SAC Agenda 7:30pm October 1st, 2012 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Minutes Approval of Agenda Guest Speakers Chair Report Old Business New Business a. Osprey Voice Survey Announcements a. Next regularly scheduled Senate meeting is October 8th at 6:30pm b. Next regularly scheduled Committee meeting is October 15th at 7:30pm c. Osprey Voice Survey will be conducted on October 2nd (Tuesday) and October 3rd (Wednesday). d. Approved Osprey Voice will be sent out via email after SAC meeting. Adjournment SAC Agenda 7:30pm September 17, 2012 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Call to Order a. 7:31pm Roll Call a. Quorum is established with9 voting members. Approval of Minutes a. Senator Kvies - motion to approve the minutes from August 27th. b. Senator Dykes- Second. Approval of Agenda a. Senator Kvies- motion to approve the agenda for September 17th. b. Senator Ucciardo- Second. Guest Speakers Chair Report a. Good evening everyone b. Just a few things to discuss. i. At our next committee meeting we will need to come up with ideas for the Roundtable event this semester. The event will take place the week after Elections and elections are October 23rd and 24th. The purpose of this event is to get feedback from the students about elections and other issues that they would like to bring up but don’t necessarily have time to come to senate to talk about it. I do not have a date set yet but I will have that date by Monday in Senate. You are required to attend this event so I will have a signup sheet at our next committee meeting. ii. We will be approving the next Osprey Voice survey at our next committee meeting and it will be conducted that same week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Old Business New Business a. SB-12F-2630 Osprey Voice Enforcement Act presented by Senate Pro-Tempore Tony Stevens. b. Senator Kvies- motion to strike line 17 and to say One (1) absentee points instead of two (2) and to keep the same amount of days. c. Senator Stromquist-Second. d. Motion passes 8-0-3. e. Senator Stromquist- motion to approve SB-12F-2630 as amended. f. Senator Dykes- Second. g. Motion passes 8-0-3. IX. X. Announcements a. Next regularly scheduled Senate meeting September 24th. b. Next regularly scheduled committee meeting October 1st. Adjournment a. Quorum is reestablished with 11 voting members. b. Adjourn at 7:41pm.