 8?”
a. she knows it well and she explained it
Q. Discussion of candidates
R. Sen. Hebeishy- all candidates are great, it’s really difficult to be thrown into a position with no warning so you all
should think out who you will vote for seriously, so Sen. Bowman is a great pick.
S. Sen. Bass- the best pick would be the finance major, in his opinion
T. Sen. Galanti- he would of chosen Sen. Bowman last year, and Sen. Saavedra should stay on senate because he
asks good questions.
U. Electronic vote, Sen. Bowman wins the election for B&A Chairwoman, 23-8-10
Committee meetings will take place Monday, February 20th from 3:00-7:00pm
Our next Senate meeting will be on February 20th after the Student Advocacy Committee hearing
The Elections Commission will meet on Wednesday, February 22nd at 6:30pm in the Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call- 7:22
Adjournment- quorum is reestablished with 40 voting members
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution