GO Minutes 5-18-15


Government Oversight Committee Agenda (Emergency Meeting)

Chair: Gustavo Ascanio

Monday May 18 th , 2015

5:30 PM to 6:30 PM in the John E. Sapp


Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 5:37PM.


Roll Call – Vice Chair

Quorum has been established with 2 voting members.


Approval of Minutes – May 13th


Approval of Agenda

Senator Harvey: Move to strike out approval of the May 13 th minutes. Second.

All in favor. Moved

Senator Harvey: Move to add Attorney General, External Assistant Director of

Osprey Productions, and Lend-a-Wing Pantry Coordinator to New Business under

Executive Appointments. Second all in favor. Moved.

Senator Harvey: Motion to strike emergency meeting on the agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved

 Senator Harvey: Move to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved.


Student Remarks

 None.


Guest Speakers

 None.


Remarks of the Chair – sgagoc@unf.edu

 Senator Ascanio: Ask as many questions as possible reference the interview guide as much as possible. The job titles are also provided and see exactly what they are supposed to be doing.


Old Business



New Business a.

Executive Appointments i.

Treasurer – Cameron Duffy

President Gloster: Two made it to the interview stage and Duffy was a candidate that stood out because of his outside experience.

Duffy: Came to UNF in summer of 2012 and I am an accounting major. Ki Phi fraternity spring 2014became to treasurer. Budget approval per semester.

Senator Harvey: In the constitution it says that you will be working with three people what are their job titles? - I will be working with the business manager, B&A committee. What’s the third?

Senator Harvey: The government accountant.

Senator Thames: Your experience was just with Ki Phi and Wells

Fargo? - No. The old treasurer for the fraternity works at Merrill

Lynch. My father owns his own company and revenues have come to 5 million over five years. I have seen how a company has come from no money to 5 million.

Senator Thames: You Ki Phi position was student elected? - Yes.

Senator Ascanio: Are you familiar with title 8 of the constitution: the finical code? - Yeah I have been looking over it for the past few weeks. Relationship with Morgan Wolf.

Senator Ascanio: Are you familiar with the budget process? - I am familiar with it but it is a bit confusing due to all the committees.

Understand that the B&A committee gets budget requests.

Senator Ascanio: Are you familiar with basic finical terms? - Since I am an accounting major I am and I directly get to look at the terms in action.

Senator Harvey: You said that you are the Ki Phi’s treasurer what kind of funds are you juggling with that fraternity? - We allocate

30,000 per semester?

Senator Harvey: Do you think that allocating 30,000 is the same as the amount through student governments allocation? - It can be closely related.

Senator Harvey: Do you know the allocating amount for student government? - Yes it’s 4.5 million.

Senator Ascanio: Since you seem to have knowledge about the student government budget do you think there is room for improvement? - I think there is always room for improvement.

The relationships should be improved and title eight could use some as well for clarity.

Senator Harvey: Motion to approve Duffy as Treasurer. Second.

All in favor. Moved.

Roll call vote. 2:0:0. ii.

Director of Governmental Affairs – Jordan Wilson

President Gloster: The state level issues are very vital and that

Wilson will follow through with this position and is the best for this position.

Wilson: Political science with a minor in business administration and going into my senior year. Looking forward this next year. I have been studying politics for three years at UNF and have done a variety of community activities to get involved. Worked on a few campaigns on of which were Gloster’s.

Senator Thames: What are your main priorities. On of my main goals is to get more involved in the Florida government and especially at Tally there is a lot going on. I think it is important to communicate with the other students to create a joint communication base and what we want not only as a whole but as a UNF student and then relay that back to our governmental representation in Florida. So I really want to make sure that there is a line of communication to the capitol and Jacksonville as a city as a whole. Getting important leaders to build a relationship with our students and have the students able to go talk to representatives is really important and should be established.

Senator Harvey: What were the community activities that you mentioned briefly in your statement before? I went and lobbied for a nonprofit for Americans for Prosperity. Took the time to let the state representatives know that the fact that they donated to this nonprofit was appreciated and the others who didn’t vote and what to make sure that they knew why they didn’t support the group. TWG Technologies to develop a new way to campaign which help significantly cut the cost that the average American citizen would need to run. Meetings with Representatives and

Senators. Asked to speak for Rick Scott on behalf of college students – cutting taxes for textbooks and cable. Participation in a press conference with Scott as well and that was a great experience.

Senator Harvey: Job description says facilitate opportunities for students to get involved with elected officials and you mention your knowing of Senator and Representatives – how would you then make sure to build a stable line of communication between the people you know and the students on this campus? Rally at

Tally is a great example. Discussions with student leaders to get a group of students to then bus over to Tally and we schedule a day to go around the capitol to meet people in the capitol to then create a face for college students that wish to get involved.

Senator Ascanio: Top priorities for UNF concerning state legislature? Some of them include bright futures rehabilitation to make this more of an opportunity to more students. The charges you get if you take to many classes needs to be reworked as well.

Along with receipt taxes that then should be reworked into funds to get finical aid for students should then go towards all of students not just a small percentage of this taxation. It will make small school, like us, to receive funds to expand in order to create a great environment for most students.

Senator Thames: Motion to appoint Duffy. Second. All in favor.


Roll call vote. 2:0:0. iii.

Attorney General – Dana Baker

President Gloster: Next is Dana Baker no one knows her at all right? She was the first appointment that I had in mind because I knew she was right for the job.

Baker: My major is political science my minor is economics and writing studies. I am technically a senior but really a super senior.

Senator Ascanio: What is you legal background? - My major really prepares me for the legal background and the one class that stands out to me is Mr. Edwards Mock Trail class that is legendary through the state of Florida. I have met with local attorneys through that class but you also really work on opening and closing statements. I am the president of the law fraternity on campus and that class and the experience I have being the president of the law fraternity has really established a knowledge base that has established me very knowledgeable about legality issues or nonissues just questions and concerns.

Senator Ascanio: How would you define ethics? – Ethics is something that you would do that you think if you know someone is going to find out there is nothing wrong with what you were doing. There are no lies and there is a characters to ethics that should be held higher than anything else.

Senator Ascanio: When it comes down to conflict resolution how would you deal with people not doing their jobs? – I am extremely blunt and that there is not always sunshine and rainbows – thus comes into play the fact that I must ensure that all the laws set out are followed. The relationships I have made with people in student government will allow me to not have to go to extreme measures with anyone and thus creating a network of respect.

Senator Harvey: Motion to approve appointment of Dana Baker as

Attorney General. Second. All in favor. Moved.

Roll call vote: 2:0:0. iv.

External Assistant Director of Osprey Productions – Tia Wrigley

President Gloster: When I was getting together what I was going to do with the agencies I need to make sure that they were far more successful which is why we have now moved to a three tier director model? Her operation will mainly deal with the larger events and Tia has three years of experience already under her belt and she is not a new face to the agencies

Wrigley: I am a rough Junior/ Senior interpretation of American

Sign Language major.

Senator Thames: Point of information you are going for the assistant director position. – The external director is the position I am going for.

Senator Harvey: Since this is a new position we need some of great strength with this new position, the person is the most important thing with this position. How will you be this person to follow through with this big shoe that you are stepping into? –

Lucky for me I have experience with Osprey Productions. I was a coordinator and I planned if not all most events that happened. I handle concerts, drag shows, winter fest, and harvest fest – also had a big part in homecoming last year. I was the main production assistant which is the highest position you can acquire as a volunteer.

Senator Thames: Point of Information can I say that I have had personal experience with Wrigley through Osprey Productions? –

Only in discussion.

Senator Thames: Can you define the job title a little more? –

Mostly in charge of anything in an external base. Main job will be handling Homecoming and relationships with other clubs. LGBT resource center and Osprey Productions had a fall out and assisted with the reestablishment of the relationship between the two.

Senator Thames: Besides a sorority do you have any other leadership qualifications? – I just planned events for my sorority.

Senator Harvey: You said that your main task would be which event? – Homecoming in the spring semester.

Senator Harvey: What are your plans with that? – Looking into comedians and activities. Amend flaws. I want it to be bigger and better and bring an interpreter to lip sing so that people with disabilities may join in as well.

Senator Thames. Motion to approve. Second. All in favor.

Discussion. a.

President Gloster and Senator Harvey discuss the job more thoroughly.

Roll call vote: 2:0:1. Motion passes. v.

Lend-a-Wing Pantry Coordinator – Janice Anglin

President Gloster: She was approved by the board and pushed for her to get approved for this position. Lend-A-Wing needs a makeover and she is the one to give it what it needs.

Anglin: I am a senior my major is nutrition and dietetics. In nutrition community nutrition I was introduced to it. I had no idea about this great initiative and that means that no one else knows it exists either. I did start volunteering for credit but ended up staying the rest of the semester on my own behalf. By happenstance one of the biggest classes is marketing which will go towards this initiative. We are attempting to gear it towards more microwave meals for students because that’s what

freshman really have and a lot of other people. I want to open it five days a week but am only open two days over the summer. I am partnering with Beam another food bank. I have a meeting with five other student affairs in order to leave donation boxes everywhere.

Senator Thames: What students may receive food? – UNF student

I.D. card.

Senator Thames: Are there limitation on what students may receive? – Typically it is five pounds every time you come in, but I have allowed it to be ten pounds due to the hours that we are open and the amount of students that are still around. We also have expired items. Free weight system that allows people to take soon to expire safe food goods.

Senator Thames: What sort of donations can you receive, in other words may I donate the project? – Yes! Do it through student government or come to lend a wing. My cell phone is on everything to make accommodations for students that are unable to make it to the hours I have established.

Senator Ascanio: What will you do to make students aware of

Lend-A-Wing? – I am going to speak at every orientation. The welcome packets for the Flats will also inform students. Facebook page.

Senator Thames: Volunteer for relief of absence points will this be one of those opportunities? – Maybe.

Senator Thames: How long have you been working? I was a volunteer all last semester and just opened Friday.

Senator Harvey: Motion to approve. Second. All in favor.


Roll call vote: 2:0:0.





Final Roll Call – Vice Chair

Quorum reestablished with 2 voting members.



Meeting adjourned at 6:25PM.

Minutes taken by Amanda Harvey, Vice-Chair
