University Affairs Committee Meeting July 2nd, 2012 Chairwoman: Monica Bowman

University Affairs Committee Meeting
July 2nd, 2012
John Sapp Conference Room 5:30 PM
Chairwoman: Monica Bowman
Call to Order
Sen. Bowman calls the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 3 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Fountain to approve the minutes from June 20th, 2012. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Fountain to approve the agenda. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairwoman Report and Remarks-
Going to go over Title XIII Revisions and the Board of Trustees tonight.
Guest Speakers
Student Remarks
Old Business
New Business
1. SB-12SA-2614 Title XIII Revisions; Senator Monica Bowman
1300.2- Striking the membership section and further outlining in Section
1300.3- Adding the location of where Simple and Joint Resolutions can be
1300.4- Changing Lighthouse to its new name and capitalizing Simple and
Joint Resolutions
1301.8- A new section of 1301 stating the UAC Chair shall hold UWC
workshops during fall and spring.
1303- UAC membership being created
1303.1- Adding in 6 and 7 after the number of Senators is written out
1303.2- Adding in the Student Advocate and SG Advisor to ex-offico
1303.3- Membership outline of the collection of agendas, minutes, etc. to
the UAC Chair
1304.1- Striking the comma and via the
1304.2- Adding in that the Chair not the Committee is responsible for
drafting a monthly report.
1305.1- Changing and to or failure to submit a written (instead of written
or verbal) report.
Additional Amendments to Title XIII:
1302.1-Striking the word person from Vice-Chairperson
1303.1- Striking man from Chairman
1303.2- Adding in the word other after all and before members.
1304.2-Changing the word from can to shall after The Committee and
changing it to and instead of or in regards to distributing reports through
student media.
1306.1- Capitalizing Student Government and adding the word Chair after
committee on the last sentence.
2. Discussion
a. Board of Trustees Meeting; VP Mike Naughton
 Distance Learning Workshop- Online classes will be
$35/class. Hybrid classes will have a different setup. Other
schools are using this type of course setup. There are three
levels of the online course: Never-in-person, Hybrid
(50/50), and in class. There will be more opportunities
available in the future. More degrees may be attainable
from using online coursework and it will be the focus for
the next few years. However, this DOES NOT mean that UNF
will become a tech school like the University of Phoenix for
example. It will be more like what UF and other larger
schools utilize.
 The Board of Trustees visited the Student Wellness
Complex which will be opening August 17th- the Friday
before the fall semester begins. After the Wellness tours the
BOT had a lunch break out and talked with SG
representatives about our campus and anything else they
wanted to talk about.
 The Finance and Audit Committee: The budget will be
voted on next session. It was contingent upon the plans of
the 15% differential tuition increase. The budget proposed
did pass and will be forwarded to the entire BOT.
 Housing- They looked at the server, which is a satellite
server and all the information from “breached” housing has
been moved back in house. The IT Auditor’s job went
through the servers and found that there was no hacking.
They are going to do some research on new firewalls.
Although the information was opened up there was no
evidence taken.
P-card Fraud: Those caught were relieved of their duties.
Note: P-card access is a privilege.
Student Life: CITF Funding was voted on to increase. CITF
increase by $2 and combined with building fee $6.76. Phase
II of the Student Wellness Complex is underway. The UNF
Chapel and Greek Housing are in the plans. The future
housing initiative is to have groups based on demographics
to dorm with each other. This is to create living, learning
members of the UNF community.
Renaming of Building 3 & 4. They will be called North and
South Skinner Hall. They are recognizing the Skinner family
who has been major contributors to UNF over the years.
The family toured the buildings and was honored to have
their names placed on them.
Academic Committee: Graduate degrees in secondary math
and sports education have been terminated.
The BOG passed the budget with a 13% differential
increase, and so UNF will be taking the extra $ out of
reserves for this year only.
Questions for Mike Naughton
The setup of CITF and how it works.
Online course and the quality/ how it will work with
other UNF initiatives.
1. The next regularly scheduled Senate Meeting will be July 9th , 2012
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 3 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:15 pm.