University of North Florida Student Senate Office of the Student Senate

1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
University of North Florida Student Senate
Senate Meeting Agenda – May 21st 2012 – 6:30 PM – Senate Chambers
Call to Order – 6:33 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation – Senator Joel Versace
Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore –
Quorum is established with 20 voting members.
Approval of Minutes
Motion from Sen. Versace to postpone the minutes approval until next meeting. Second. No objections. Passes.
Approval of Agenda
Motion to add SB-12SA-2598 to agenda. Second. No objections. Passes.
Motion to add SB-12SA-2599 to first read. Second. No objections. Passes.
Motion to add Brian Jones to appointments. Second. No objections. Passes.
Motion to add JR 12 A25 99 to second read. Unanimous consent. Second. No objections. Passes.
Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Passes.
Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment
Raymond Gonzalez – seeking a general senate seat
Student Remarks
Guest Speakers
Senate President’s Remarks: Senate President Zak Varshovi-
Chris Brady appointed to pro temp. UAC elections are tonight as well as other agendas.
Senate Committee Chair Reports
a. Elections and Appointments Committee – Chairman Joel Versace –
Title 6 bill tonight. Elections have been set to October 23 and 24. Currently, in process of requesting road signs to help get the
word out. Goal is to have 40 individuals running for senate. Star Caudio appointed to fill in while Sen. Versace is gone. Brian
Jones will be speaking in appointments tonight.
b. Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Jerry Barrs –
Will be going over SB-12SA-2599 during first read. Will be busy over the next week. Need to change the date of JR to be
effective immediately.
c. Student Advocacy Committee- Chairwoman Megan Jones-
Senatory is on read. JR is on first read for tonight about blue and grey Wednesdays. Will be tabling during orientations, about
four Thursdays total. Will have sign ups.
d. Budget and Allocations Committee –Chairwoman Lacie Normandy –
Have 3 requests tonight from OP and the UAC position. Keep in mind UAC salary will come out of the budget. Next committee
meeting is June 4 because Memorial Day is next week.
Student Government Judicial Report
a. Chief Justice – Matthew Yost -
SG website has been updated with instructions on how to appeal parking tickets. This is also posted on Parking Services
website. Also a video with parking tips and the “unwritten rules” of parking is being made. Will be used for orientations and to
show new students. Will be making the video this summer and hope to shoot it this week. Also working on courtroom monitors.
This will help to communicate with parking services and will keep from receiving written stacks every week. The permit location
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
will change in the fall. It will move to an exterior placement. Internal placement was ruining some car’s tint. There is a vacancy
on judicial. Forward anyone interested to Matt Yost. A Judicial Blackboard link is being used for another communication
method, if any other branches are interested in creating one as well. Matt Yost interns from 9am – 3pm so contact after 3pm
for best availability.
Student Government Executive Reports
a. Attorney General – Joe Turner - (3-minutes)
2 bills are on first read tonight. Recommends reading them over within next two weeks. Need to make JR effective immediately.
It states the will of Student Government and the will of its branches.
b. Treasurer – Billy Namen - (3-minutes)
Currently working on the free printing initiative. If it passes it will be in senate. Keep in mind we ran on this initiative. UAC also
needs to pass so the chairperson can work efficiently like the other members.
c. Vice- President – Mike Naughton - (5-minutes)
Starting with the fiscal year, the campus will be switching from Coke to Pepsi. Pepsi was willing to donate to UNF’s scholarships
and to the marketing and programming on campus. Coke will still be on campus in certain vending machines but Pepsi will be
main supplier on campus. Gatorade will also be on campus, because they are under Pepsi’s brand. Pepsi will also be releasing a
monopoly on their energy drinks. Redbull will also donate money to the campus. Canteen snacks will still be used. Will have the
same snacks but new machines. The current ones are 10 years old. Prices for snacks will probably rise from $1.25 to $1.50. Will
be meeting with the new UAC to go over the committees. Would like anyone who is interested to serve on the committee.
Student Government Agency Reports: (3-minutes each)
a. Volunteer Center – Tony Hendricks -
Wendy reported on behalf of Tony. Had samples of new promotional products. Center is currently putting together a master
calendar of fall events.
Osprey Productions – Brent Fine -
Have all committee chairs and are ready for Summer B programming. Doing $5 meals on Tuesdays at noon in the Boathouse
and having bingo night. Will have a Summer B comedy show. Will be doing showings of 21 Jump Street. Also having a Summer B
pool party with food, games, and prizes at the lazy river pool on a Thursday. That Friday there will be an improv show. More
details are on the OP website and Facebook page.
c. Club Alliance - Paige Lehman -
Reworked the Club Alliance Handbook. Set up meeting dates over the summer. Have purchased flyers for upcoming year. Have
promotional items to pass out. Also have a new twitter account at UNFClubAlliance. Will be hosting an event to meet and greet
clubs. Are currently hiring, applications are due in Club Alliance office.
Fiscal Requests from Committee
SB-12SA-2602: Osprey Productions
Special request for follow spotlights, requested by Brent Fine- the OP Director. OP currently owns 2 spotlights that are 13 years
old. Have been stored in the arenas without cases. Have been repaired multiple times and are now deemed unrepairable and
will be surveyed off. Over a year, the spotlights are used for the osprey classic and the Fall and March concerts. SG helped
purchase the last lights. If cannot purchase, will have to rent. Renting is about $1,000 per use. OP is requesting 2 new lights and
2 custom-build cases. The cases will help the lights last longer. The new lights will be stored in activity room in the Student
Union instead of the Arena. The lights come with a 2-year warranty. Requesting a total of $21,485.
Any Questions?
Sen. Jones- “How big are lights? Do you need two of them?”
a. Need two lights for the bigger artists. Most artists request having two for betting lighting.
Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Delgado- OP is a government agency so they
need the money from us. Sen. Caudio- need to support this, OP puts on a lot of events for us and this will help them.
Electronic vote. Last call.
Motion passes 20-00.
SB-12SA-2603: University Affairs Committee Summer Salary
Request for salary for the UAC chair up until fiscal year, requested by Jerry Barrs- sponsor. Will be coming from this year’s
budget. Because Title 13 was passed in the spring, it is necessary for the chair to receive wages.
Any Questions?
Sen. Lundy- “What will the chair be working on in the summer?”
a. The chair will be holding meetings, get started working, be doing the same work as in fall.
VP Naughton- “The chair would be great to have up and running this summer to take some of the work off my shoulders.”
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Motion from Sen. Fountain to approve SB-12SA-2603. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Fountain- chair will be working so
obviously needs wages.
Electronic vote. Last call.
Motion passes 20-00.
SB-12SA-2604: University Affairs Committee Salary
Request for salary for the UAC chair for the fiscal year, requested by Jerry Barrs- sponsor. Same request but for the next fiscal
Any Questions?
Sen. Hebeishy- “Shouldn’t the salary come out of the judicial budget and not the special request index?”
a. No, it will be taken out of the special request index and put into the judicial budget because judicial doesn’t have
the money. However, the total is different. Should be $5,602.47.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to replace the enacting clause to read “transfer from special request index.” Second. No objections.
Electronic vote. Last call.
Motion passes 20-00.
Motion from Sen. Versace to amend line 18 to state the total is $5,602.47. Second. No objections.
Electronic vote. Last call.
Passes 20-00.
Motion from Sen. Fountain to approve SB-12SA-2604. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Fountain- same as stated before,
the chair deserves wages.
Electronic vote. Last call.
Motion passes 20-00.
Joel Versace introduces Brian Jones.
Brian Jones addresses the Senate, stating the following:
Currently a Sophomore at UNF, majoring in economics and finance. Is a member of Sigma Chi and has worked as a philanthropy
chair for his pledge class. Has worked with the music section in his church and is an employee at Petsmart. Prides himself on
customer satisfaction. Always makes sure to follow through with the quality and care for others. Will jump through hoops to
help others. Would love to be involved in student government with the B & A committee. Learning about the funding will help
him in career path while he is able to help with funding. Has looked into working with a pen marketing company to help get
UNF’s name out. Would love to work on intramurals sports if elected senator because he is frustrated with the current
turnouts. Would like to work with clubs to help this and make students proud of UNF. Number one goal is to be the voice of
every student.
Any Questions?
Sen. Fountain- “How do you plan to ensure the students’ voice?”
a. During gaining signatures, every student was asked what would make them happier. Parking was a main concern.
Would like to work on making another garage. Number one priority is the students.
Sen. Bowman- “Do you believe you will have time for SG with all your other involvement?”
a. Yes, will be working less and taking fewer classes. Also has free time on weekends. Is good with time management.
Makes lists of things to do and always makes sure it all gets done.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to confirm Brian Jones for a general senate seat. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Hebeishywas very impressed with everything Brian had to say. He knows what he wants to do and is willing to get it all done.
Electronic vote. Last call.
Motion passes 19-00.
Chief Justice Matt Yosts performs Oath of Office with Brian Jones.
Old Business
a. Vetoed Legislation
b. Tabled Legislation
c. Bills on 2nd reading
Legislative Cabinet Elections
a. University Affairs Committee Chair
Sen. Hebeishy opens the floor for nominations.
Sen. Versace- “Is there a list of prior nominations?”
a. Yes, Sen. Bowman.
Motion from Sen. Fountains to nominate Brian Jones. Second.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Brian Jones accepts? Yes.
Close the floor for nominations.
Motion from Sen. Delgado to close floor for nominations.
Sen. Bowman addresses the Senate, stating the following:
This past year in Student Government, was the vice chair of multiple committees. Worked closely with both Sen. Hebeishy and
Sen. Normandy. Had experience in sponsoring bills. Hopes for the UAC committee to have lively discussions, take action of the
university and state matters, and make simple resolutions. Has stayed up to date by working with Zak Varshovi and Mike
Naughton. Would like to have a calendar of committees and keep track of who is attending, be on email list to stay updated,
have access to minutes to know what is going on, have legislative bylaws and minutes, and have a copy of the bylaws for
everyone. Would also like to work with SAC to go over lighthouses and surveying, meet with who is on committees to see what
is and isn’t working, and work on changing the location of the bylaws on the student government website because it is currently
hard to find.
Any Questions?
Sen. Fountain- “Do you know what the responsibilities of UAC will be?”
a. Yes, will be creating agenda minutes of meetings, gaining monthly and weekly reports, along with other activities.
Sen. Ring- “Do you have any other involvement?”
a. Yes, as stated before, have held other positions.
Brian Jones respectfully declines his nomination.
Sen. Bowmen receives UAC chair.
Chief Justice Matt Yosts performs Oath of Office with Monica Bowman.
New Business
a. Constitution and Statutory Changes on 1st Reading
Sen. Barrs- Need to change the effective date, this is something we forgot. Need to make this effective immediately.
Any Questions? None.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to approve. Second. No objections. Motion from Sen. Hebeishy for unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
b. Senate and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading
a. JR-12SA-2601: Declaration of Support for Blue and Gray Wednesdays
c. Legislation considered for 2nd Reading
a. SB-12SA-2597: Senatorial Involvement Act – Senator Megan Jones
Sen. Jones- Committees will help agencies with events through participation and volunteering. Individuals will volunteer for 4
different opportunities. Committee involvement will monitored and held accountable through sign ups and during meetings.
Any Questions?
Sen. Hebeishy- “How did you come up with the number 4?”
a. It was ball parked, did not want to go higher or lower than the number four.
Sen. Hebeishy- “4 students is about 4%. Do you think we should raise the amount to 7 or even 10 events?
a. Didn’t want to go higher just in case there are time conflictions. People could always go to more events; it is just stating you
go to a minimum of 4.
Sen. Bowman- “Is this for summer semester as well?
a. Yes
Sen. Delgado- “Since we are going as a group, can we let others we know are there?”
a. We will be wearing SG apparel so others will know.
VP Naughton- “All three agencies have sign ins and can let the agency know you are there to help and make your self known to the
Sen. Versace- “Why only SAC members?”
a. Because it is the first time. I am open to opening it up to all of student government. Will have to have a list to know who is
there and where to go.
Sen. Hebeishy- “Others may come?”
a. Yes
Motion from Sen. Versace to amend line to state “all members to attend.”
Zak Varshovi- “This should be moved to a new chapter.”
Motion from Sen. Versace to amend Line 18 to say all senators required and amendment to be placed in the appropriate section.
Motion from Sen. Versace for unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve as amended. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Delgado- As a representation of the
student body, we should be a part of display within campus involvement. Sen. Caudio- Take into consideration how we will keep track
of participation and need to have a way to penalize those who do not show. Sen. Versace- Don’t think this will be a problem. 4 events
are not hard to attend. Within discussion it could be brought up if a senator hasn’t been attending. This implies that a senator is not
upholding their position. Do not need to add a points system to hold others accountable.
VP Naughton- need to take out July 1 and make it effective immediately.
Motion from Sen. Versace to strike Line 22 saying to make effective July 1, 2012 to say immediately. Second. No objections. Motion
for unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Versace to approve SB-12SA-2597. Second. No objections. Discussion: Sen. Versace- It’s only 4 events and can
change it later down the road if needed.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy for unanimous consent. Second. Motion passes.
b. SB-12SA-2598: Elections and Appointments Act of Summer 2012 – Senator Joel Versace
Senator Versace- Redid the table of contents along with an additional chapter.
601- Before, SG did not regulate where a student could campaign. Removed active and passive campaigning. This language is no
longer used. Passive campaigning was to restrict wearing a campaigning shirt but cannot regulate that. An example of active
campaigning is handing out flyers. Can still regulate billboards. Have removed the policy to regulate wearing shirts within polling zone.
Cannot actively campaign within polling region. These changes are modifying the definition of campaigning.
602- Changes when the declaration of intent is due. Changing to two days prior to the required committees. Declaration of intent is
the first thing a candidate does. Also added the name of party.
603.4- Still takes 2/3 vote but moved to chapter 6. Moving things to the proper place.
606.1B- to state “only”
607.5- Name restrictions: party name could be restricted and disqualified. Example: a party name “the UNF party” would be rejected
because it gives the students the idea of favoritism from UNF.
608.3B – Change that each candidate does not have to sign financial statement.
611.2- Change where the description of reference comes from. Clarifying that reference comes from constitution statutes chair and
approved by senate president.
614- Change “2 business days” to “according to the elections timeline”. In future, can modify if dates are in the same place.
615- Invalidation of posting of results - the day after elections, can submit invalidation. Must be legitimate. Example, the computers
were down. Not something about campaigning.
616.1a- Elections supervisor must release results according to elections timeline. Results become official upon passage in senate.
616- Change for instillation process to begin when candidate is legally sworn into office. Bill is passed in senate when candidate is
sworn into office.
Any Questions?
Sen. Barrs- “Active and passive campaigning changed, but is it still stated what can and cannot be in polling regions?”
a. Yes, still states what can and cannot.
Sen. Hebeishy- “Regulations should be left in here. Senators in the future may not understand what we discussed if we take them
a. The definitions are in here already. In 609.2 F, flyers are explained. If taking advantage of wearing a shirt, which you are
allowed to wear, by trying to solicit a vote then it becomes campaigning. The guidelines and structures are there. States what is
campaigning. A shirt is a campaigning material but if it is used within a polling region as material than it is problem.
Sen. Cardio- “Is this to make up for accidently not putting a jacket on?”
a. It is stating that if you are just walking through with a shirt exposed, you are fine. If you are standing there purposefully, that
is campaigning.
Sen. Hebeishy- “These regulations should be kept in here to help understand and to help clarify.”
Motion from Sen. Versace to move to open discussion. Second.
Sen. Barrs- Terms are defined but they are never used. Need to know when is it active and passive, what do they do, and what
happens if you do them. Taking them out is good but need to understand how they are used.
Director Garris – Need to know that people will “walk through” a couple times. So pay attention to the discussion and listen to what
everyone is saying.
Sen. Versace- If someone walks through 50 times this would become a complaint. But if someone walks through on the way to class,
it is not campaigning. Cases are up to court discussion if it is believed that someone is taking advantage of the regulations.
Sen. Fountain- Not a necessity to further define campaign because it is left to a court decision.
Sen. Hebeishy- Constitution is broad but statutes should be specific. Does not feel right removing, especially if there is this much
Sen. Versace- This is to give freedom to the candidates to walk through the polling region. It will give openness and freedom for
candidate, as well as violations.
Motion from Sen. Hebeishy to un strike 601B 123 – active, passive, and verbal campaigning. Second. No objections.
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution
1 UNF Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32224-2645
(904)620-2750 Fax (904)620-1005
Office of the Student Senate
Discussion: Versace- make clear that this was not changed with the intent of a heated discussion, just to update the language used.
Electronic vote. Last call.
Passes 11-010.
Motion from Sen. Versace to amend 609.2 F to read “no campaigning can occur within the polling regions.” Add that no election
materials will be allowed while polls are open. Second. Objection to state visual materials.
Motion from Sen. Versace to change wording to “no visible campaigning materials within polling region.” Second.
Sen. Delgado- Students should be making smart decisions about voting. Don’t think seeing a shirt in the polling region should affect
their decision.
Sen. Barrs- Like to think that as well but need to make a level playing field and state what that is.
Motion from Sen. Versace for unanimous consent.
Delgado objects unanimous consent.
Sen. Versace revokes his motion.
Sen. Hebeishy- Should restate that no campaigning and visual campaigning materials within polling regions are allowed during voting.
Electronic vote.
Passes 15- 05.
Motion from Sen. Versace to amend elections timeline to state “due on the second day prior” as opposed to “due two days prior.”
Second. No objections.
Motion from Sen. Delgado for unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Versace to amend enacting clause to state “placed in proper order and to be made effective immediately.” Second.
No objections.
Motion to unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Versace to approve SB-12SA-2598. Second. No objections.
Sen. Versace- Did not know this would term into a discussion.
Second. No objections.
Motion to unanimous consent. Second. Moved.
Reminder that there are no meetings this Monday for Memorial Day.
Congratulations again to Sen. Bowman
Final Roll Call - Senate President Pro-Tempore –
Quorum is reestablished with 20 voting members.
Adjournment - 8:20 PM
Equal Opportunity/Equal Access/Affirmative Action Institution