University of North Florida Student Senate Office of the Student Senate

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – July 9th 2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order
The meeting is called to order at 6:38 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens–
Quorum is established with 16 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Stromquist to approve the minutes of June 11. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Fountain to approve the minutes of June 25. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
Motion from Sen. Stevens to add Lieutenant Colonel Mark Holler to guest speakers. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion Sen. Jones to add SB-12SA-2619 to move to first read. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to table SB-12SA-2598A to next senate meeting. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Dylan Ferrell seeking a general senate seat.
Amanda Teramuna seeking general senate seat.
Trane Atkins seeking general senate seat.
Student Remarks
Jason Fountain welcomes back Sen. Joel Versace and Pres Carlo Fassi.
Guest Speakers
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Holler– spoke about past, history, and being in the army. From Jacksonville and was in the first
freshman class of UNF and was a history. Graduated in 1982 and then went in the army. Have had 4 deployments since 9/11.
Currently serving as commander in Fort Worth, Texas. Took notes on leadership and the good and bad examples. Compiled
them to a top 10 key pieces of leadership. Will share the top 3:
1. Set conditions for success of those that you lead.
2. Effective leaders are able to prioritize.
3. Has to be a bond between the leader and the led. To do this you must instill trust and lead by example.
What is the worst thing a leader could do?
Worst thing a leader can do is to be selfish and not care for those being led.
What is the best leader you have served under and why?
A commander who I served under because he was a hands on leader and led by example and took the time to show us he cared.
How hard is it to be in a higher leadership position when in an active combat?
The hardest job as a leader is when you have soldiers who are not doing all they can, only giving 80%.
What is something positive you can bring back when it can be so hard to be a leader?
War is a horrible thing but the bonds and friendship that you make are very lasting.
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Zak Varshovi-
Important meeting tonight, ask that you devote your attentions. Welcome back our Student Body President Fassi.
Senate Committee Chair Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace –
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs –
Working on a CR right now. In the beginning phases now. Please stop by the office if you have any ideas or want to help.
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairwoman Megan Jones-
Title 12 revisions on first read tonight. Osprey voice is Tuesday and Wednesday. Need by Wednesday at 5 pm and time
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Budget and Allocations Committee – Chairman Christopher Brady
Request from Student Wellness Center coming in tonight.
University Affairs Committee - Chairwoman Monica Bowman –
Title 13 revisions being read tonight, speak up if you have anything to add.
Student Government Judicial Report
a. Chief Justice – Matthew Yost -
Alex Goetz- filmed the parking video this week, should be ready by fall. Will also have a parking tips page for the fall.
Elections for chief justice is this Friday at 3:30 pm. Currently reviewing the applicants.
Student Government Executive Reports
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - (3-minutes)
Was going to talk about title 6 but it got tabled. Also, decisions are made by those who show up so thank you all for being
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen - (3-minutes)
c. Vice- President – Mike Naughton - (5-minutes)
Were able to participate in the new ropes coarse, was amazing. August 20 it will be open. Pepsi machines are now in the
boathouse. Redbull is now on campus as well.
d. Student Body President Carlo Fassi
Thank Mike Naughton and Margaret Szerba for all their help while I was gone. Think the coolest thing on campus is this
room and would like to challenge you all to represent the students who voted for you all.
Student Government Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
a. Volunteer Center – Tony Hendricks -
Wendy- first general meeting last Monday, talked about initiatives. Had first event on July 5, a beach clean up. Led
A Wing pantry doing well. Ordered t-shirts to back to school luau.
Osprey Productions – Brent Fine -
Huge success for the first Summer C Cookout.
Comedy show had over 100 students.
Movie showing had over 200 students.
Had over 200 students for the pool party.
Tomorrow from 12-2 there is karaoke at boathouse.
The Lorax is showing at 8 in the auditorium.
Will be announcing the Osprey Classic next week, can check out the facebook page with details.
c. Club Alliance - Paige Lehman -
Margaret Szerba- registration process with the clubs. Last general meeting this Friday at 11. Free food
afterwards. Workshop following at 1 pm. Follow Club Alliance on Twitter and Facebook.
Senate Appointments
a. Ray Gonzalez
Currently the president of the finance and investment society on campus and the president of the student leadership
advisory board. Now seeking a general senate seat. I am about collaboration. I am also someone who is trying to get better.
Students shouldn’t fight to get something done. There are always people on this campus willing to collaborate and add to
each other’s efforts. I believe in efficiency. I have a high willingness to communicate with those around me. Transferred
into UNF this past fall. Excited to try and get involved and offer any skills I can.
Sen. Bowman- What are some things you would like to accomplish if you received a general senate seat?
There are things that could be tightened up in election code. Also could stream videos so that students could constantly
stay in contact with SG and what we’re doing.
Sen. Jones- What is your plan to be the voice of the students while also being the voice of all other clubs your involved in?
I believe in efficiency and I have made things more easily accessible for me. It is a big time commitment. But if you make
school and work apart of your goals it becomes a part of your life.
Sen. Fountain- Can you provide information of things you know about SG?
I have learned how to make apps and I want to make an app for SG. Found it was something Brockelman had also wanted. I
understand what I am around and I dig up information.
Sen. Fountain- Would you say you have a working knowledge of the senate constitution?
I wouldn’t say I have the constitution memorized but I have gone through and have a working knowledge.
Motion from Sen. Brady to appoint Ray Gonzalez to a general senate seat. Second. No objection. Discussion: Sen. Bradyvery engaged when I spoke with him, he asked lots of questions. Sen. Ucciardo- excited about the ideas you have, answered
questions very well. Sen. Fountain- like that he can acknowledge that he doesn’t know everything but is excited to learn.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Sen. Jones- every time I talked to him, I learn something new, and I support him.
Electronic vote.
Confirmed with 16-00.
Alex Goetz swears Ray Gonzalez into office.
Old Business
Fiscal Requests from Committee
a. SB-12SB-2617: Student Wellness Complex – Sen. Christopher Brady
Sen. Stevens- would like to introduce Ms. Becky Purser:
Would like to request additional funding for the student wellness complex to assist with the management of the new
climbing wall. When we previously came to SG about the budget we had not yet been able to finish the design of the wall.
The budget gave us more of a climbing wall then we had seen possible. There are 6 positions on the wall for students to
climb. Now need to come back to you to request addition funding to pay more experienced staff for the more active hours
of 3pm – 10 pm. Think it will be much busier and wish to have a second hand on the wall to have more students able to
use the wall. Requesting this to make sure students are safe.
Sen. Brady- when did you find out what size wall you were getting?
Started working on in it in January and it was done in May.
Sen. Brady- Why was this not requested earlier?
Did not receive the final drawing till the end of February.
Sen. Brady- What makes this new position different?
This position will be a more experienced student and can help teach other students and help during the busier hours.
Motion from Sen. Brady to strike lines 13-18, 22-24, and reflect the new amount. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Electronic vote.
Passes 18-00.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve SB-12SB-2617 for $21,000 amount.
Sen. Normandy- think this amount of money is going to be very beneficial for our students. This wellness center is going
to be huge.
Sen. Brady- against this, $21000 a lot of money and think we should wait to see the traffic of the wall before giving this
money. If this money is given, it will be asked again.
Sen. Stromquist- agree with Normandy, this was an initiative a while ago and it would be foolish not to do. It is better to
have the money and be safe than not.
Sen. Laundy- we do not know what type of traffic the wall will get.
Sen. Gonzalez- traffic for the wall is not yet experienced, can funds be given incrementally?
Pres. Varshovi- No
Sen. Brady- wall can be watched with only 1 because during the other hours it has been allowed.
Sen. Stromquist- it will be a waste of money if we don’t do this because without more staff students will be standing and
waiting for what they paid for.
Sen. Gonzalez- think we should allot a smaller amount and wait to see the traffic of the wall.
Sen. Barrs- do not know a lot about the wall yet and how many students will go. It is irresponsible to give this much
money. It is already safe or it wouldn’t allow only one to work at other times.
Sen. Ritter- Have an active rock climbing club on campus and think safety is first and should pass this.
Sen. Hebeishy- Doesn’t make sense to come this far and then to cut the wellness center by one person. If they didn’t need
it, they wouldn’t be asking for it. Need to trust their judgment. Think it is irresponsible to tell them to come back later.
Advisor McGuire- you have already put 15 million into this building and you do not want to sell yourself short
Sen. Fountain- would there be an opportunity for volunteer?
Pres. Varco- not possible
Sen. Bowman- should take the risk of putting a little more into something that we already put so much into just to be safe
and make sure nothing happens to a student.
Electronic vote.
Passes 12-06.
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-12SA-2614: Title XIII Revisions – Sen. Monica Bowman
Mostly friendly changes and some words added in.
First page, Line 3- add a hyphen
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Un capitalize student body because it is that way on other presiding documents.
1300.2- capitalize university wide
Next page- capitalization changes
1300.3- capitalization changes and add hyphen
1301.8- line 12- UAC membership, voting members, changed chairman to chair
Added in student advocacy and student advisor
Defines committee member responsibilities and accountability for those responsibilities.
1304.1- capitalization change and friendlies
1305.2- add chair responsibility drafting monthly report
Added written report because verbal report can be lost in communication.
Sen. Gonzalez- for taking substantial reports, maybe detailing how long. Also for failure to not show up, maybe
Reports should consist of the important details that were discussed, not very wordy. Second question, that is to
hold accountability.
Sen. Barrs- for the agenda and minutes, do you want them brought into you?
Yes, want them turned into me that way have something to be discussed in meetings and holds the accountability.
Motion from Sen. Brady to change friendlies, fix numbering, capitalization and add 2 in parentheses. Second. No
objections. Moved.
Sen. Fountain- change was already made in committee that the word chair has adopted on line 25.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to amend 1305.2 to change wording. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Fountainmade this change so it was pertinent to the students
Sen. Bowman- using the word “or” gives more abilities to the chair position
Sen. Gonzalez- great work on these revisions.
Sen. Brady- change is made for an option but this states that she has to use spinnaker and other media.
Sen. Hebeishy- like to change and to or?
Sen. Hebeishy resends her motion.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to change shall back to can and to say and/or instead of and. Second. Objection: Sen.
Bowman- think should be just “or” not and/or. This can cause confusion.
Electronic vote.
Pres. Varshovi votes yes to pass the motion.
Att. Gen. Turner- 1303.2- recommend changing wording
1300.3- osprey voice not osprey’s voice
Sen. Barrs- 1303.3 strike word substantial and replace with adequate. Second. No objection. Motion from Sen.
Hebeishy for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Fountain for on 1303.2 line 19 to strike members of and the word government and add s to the
end of students and capitalize. Second. Objection: Sen. Brady- no need to change line because representative has
to be a member of student government.
Sen. Barrs- leave it because all students are apart of student government.
Sen. Fountain resends motion.
Motion from Sen. Fountain for 1303.2 line 19 to add body and strike word government. Second. No objections.
Discussion: Sen. Gonzalez- add the word the
Sen. Fountain amends the motion to read the before students
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy for unanimous consent for previous motion. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Stevens to approve the bill as amended. Second. Objection: Sen. Gonzalez- change members of
student government in 1306.
Sen. Stevens resends motion.
Motion from Sen. Gonzalez for 1306.1 to change any member of student government to any member of the
student body. Second. Objection: Sen. Fountain- once appointed to the position, they are then a member of
student government.
Sen. Barrs- disagree.
Sen. Hebeishy- make overall wording change.
Sen. Barrs- but then not specified that they are appointed by us
Sen. Bowman- consistency wise would make sense to change it.
Motion from Sen. Brady for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Fountain to approve SB-12SA-2614 as amended. Second. Objection: Sen. Gonzalez- to change
osprey’s voice to osprey voice.
Pres. Varshovi- just friendly no need for a vote
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Amended.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Motion from Sen. Brady to revisit.
Motion from Sen. Brady to amend strike from student government members and change to student body
Motion from Sen. Stevens for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to strike word government on 1301.4. Second. No objections. Motion from Sen. Stevens
for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Brady to approve SB-12SA-2614 as amended. Second. No objections. Motion from Sen. Stevens
for unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
SB-12SA-2598A: Title VI Revisions Act of Summer – Sen. Joel Versace
a. Committee meetings will be next Monday, July 16th
b. The next Senate meeting will be held on Monday, July 23rd
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore Anthony Stevens –
Quorum is reestablished with 18 voting members.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution