Budget and Allocation Committee Meeting Minutes November 16th, 2015 Senate Chambers 6:30 PM Chairman: Troy Bottom I. Call To Order Meeting called to order at 6:30PM. II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Approval of the minutes V. Quorum has been established with 4 voting members; Jordan, Villavicencio, Nicholson, Padgett. 11/2/2015 i. Senator Jordan: Motion to approve minutes. Second. All in favor. Moved. Approval of Agenda 11/16/2015 i. Senator Villavicencio: Motion to approve tonight’s agenda. Second. All in favor. Moved. VI. Chairman Report and Remarks: VII. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks: VIII. I am done with all preliminary budget revisions. I will be working with Dawn closely for budget deliberations. Guest Speakers IX. We have a long night ahead of us with Title XIII revisions. Please pay attention and ask questions. None Account Totals 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Travel Requests Now $18,191.77 After $16,659.77 X. Unfinished Business XI. New Business Special Requests Salary Reserves $112,913.07 $38,060.82 $85,540.32 $38,060.82 A) Travel Requests Awakening o Senator Thames: Sponsoring bill o Hallahan: Hello everyone I am a junior here at UNF and current President of the awakening. Just to make it clear, we are requesting $1,500, not $15,000. We have fundraising activities planned for the future. o Senator Jordan: Could you elaborate on what you will be doing at conference to bring back to UNF? o Hallahan: Learning how to preserver through our everyday issues and finish school, strongly. o Senator Villavicencio: Who is going? o Hallahan: 4 freshman, 2 sophomores, 1 junior o Senator Nicholson: Have any attendees gone in the past? Why should they go again? o Hallahan: Yes, and because each conference is different. o Senator Jordan: Motion to approve Awakening travel request in the amount of $1,532.00. Roll call vote. Motion passes 4-0-0. B) Special Requests UNF Legislative Branch: o Pro-tempore Burke: sponsor o Senate President Baker: Clicker system speeds up the meetings and is a benefit to Senate. I have requested funding for 48 clickers for the 40 senators with 8 extra, as well as a case. o Senator Villavicencio: Are these the same clickers we have previously used? o Senate President Baker: Yes o Senator Jordan: Motion to approve request for $1,735.00. Second. Roll call vote. Motion passes 4-0-0. Student Government/ Executive: o Prop-tempore Burke: Sponsor o Chief of Staff Grantham: Correction that the price per unit is now $2.00 per unit at $0.08 per page for 25 prints. Total is now $21,678.00 after the $10,000 funded from SG Executive Branch. o Senator Villavicencio: Will this ever be in the budget? o Treasurer Duffy: We will look into it. o Senator Nicholson: Will SG Executive pay the extra amount if it goes over this amount budgeted? o Chief of Staff Grantham: Every year we have had a good percentage refunded, it has never been fully used. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend the special request so that it reads price per unit as “$2.00 (25x.08)”, total as $31,678.00, with the final total as $21,678.00. o Senator Nicholson: Motion to approve the special request as amended. Roll Call vote. Motion passes 4-0-0. C) General Reserves a. None D) Transfers a. None E) Budget Balance a. None F) Finance Code a. None G) Title VIII revisions SB-15F-2913 o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 842.4 reads “No special requests will be heard during the summer terms or intersession, unless the amount is below $15,000 or a quorum of 15 senators must be present during the senate meeting. Motion dies. o Senator Villavicencio: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 802.5, line item 8 on page 8, reads $50 instead of $35. Motion dies. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 810.2 reads “the SG Director” instead of “Director of operations”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 801.17 replaces “Chapter 803” with “Title VIII”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Villavicencio: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 816.1 reads “and enacted by the President”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 810.6 reads “or under appropriate circumstances, the General Fund” after “Special Requests Index,” Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 815.8 reads “The SG Accounting Associate(s) shall provide additional fiscal training for new SG Officers and Club Alliance funded clubs”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 830.5 reads “The decision may be overridden by the Student Body Treasurer” after “item being printed”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Villavicencio: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 861.3 is removed. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 831.6 reads “This decision may be overridden by the Student Body Treasurer” after “printed”. Motion Rescinded. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 831.7 reads “decision may be overridden by the Student Body Treasurer” after “printed”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that every reference to “the Senate” read “SG Senate”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 811.8 replaces “SG Accountant(s) with “SG Accounting Associate(s). Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 810.4 and all affected, replace “President” with “SG President”. Second. All in favor. So Moved. o Senator Nicolson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 811.9 replaces “Budget and Allocations” to read “B&A”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 to change “Budget and Allocations” to read “SG B&A” throughout the document with the exception to section 800.4. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that “Treasurer” reads “SG Treasurer” throughout the document. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that the sponsor of bill reads “Christopher Jordan” instead of “B&A Committee”. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 to strike out “before August 1st” from section 813.3. Motion rescinded. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 to strike out “before August 1st” from section 831.3. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Jordan: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that section 831.8 strikes “within 30 days of expenditure” and reads “at the next regularly scheduled Senate meeting” instead. Second. All in favor. So moved. o Senator Villavicencio: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that all instances of “director” read “SG Director”. Second. All in favor. So moved. XII. o Senator Jordan: I motion to approve SB-15F-2913 as amended. Roll call vote. Motion passes 4-0-0. You are all on the B&A Committee for next Semester so please make sure Monday’s and Wednesday’s are open next semester for B&A committee meetings and Budget deliberations. Final Roll Call XIV. Senator Nicholson: I motion to amend SB-15F-2913 such that “accounting associates” is removed from line 9 in section 810.2. Second. All in favor. So moved. Announcements XIII. o Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members; Jordan, Villavicencio, Nicholson, Padgett. Adjournment: Meeting is adjourned at 8:33PM. Minutes taken by Chelsea Padgett, B&A Vice-Chair