GO Minutes 11-3-14

Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
November 3rd, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 6:05PM
II. Roll Call
Quorum is established with 6 voting members
III. Approval of Minutes
Sen. Harvel: Motion to approve minutes from October 20, 2014. Second. All in favor. Approved.
Sen. Guerra: Motion to approve minutes from October 27, 2014. Second. All in favor. Approved.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Sen. Harvel: Motion to approve agenda. Second. All in favor. Approved.
V. Student Remarks
VI. Guest Speakers
VII. Remarks of the Chair—sgagoc@unf.edu
No unfinished business.
I think last week went well with the exception of a couple minor things.
VIII. Unfinished Business
IX. New Business
a. Elections
Chairwoman Wollam: Something that has been brought to my attention is elections policies and
procedures possibly being put under our jurisdiction. As of now elections commissioner can only
go under review once every two years but they should possibly be going under review once a
semester since we have elections.
Sen. Pino: I think we had a great turn out this year.
Sen. Matejka: There were a lot of students when I volunteered that didn’t know any information
about the candidates.
Sen. Guerra: Elections Commissioner Rains only reached out to Greek organizations to help
volunteer with elections which could alienate non-Greek students from SG and could have
possibly caused issues.
Government Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes
November 3rd, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM
John E. Sapp Conference Room
Sen. Pino: If we need non-SG affiliated volunteers in the future then they should sit through a
short training session so that they know Election Code.
Sen. Guerra: I think we should propose amendments to Title VI.
Chairwoman Wollam: Revisions under Title VI fall under C&S Committee so we can compile a list
of revisions we think are needed and present them to the committee.
Sen. Guerra: You can’t make any changes 10 weeks prior to the next election cycle which leaves
a very small window of time for us.
Chairwoman Wollam: Unless we have an emergency meeting every week we will not be able to
effectively pass legislation
Sen. Guerra: Our elections P&P are incredibly flawed because it allows a recurring party to
remain in power and it can discourage students from creating any new parties and can prevent
any students from outside that party from ever being elected into Senate.
Attorney General Harris: GO Committee has the jurisdiction over Title XIII to approve proposals
and make amendments to Elections P&P. Or you can propose a bill to Senate for changes to be
made directly under Title VI.
b. Judicial Appointment Questions
Chairwoman Wollam: There are no mock scenarios on the actual Judicial Application (there are
within their interviews) so Chief Justice Powers asked us to brainstorm some possible scenarios
or questions for candidates during our portion of the interview process.
Attorney General Harris: Under the Executive branch, there is an elections scenario and a
constitutional scenario that we ask candidates during their application period.
X. Announcements
Look out for a bill that will be on the Senate agenda on Monday to be moved to second read.
XI. Final Roll Call
Quorum is reestablished with 6 voting members
XII. Adjournment
Meeting is adjourned at 7:01PM.
Minutes prepared by: Vice Chair Matejka.