GO Minutes 3-2-15

Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
March 2nd, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 5:40PM.
II. Roll Call
Quorum is established with 4 voting members
III. Approval of Agenda
Senator Harris: I move to approve the agenda for tonight. Second. All in favor. Moved.
IV. Approval of Minutes
Senator Harris: I move to approve all of the previous minutes, January 12th, 26th, and February
9th. Second. All in favor. Moved.
V. Student Remarks
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Remarks of the Chair—sgagoc@unf.edu
VIII. Unfinished Business
IX. New Business
a. Attorney General Confirmation
Dana Baker: I am a senior, majoring in Political Science, but am planning on pursuing a double
minor in Economics. I am president of my fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta. I began in Student
Government last summer as an Associate Justice and became a Deputy Chief Justice in the Fall
and have seen been in that position since applying for Attorney General. I have been the acting
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
March 2nd, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Attorney General since February 11th. I have been undefeated in all parking appeals I have
represented up until today when I had my first loss.
Chairwoman Wollam: As president of your fraternity and beginning a double major, will
you be able balance your time as the Attorney General? –Yes, I will be able to able to
handle my time adequately because I have had a few weeks of experience to get
comfortable with the timing of the position to my schedule. I can easily delegate
responsibilities to officers in Phi Alpha Delta and will be able to handle the roles
associated with Attorney General.
Senator Harris: Why do you want to be Attorney General? – It is more in line with my
career path after college as I am now pursuing a career as an attorney.
Chairwoman Wollam: In regards to elections and working with the elections
commissioner on complaints, how well do you think you will be able to handle that part
of the job? -Really well, I have been working with the elections commissioner for a while
now and it has been going well. I feel that I will be able to look at situations in an
unbiased manor.
Roll call vote: passes 4:0:0
b. General Senate Seat Confirmation
Amanda Harvey: I am freshman, majoring in English and Philosophy and pursuing a career in law
after college. I was involved in Debate, LD, PF, and Oratory.
Chairwoman Wollam: Are you familiar with Robert’s Rules? – Yes
Chairwoman Wollam: Do you have any plans or future aspirations for Student
Government?– I want to be a senator for four terms and experience the C&S
committee, learning about the Constitution thoroughly and eventually become a justice.
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
March 2nd, 2015 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Senator Harvel: Are you filling a fall seat? – Yes
Chairwoman Wollam: Why did you choose appointment and not general election? – I
want to get my feet wet and experience it on a small scale as compared to a general
election. I also believe the appointment experience is more hands on.
Roll call vote: passes 4:0:0
X. Announcements
Please stay for Senate tonight at 8:30PM.
XI. Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members.
XII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 5:57PM.
Minutes taken by: Farah Azzouz, Government Oversight Vice