Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Minutes
March 02, 2015
Senate Chambers 6:00 PM
Chairman: Blake Kennedy
Call To Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:06PM.
Pledge of Allegiance—Sen. Kishek
Roll Call—Sen. Kontol
Quorum is established with 5 voting members.
Approval of the minutes
A) 2/16/2015
Senator McColskey: motion to approve
Approval of Agenda
A) 3/02/2015
Senator Silberstein: Motion to add climbing club to first travel request. Second. All in favor.
Senator Kontol: Motion to change Senator Akers to Senator Kennedy. Second. All in favor.
Senator McColskey: Motion to add SB-15S-2848 as the second item under new business.
Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Bottom: Motion to move special request to 1 st under new business. Second. All in favor. Moved.
Senator Kishek: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda as amended. Second. All in favor.
Chairman Report and Remarks
I am sponsoring something tonight that involves the Spinnaker funding
Elections Commissioner Johnson needs volunteers for elections, please sign up for that.
Treasurer’s Report and Remarks
Transfers: Homecoming Line- $218.78 from giveaways line to stage sound and lighting production line. For Osprey Productions- $4,600 from advertising line to t-shirt line. For
Campus Recreation- $300 from the educational supplies line to athletic and equipment supplies line.
Guest Speakers
Account Totals
2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Travel Requests
Now $9,587.43
After $4,150.03
Special Requests
Salary Reserves
$ 57,978.08
$57,978 .08
Unfinished Business
New Business
A) Special Requests
a) Atlantic sun conference Student Tickets- Senator Wollam.
Vice President Brady: UNF is number one in the A Sun. So we can host every conference game . There is a cost for that even though it is hosted here. The funding would be for the students to be able to go to the games for free. We want to make sure that our students get to experience the same feeling that the team is feeling. If they lose, then the money would go back into the funds.
Senator McColskey: Motion to approve the special request for $15,000.
Second. No discussion.
Senator Silberstein: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor
SB-15S-2848-Chairman Kennedy
Vice President Brady: This is taking out two parts of the proviso for the next fiscal year. This takes away the stipulation for the “up to”. It currently says that Spinnaker has to print a certain amount. This also takes out the detailed report from them. This will allow spinnaker to do their job to the best of their ability. o Senator Kishek: Can you explain the printing? - Right now the print line is $27,000. It says that funding shall be provided for up to 7,000 units. This will allow them to get the $27,000 without having to print a certain amount. This won’t be changing any amount; it is just changing the wording.
Senator Silberstein: I move to approve SB-15S-2848. Second. No discussion.
Senator McColskey: Motion for unanimous consent. Second. All in favor.
B) Travel Requests a) UNF Climbing Club- Senator Silberstein
UNF Climbing Club: The collegiate climbing series is what we are competing in this semester.
We placed in every competition last fall. We want to get funding to go to the Regional
championships, located here in Jacksonville. We compete with all of the larger schools, which puts us pretty high up there. Originally we requested $600 and now we are requesting $300. Any climber that gets funded to go to regionals will get funded to go to nationals. In Gainesville Lexi placed 5 th out of 44 climbers, and Jon placed 11 out of 44 climbers. If the request is approved the climbers go to regionals we pretty much get a guaranteed spot in nationals in San Diego, California. Large schools are coming from all over, so we have the home field advantage. It has never happened in Jacksonville before. We understand that it is not really traveling. o Senator Bottom: If you do make it to nationals, would you be requesting again? -
Yes. o Senator Kishek: This funding is going towards the team and not the club? - Yes. o Treasurer Wolf: The event is in Jacksonville, so they will not be traveling anywhere.
Senator Bottom: I motion to approve the climbing club for $300. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: 5-0-0. Motion passes. b) Andres Tortolero- Senator McColskey
Andres Tortolero: This is for the South East and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium located in Virginia Beach from March 27 th -29 th . I will be going with other people from my lab. There are 3 members going to this. Our focus in our lab is different species of seals. This conference is a forum for different biologists to come together to discuss different research.
The schedule has not been put out yet. We will be leaving March 27 th and we will have an ice breaker. The next day we will have presentations. The last day will be sightseeing. Why is it so important to attend this conference? This will allow students from different institutions to come together to discuss lab research. This cost of the conference will be $691.20. I am requesting $391.20; this will cover the flight ticket and registration. The attendees will have different types of benefits. This conference will help me build a professional network. This will also build knowledge base; we will be up to date with the latest research. This will also help me expand my resources. Both UNF and the student body will be benefited from this conference. This will help make a big name for UNF to say that we have a big science program. This will also help increase the status of our program. By continuing to participate in this conference, we will be able to host is again in the future. o Senator Kishek: You mentioned that it is great for your personal opportunities, and you said you would be representing UNF, what can you actually bring back to UNF in your short time left here?- There are only a few students that get to go to this conference. When we go we are able to promote within our program. We are promoting that it is great what you learn in school, but also to go out of your comfort zone. o Senator Kontol: What about lodging? - That will be out of pocket.
Senator McColskey: Motion to approve the travel request for $391.20.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 5-0-0. Motion passes. c) Gina Alvarez – Senator Bottom
Gina Alvarez: This is for the South East and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium located in Virginia Beach from March 27 th -29 th . This is a regional student oriented conference. We will be attending the poster session and presenting. i am in a research lab under Dr. Avery, we all do work under mammals and endocrinology. I expect to benefit a lot. I will get to practice my public speaking skills. This is the first time I have ever done research, and this will be the first time I will be able to present. I will also be able to receive constructive criticism. I can learn about other schools and their research. I can test my own knowledge. I can also create my professional network. UNF will benefit through recognition
through the biology department. We will also be able to have recruitment from other schools and recruitment from UNF students.
Senator Bottom: Motion to approve the travel request for $451.20. Second.
Discussion. Roll call vote: 5-0-0. d) National Society of Black Engineers – Senator Akers Senator Kennedy
Nixon Maitre: This request is for the 41 st National Convention in Anaheim, California. Our mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community. We have had the opportunity to get our name out into Jacksonville Florida and UNF through our community involvement. We have been out in middle school and high school age kids to educate them about education and looking into opportunities in Engineering. We had the opportunity to give these kids hands on experience. Last year the conference was in Tennessee. Each attendee was able to gain positive experience. Last year 3 members were able to receive internships through this convention. We are competing against so many others to gain exposure. I did an internship with Hensel Phelps. This year it is supposed to be bigger and it will be a great opportunity, from March 25-29. The skill has upped itself. As for the budget
Anaheim, California, they tax for everything. We have received additional funding from other sources. We are requesting $2,000, which is the maximum. Four students have already been taken care of through the college of engineering. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and it can only benefit you.
Senator McColskey: Motion to approve this travel request for $2,000.
Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: 4-0-0. Motion passes. e) Sculpture Guild – Senator Kontol
Sculpture Guild: we are here to discuss possible funding for the National Conference on
Contemporary Cast Iron in Birmingham, AL, March 25-29. Sloss Furnances is where the conference will be. The conference is held here every 2 years. The goal is to bring together people to share knowledge as well as learn new methods. During the conference there are different panels and discussions as well as workshops. We have 15 students who are interested in going to this conference. Some of the workshops include 3D printing workshops, ceramic shell workshops and others. There are Grad professors there and you can bring your portfolios to get their feedback. There are multiple exhibitions to see fellow students and what they are presenting. This is great recognition for UNF and for the program. Our concentration is to secure the students for the registration and lodging fees.
We plan on paying for transportation out of pocket as well as food. It is a great bonding experience for the students. We are requesting $1,995 total. o Senator Kishek: Have you been to this event before? - Yes. We have some students involved who have been. o Senator Kishek: So since you already knew about this, there is an early registration, why couldn’t you get that? - We didn’t have enough students fully committed to go.
Senator Kontol: Motion to approve this travel request for $1,995. Second.
No discussion. Roll call vote: 3-0-2. Motion dies.
C) General Reserves
D) Transfers
E) Budget Balance
F) Finance Code
A) Next Senate March 09, 2015 6:30 Senate Chambers
B) Emergency Senate tonight at 8:30.
Final Roll Call—Sen. Akers
Quorum is reestablished with 5 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 7:12PM.
Minutes taken by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.