Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting October 1 , 2012 Senate Chambers 4:30 PM

Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
October 1st, 2012
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady
Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval of the Minutes
A) 09/17/12
Approval of Agenda
A) 10/01/12
Chairman Report and Remarks
Student Remarks (20 minutes)
Treasurer’s Report
VIII. Business Manager’s Report
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
New Business
A) Transfers
B) Salary Reserve Requests
a. Center for Student Media – Sen. Joel Versace
C) Special Requests
a. Table Tennis Club – Sen. Monica Bowman
D) Travel Requests
a. Transportation & Logistics Society – Sen. Star Caudio
b. Maggie Seppi – Sen. Fransua Estrada
c. Mock Trial Team – Sen. Ryan Traher
E) Finance Code
a. SB-12F-2634 Special Request Optimization Act – Sen. Chris Brady
b. SB-12F-2635 Student Union Provisionary Language Change – Sen. Chris Brady
F) General Reserves
G) Budget Balancing
A) Senate Monday, October 1st, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. Senate Chambers
B) Senate Monday, October 8th, 2012 at 6:30 pm Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting
September 17th, 2012
Senate Chambers 4:30 PM
Chairman: Sen. Chris Brady
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 4:33 pm.
Roll Call
Quorum is established with 12 voting members.
Approval of the Minutes
A) 08/27/12
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the minutes from August 27, 2012. Second. No objections. Moved.
Approval of Agenda
A) 09/17/12
Motion from Sen. Ritter to add Joseph Turner to Guest Speakers. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Chairman Report and Remarks
There is a lot going on tonight. Transfer coming through as well as requests. Going to limit student remarks to 2
minutes per speaker.
Student Remarks (20 minutes)
Justin Savage- Would like to speak regarding the opposition against Chick-fil-a coming to campus. Financially, this
is not responsible. We have already added a bus stop to town center, which has a Chick-fil-a. I was apart of the
Week of Welcome experience and I have liked it all. However, I do not feel safe with Chick-fil-a on campus. Would
like to have a poll on campus via mass email requesting if students would like a Chick-fil-a on campus. How could
we go about doing that?
Sen. Brady- That would have to go to our student body president. The senate does not have the power to do that.
Adam Carter- Many of you probably remember me from the last senate meeting. I have literature I would like to
hand out to you all. The LGBTQ is very uncomfortable with Chick-fil-a. They give to a hate group who wants our
murder and calls us pedophiles. I am not one who lets emotions get to me but this has such a potential to hurt us
and to make us feel unwelcome. I have such a concern for this beautiful campus that I love because of the idea of
bringing Chick-fil-a here. UNF is a safe and welcoming place so I beg of you to vote this down. If you would like
any of the literature on this, please find me.
John Scorza- Would like to start by saying, I think this is a wise use of student funds. As a part of our constitution,
any beliefs cannot be brought to this campus. If you look at the establishment as what they do publically and
personally, you have to consider this. If student body president X runs on grey and blue but doesn’t want to fund
because you are republican, this is unconstitutional. This is my concern to consider an establishment personally
as opposed to what they are doing publically.
Michelle Staton- Would like to remind you of our constitution. Under rights and responsibilities, be in accordance
against discrimination, respect diversity in the community, have a right to not take an opposition. Have a right
and obligation to protect the community from threats. The University does not advocate a point of view.
Treasurer’s Report
(Given with the Business manager’s report)
Business Manager’s Report
When each of you was sworn in, did you take an oath for the state and the nation? There was a federal court case
called South worth. This case dealt with A and S fees and Wisconsin university. Students did not agree with what
the student government was doing. This got brought to the pellet court and then off to the Supreme Court. It was
overturned unanimously. Universities have a unique freedom of speech clause. This is a facility to argue in a
tactful manner. When you a funding, you have to fund viewpoint neutral and benefit to the entire student body
that is how you vote. Do not vote off of personal feelings but off what will benefit the student body or what you
are doing is illegal.
Guest Speakers
Joe Turner- Passing out Article 3 Section 5, it is the section that deals with Student Government. It states what the
state says we can and can’t do. If you have any questions, I will address them in senate.
Account Totals
2012-2013 Fiscal Year
Special Requests
Travel Requests
Salary Reserves
Old Business
XXVII. New Business
H) Transfers
a. SB-12F-2631 – Special Requests Transfer
Sponsored by Sen. Bowman
Currently have $3,752 felt over in special requests. We have used a lot through special requests,
which is good because our students are appreciative of their special projects. However this does not
leave us with enough to work with. This transfer will help for the remainder of the year.
Questions? None.
Motion from Sen. Delgado to approve SB-12F-2631. Second. No objections. No discussion.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-00.
Motion from Sen. Normandy to revisit the agenda. Second. No objections. Motion from Sen.
Normandy to add the executive branch under special requests. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Garcia to approve the agenda as amended. Second. No objections. Moved.
Travel Requests
Special Requests
a. SWC/Recreation – Sen. Tony Stevens
Tony Stevens introduces Becky Purser with campus recreation.
Mike McGuire- Salary increases are reserved in the salary reserve index. Adjustments will be made
upon performance results of HR. They are specialists, we are not. This is just whether we are able to
fund or not.
Becky Purser- This salary increase is to better facilitate the new student wellness complex. The
reorganization is required to support the operations and supervision in the complex. The positions
include Assistant Director for Fitness, reclassified to Associate Director for Student Wellness
Complex. Recreation and Intramural Coordinator reclassified to Assistant Director for Intramural
and Club Sports. Both positions have direct responsibilities for the staff and building supervision. The
facility is open 7 days a week for 18 hours on weekdays and 12 hours on weekends. Your
consideration for this request is most appreciated.
Motion from Sen. Normandy to approve the student wellness request. Second. No objections. No
Roll call vote
Passes 12-00.
Executive Branch
Pres. Varshovi- The student intramural enhancement is aimed at improving the intramural
experience, which is something we all ran on.
Pres. Fassi- We promised the students when we ran that we would Astroturf the field. Unfortunately
the numbers that we got back seem unfeasible. However we discussed how could we still make
intramurals more memorable. Would like to touch on the bleachers. Have a student position that
would keep stats. Students can also log online to see the stats being updated.
Justin Cater- This imitative includes the following items:
New umpire shirts that will look more traditional, new home plates, throw down bases that will help
with our kickball program, and in zone pylons because what is left is not enough and does not look
professional. New watch and game timer because that is easier than the timer amount the neck and is
more efficient. Measuring tape that will help with the lining of the fields and new ones would make
more accurate fields. Permanent scoreboards are not a feasible for us because their pricing but the
moveable ones can be left overnight and will show scoring and the time left. New first aid kit to give a
better avenue if anyone were to get hurt. New flag belts for flag football, the old ones are more than 4
or 5 years old so they smell and are ripping. Gold ref jerseys because again, we want to look more like
the soccer ref to enhance the experience. New whistles and lanyards for the officials to properly ref
the game. Ball spotters to look more official as well. Colored scrimmage vests because to keep stats
we need to have numbered jerseys and it is a lot to ask of other teams to get own jerseys. Scoreboard
carrying bag to transport the scoreboard. Lining package to keep lines straight. Laundry bags to
separate the jerseys and pennies. Bleachers and bleacher transport kit. Because we have multiple
events on the fields, the bleachers need to be moveable. The scorekeeper position would be
minimum wage. One scorekeeper per field per sport. Position would keep track of scores and update
on the use of iPads, which we already have. This feature allows you to look at the stats and scores of
the games live.
Sen. Caudio- how many people participate in intramurals per year?
Varies per sport however over we had 22,000 students participated over the past year.
Pres. Fassi- Like to add on how attractive it would be to participate in a sport if you had these
amenities, this feels a lot more professional for the students.
Sen. Caudio- do regular students have access to use this equipment?
If it is not during the season we can let equipment be checked out for all students.
Sen. Delgado- any plans to expand on the sports being offered?
Sports are selected by what is wanted by the students. But we do have to keep in mind the limitations
of time and space. 25-30 events will be going on from this semester to the next. If there is an interest
there is always the ability to look into starting a new one if we have the time and space.
Motion from Sen. Caudio to approve the Executive branch for student intramural enhancement.
Second. No objections. Discussion- Sen. Farrell- not sure how needed the scorekeeper position is, this
should be discussed further. Sen. Delgado- there is currently scorekeepers to keep others aware. Sen.
Farrell- need clarification for the wages. Treasurer Namen- for clarification, these scorekeepers will
keep track of the specifics and it is a totally new position. Sen. Normandy- have played intramurals
for past 3 seasons and this is very exciting and a move in the right direction. Sen. Amira- through
involvement in osprey voice I have heard this request from the students to improve, so I am all for
this. Sen. Caudio- can they elaborate on the scorekeeper? Varshovi- the point of that position is to
further the experience, it takes the experience to the next level and what other students would dream
of having.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-00.
K) Finance Code
L) General Reserves
a. Student Government Executive Branch – Sen. Lauderlino Garcia and Sen. Fransua Estrada
Sen. Garcia- On campus dining’s purpose is to enhance the osprey experience. As the university continues to
grow it is easy to forget how far we have come. Used to only have Sbarro and Freshens not too long ago.
Started with surveys and social media. Hundreds responded favorably to adding to the dinging experience. To
second-guess this initiative for would be to loose all that. If all we did were research and talk, nothing would
be accomplished. Did not come to senate to second-guess myself and to not bring meaningful improvements
and to not make a difference. So ask you to support this special request.
Sen. Estrada- we are looking to bring a popular dining experience to the students. This is to aim to the
betterment of the university. These changes will not increase tuition. Bring better and more convenient
dining options for the students we represent.
Pres. Fassi- would like to introduce the previous student body president that started this initiative.
Matt Brockelman- I appreciate you all who are here to speak about this. Starbucks and Alumni Square were
only here when I got to this campus. The numbers are there to support this. There are some against as well.
This is something that has taken time. Students want better dining and want the choice. Easy to look at the
price tag. This is not fiscally irresponsible because the fund balance that students have paid in the past has
not been used. That is injustice paying and not getting anything out of it. Key to remember is if you agree or
disagree with the institution it is irrelevant. This is about food, not politics. We are here to make the
experience better.
Pres. Fassi- Before I discuss the request, think about why you are here and what you are going to do to
represent the students. Future students will remember this request. Has taken a little over 4 months for this.
No one can deny that the venders are identifiable. Those who are forced to eat on campus wish to have these
options. You are now looking at a bulky request. However both Jamba Juice and Starbucks are being used. Do
not let the students money sit there. Students were surveyed and over 80% approved of the switch.
Sen. Caudio- How long would take for Chick-fil-a to finish if this is approved?
Pres. Fassi- by what we understand, potentially beginning to mid spring
Business Manager McGuire- The money is to renovate the building so it depends more on the construction of
the site. Like to add that this is a request that comes from two funds so it needs to be approved by a 2/3 vote
as opposed to the usual majority. Keep that in mind.
Motion from Sen. Estrada for open discussion. Second. No objections. Moved. Sen. Estrada- would like
everyone to pay attention to this. A lot of money but this is to increase the student life. Dining is a key factor
of that and this is something red party ran on. Business manager McGuire- Like to point out that parties do
not matter once you are a senator. Sen. Caudio- We can’t take politics and groups into consideration and have
to look at the students as a whole and what is best for them. Hope that everyone here understands we have to
take that into consideration. Sen. Ritter- This is a large request however there are not many better ways to
better the dinging. Sen. Jones- we are here to do what the students wish for and we find what that is through
polling and over 80% were in favor. Motion from Sen. Amira to close the floor. Second. No objections. Moved.
Motion from Sen. Estrada to approve the Executive Branch fund balance request. Second. No objections.
Roll call vote.
Passes 12-00.
M) Budget Balancing
XXVIII. Announcements
A) Senate Monday, September 24th, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. Senate Chambers
Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 12 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 5:38 pm.