University of North Florida Student Senate Senate Meeting Minutes – April 11th, 2016 – 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM – Senate Chambers I. II. Call to Order a. Meeting called to order at 6:03PM. Invocation – Interfaith Chaplain Clare Stern III. Pledge of Allegiance – Sergeant-at-Arms Burton IV. Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke a. Quorum has been established with 29 voting members. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Approval of Agenda a. Senator Thames: Motion to amend the agenda such that JR-16S-2960 be tabled until the second Senate meeting of the fall semester. Second. Adopted. b. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Motion rescinded. c. Senator Beaucham: Motion to amend the agenda such that CR-16S-2947 be tabled until the second meeting of the Fall semester. Second. Adopted. d. Senator Butler: Motion to approve the agenda as amended. Second. Adopted. Approval of Minutes – March 21st, 2016 a. Senator Platts: Motion to approve the minutes from March 21st, 2016. Second. Adopted. Recognition of Students Seeking Appointment a. None Student Remarks (3 minutes each) a. Jake Moore i. Presented award to Christopher Jordan from the LGBT Center. b. Sami Mims i. Spoke about the UNF Beach Volleyball team success. c. Katherine Thames i. Spoke about the reasoning behind tabling JR-16S-2960 d. Ashley Elkins i. Spoke about the tabling of JR-16S-2960 e. Natalie Sessy i. Spoke about the tabling of JR-16S-2960 Shore Advice (3 minutes) a. Congratulated graduating senators and advised senators to listen and ask questions about tonight’s proposed legislation. Office of Elections Report a. Elections Commissioner Brad Johnson (3 minutes) i. Thanked everyone for helping him be a part of SG. XI. XII. XIII. Judicial Branch Report a. Chief Justice Ben Jaeger (5 minutes) i. Promoted Caravan for Democracy trip to Israel and his beginning Excel workshop being held Wednesday, 4/13 at 10:30am in the SG Courtroom. ii. Gave advice about success. Executive Branch Reports a. Osprey Productions – Director Katie Jackson (3 minutes) i. Gave the numbers and costs per student for the Homecoming Comedy Show and the Spring Concert. Also talked about the success of the Talent show and upcoming events such as showing The Revenant on Wednesday, The Amazing Minute Game night on Thursday, and the End of the Year Pool Party on Friday. ii. Thanked Concert volunteers for their help. b. Club Alliance – Director Zachary Mease (3 minutes) i. No report. c. Treasurer Cameron Duffy (3 minutes) i. Thanked everyone for working with him, reminisced on term, and gave parting advice. d. Attorney General Dana Baker (3 minutes) i. Thanked everyone for working with her and gave parting advice. e. Vice President Bella Genta (3 minutes) i. Update on Executive Cabinet interviews; will finish up by this Thursday and should be contacting final candidates on either Friday or early next week. Will start Executive Agency interviews within the next week. ii. Talked about first FSA meeting. Met other universities’ student government presidents and vice presidents, and also set group goals such as spreading awareness of what student governments do and why we are important. f. President Caleb Grantham (5 minutes) i. Touched on finalizing Executive Cabinet interviews during this week. ii. Also talked about FSA and welcomed senators to send questions to him and Bella to bring up during these monthly meetings. iii. Got a head count of how many senators would attend summer senate (counted 15 senators). Asked because of new minimum quorum requirement, even for summer sessions. Also needed to know in order to plan who to appoint to university-wide committees. Invited senators to email him if interested in appointment to these committees once he sends the list out. iv. Talked about summer orientation and getting available senators to volunteer to help with it. Mentioned that orientation would be held several times throughout the summer around 4:00pm and encouraged senators to contact him if interested. v. Talked about bill being addressed tonight and encouraged senators to listen and consider repercussions of each. Finally, discussed voting in new Legislative leadership and gave advice on that topic. Legislative Branch Reports a. Pro-Tempore/Constitution and Statutes Committee – Chairman Dallas Burke(3 minutes) i. Passed 5 bills in last committee meeting. 1. CR-16S-2947: advised that this bill should be tabled until Fall session. b. c. d. e. XIV. 2. SB-16S-2955: had a debate over whether or not to include definitions of retaliation and intimidation or just refer to Black's Law Dictionary. Decided that including the definitions would be better and even have the Attorney General conduct an Interpretation on it. Need a motion to enter these definitions into the bill. 3. SB-16S-2957: Repercussion of Baker Bill. Clarifies how GPA will be verified by the SG Director for Senate. 4. SB-16S-2959: Also repercussion of Baker Bill. Applies the new GPA requirement to Agency Directors, Assistant Directors, and Coordinators. Budget and Allocation Committee – Chairman Troy Bottom (3 minutes) i. Passed one Travel Request and one Special Request. Reported current index balances and salary reserves. ii. Passed advice on to the next B&A chair and new senators. Government Oversight – Chairman Vaughn Sayers (3 minutes) i. Reminisced on value of serving as chair and thanked everyone for their support. ii. Talked about hearing OB-16S-2944 and SB-16S-2948. 1. OB: Main goal is to make committees more efficient by cutting out Senate micromanagement. University and Student Affairs – Chairwoman Cassidy Keefe (3 minutes) i. Congratulated new senators and reminded everyone about Finals Frenzy dates and sign-ups. Told new senators they need to sign up, too. ii. Announced Senator of the Month, shared two quotes, and thanked everyone for working with her. Senate President Chase Baker (5 minutes) i. Reminisced on his time in SG, thanked everyone for supporting him, and gave parting advice. Unfinished Business a. Legislations considered for 1st Reading b. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Reading c. Legislations considered for 2nd Reading i. SB-16S-2946 Title III Adjustments (Vetoed) 1. AG Baker: This was vetoed mainly because of the strict wording, specifically as “publish.” This makes it seem like the Executive Branch has special treatment. She outlined the three options that the Senate now has with this bill. She recommended that if the Senate wanted this to pass, they remove the word “publish” to make this an amended bill. Questions and answers followed. 2. Senator Mims: Advocated in favor of overriding the veto, not amending the bill to strike out “publish.” 3. Senator Jordan: Motion to reconsider SB-16S-2946. Second. Moved. 4. Motions on bill: a. Senator Jordan – Motion to amend the bill such that on page 2, line 25, the words “and publish” are removed. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 27-0-2, passed. b. Senator Jordan – Motion to approve SB-16S-2946 as amended. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote 27-0-2, passed. ii. OB-16S-2944 The Vacancy Solution (Vetoed) 1. AG Baker: Vetoed because of the inconsistency of voting in a new Go chair each semester. She recommends to override this veto. 2. Senator Sayers: Talked about how this bill will make the GO Committee, and by extension the Senate, more efficient. Questions and answers followed. 3. Senator Sayers: Motion to override OB-16S-2944. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: Passed 22-6-0. iii. SB-16S-2948 Title VI Conflict of Interest (Vetoed) 1. AG Baker: vetoed because wanted to send back to committee for reconsideration. She recommends to override the veto. No questions followed. 2. Senator Jordan: Motion to override SB-16S-2948. Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: Passed 27-1-0. d. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 2nd Reading XV. New Business a. Simple and Joint Resolutions on 1st Read b. Legislation on 1st Read c. Simple and Joint Resolution on 2nd Read i. JR-16S-2960 Divest {tabled} d. Legislation considered for 2nd Read i. SB-16S-2959 Congruency Throughout SG 1. Senator Burke: Explained that this bill would allow Agency Directors, Assistant Directors, and Coordinators to speak with the VP of Student & International Affairs about their GPA. No questions followed. 2. Senator Platts: Motion to approve SB-16S-2959. Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 29-0-0. ii. SB-16S-2962 Student Union Administration Space Modification 1. Senator Keefe: Introduced John Simms, who explained what areas of the Student Union would be renovated if this bill passes. Questions and answers followed. 2. Senator Beaucham: Motion to approve SB-16S-2962. Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 30-0-0 passed. iii. SB-16S-2955 Title X 1. Senator Jordan: Explained the changes he proposed to Title X and why they are necessary. Questions and answers followed. 2. Motions: a. Senator Platts: Motion to amend SB-16S-2955 chapter 1001.1 l section d such that it reads “Intimidation – a threat or threats made with the purpose of compelling a student government member or members to act against his or her consciences, or to prohibit said member(s) from acting within the discretion of his or her position.” Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 300-0, passed. b. Senator Mims: Motion to amend SB-16S-2955 chapter 1001.1 section E such that it reads “Retaliation – the act of inflicting physical or professional harm against a student government member in response to a decision made within the discretion of his or her position.” Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 30-0-0, passed. c. Senator Mims: Motion to approve SB-16S-2955 as amended. Second. Discussion. Motion rescinded. d. Senator Lee: Motion to amend SB-16S-2955 chapter 1001.2 subsection A line 1 such that it reads “no student government member can act in a way that promotes their own personal interest over the interest of the student body.” Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 30-0-0, passed. e. Senator Villavicencio: Motion to strike out chapter 1001.2 subsection E line 2. Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 30-0-0, passed. f. Senator Mims: Motion to approve SB-16S-2955 as amended. Motion rescinded. g. Senator Lee: Motion to amend SB-16S-2955 such that chapter 1001.2 subsection F such that it reads “no student government officer or employee shall in any way engage in retaliation.” Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 30-0-0, passed. h. Senator Mims: Motion to approve SB-16S-2955 as amended. Second. Roll call vote: 30-0-0, passed. iv. SB-16S-2957 Title IX Revisions 1. AG Baker: Explained that these revisions were necessary because of the newly passed Baker Bill. No questions followed. 2. Senator Platts: Motion to approve SB-16S-2957. Second. No Discussion. Roll call vote: 29-0-1, passed. v. SB-16S-2958 The Agency Advisory Board 1. Senator Jordan: explained the necessity of these changes in light of the Lend-A-Wing Pantry becoming an executive agency. 2. AG Baker: explained that this bill would combine the three agency advisory boards into one single agency advisory board. Also explained that the Attorney General would be added to the board, the functioning of the advisory board, and the use of the Foundation Account. Questions and answers followed. 3. Senator Lee: Motion to approve SB-16S-2958. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 300-0, passed. vi. CR-16S-2947 Article II and IV {tabled} XVI. XVII. XVIII. Swearing in New Senators – Chief Justice Ben Jaeger a. New and returning senators were sworn in. Recess at 8:16pm Division of the House a. Meeting called to order at 8:21pm. i. Two more senators sworn in. ii. Quorum reestablished with 34 voting members. Legislative Cabinet Nominations/Elections a. Senate President b. There were no other nominations for Senate President. i. Dallas Burke – Approved. c. Senate President Pro Tempore i. Sami Mims – sophomore double majoring in Political Science with concentration in Public Law and International Studies with a concentration in International Affairs and Politics with a minor in Public Administration. Explained why she would be a good fit for this position. Questions and answers followed. ii. Vaughn Sayers – current GO chairman. Explained why he would be a good fit for this position. Questions and answers followed. iii. Katherine Thames – rescinded nomination. 1. Discussion followed nominee speeches. 2. Roll call vote: 25-9, Sami Mims. d. Budget and Allocations Committee i. Senator Sayers: Motion to nominate Senator Beaucham. Accepted. ii. Chris Jordan – Explained why he would be a good fit for the position. Questions and answers followed. iii. Senator Beaucham – sophomore double majoring in Accounting and Political Science. Explained why he would be a good fit for the position. Questions and answers followed. 1. Discussion followed nominee speeches. 2. Roll call vote: 23-10, Chris Jordan. e. University and Student Affairs i. Ania Cajuste – senior majoring in Marketing with a focus on Logistics and minoring in French. Explained why she would be a good fit for the position. Questions and answers followed. ii. Muhammad Ali Awan – Explained by he would be a good fit. Questions and answers followed. iii. Discussion followed nominee speeches. iv. Roll call vote: 22-11, Ania Cajuste. f. Government Oversight i. Senator Mims: Motion to nominate Katherine Thames. Accepted. ii. Senator Adamson: Motion to nominate Vaughn Sayers. Declined. iii. Warren Butler – Sophomore majoring in Political Science. Explained why he would be a good fit for the position. Questions and answers followed. iv. Katherine Thames – Explained why she would be a good fit for the position. Questions and answers followed. v. Discussion followed nominee speeches. vi. Roll call vote: 17-16, Warren Butler. XIX. XX. Swearing in of Newly Elected Legislative Cabinet – Chief Justice Jaeger a. Newly appointed cabinet members were sworn in. Announcements a. Senate President Baker: collected senator emails, polo sizes, and committee preferences for the upcoming Fall and Spring terms and whether or not they planned to be here for summer. Also reminded everyone to sign up to volunteer for Finals Frenzy. Congratulated new senators and Legislative Cabinet members. b. Senate President Pro-Tempore Burke: passed out summer Senate schedule and copies of the Emergency Contact forms to be turned in at the end of the meeting. XXI. XXII. Final Roll Call – Senate President Pro-Tempore Dallas Burke a. Quorum reestablished with 32 voting members. Adjournment a. Meeting adjourned at 10:14pm Minutes taken by Lauren King, Senate Secretary.