Elections and Appointments Committee Meeting Minutes October 1st, 2012 Senate Chambers 1:00 PM Chairman: Sen. Joel Versace I. II. III. Call To Order 3:01 Roll Call Approval of the Minutes Motion to approve minutes September 17, 2012, seconded IV. Approval of Agenda Motion to approve agenda for today’s meeting, seconded, no objections V. Chairman Report and Remarks A) DQ’s One student was disqualified because they submitted DOI late 68 DOI were submitted, approximately 22 didn’t attend Candidate Seminar B) Contacting Businesses I have already contacted several businesses and I would ask that you also reach out and contact businesses as well. VI. Guest Speakers VII. Old Business VIII. New Business A) Raising Voter Turnout Sen. Petrosyan: could we use absentee ballots to reach more voters. Chair: that’s not really the intention of absentee ballots. Chair: we also have banners and flyers, and Tshirts. Petrosyan: the shirts have a lot of red on them and might be perceived as supporting a party. Chair: I will look into changing them. B) Additional Polling Station Still waiting to hear back from IT, would the walkway by the green be better or the café? Amira: café would be better I think. Petrosyan: would it be possible to be inside the café? Chair: I don’t think so it would be under the covered area outside the café. IX. X. XI. XII. Appointments Announcements A) Next Senate is TONIGHT! October 1st 8:30 Final Roll Call Adjournment 1:42