C&S Minutes 10-6-14

University of North Florida Student Senate
Constitution and Statutes Committee Minutes- October 6th, 2014 - Senate Chambers - 5:30PM-6:30 PM
Chair: Shomari D. Gloster
Call to Order
Meeting is called to order at 5:32PM
Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham
Quorum is established with 5 voting members
Pledge of Allegiance (Senator Rader)
Invocation(Senator Gloster)
Student Remarks
Approval of Minutes – September 22nd, 2014
Senator Rader: I move to approve the minutes from September 22nd, 2014. Second.
All in favor. Moved
Approval of Agenda
Senator Melquist: I move to remove the discussion on ethics from New Business.
Second. Discussion.
Senator Rader: I move to approve the agenda as amended. Second. All in favor.
Guest Speakers
Remarks of the Chair – sgaspt@unf.edu
Old Business
New Business
a. Appeal Hearings
i. Michael Rotella
No longer at 4 points. He had his 4th appeal point appealed by the Senate President,
so he is now at 3 points.
ii. Raymond Bachmann
iii. Jonathan Mack
Not present. Seat is revoked.
iv. Tyler Stovall
Not present. Seat is revoked.
b. Attorney General Interpretation(s) Review – Attorney General Matthew
F-2014-1: Deals with party finances and if they can incur expenses directly related
to their existence and not to their campaigning. We require that parties and
candidates report campaign expenditures. So the question is, can political party
organizations incur expenses? My finding was no, they do not need to. My finding
was based on one line, “Registered political parties are guaranteed the rights under
title 6.” I see no basis.
o Senator Gomez: Are they reimbursed? – No. But if they spend money, they
have to claim it. They have to turn in receipts.
F-2014-2: Concerns the definition of extenuating circumstances and how it relates
to the absence policy. This is a tricky one. In general my interpretation comes from
the black laws dictionary. This committee has a discretionary power to suspend the
absence policy. Not saying that the person is innocent, but it is not entirely their
fault. It allows flexibility for the committee.
o Senator Grantham: So no matter how it is defined, it is still up to the
committee? - Yes.
F-2014-3: Deals with senators currently sitting in college seats. Whether or not
senators in those seats will still have those seats. The answer is no. the seats will not
exist. They will not have that seat anymore. There is currently one in that seat.
Senator Kennedy is sitting in that seat, but he will be running in the elections in the
o Senator Rader: Do you know the purpose of senators representing those
specific college seats? - The college seats were created 6 years ago. But they
haven’t been able to fill those seats. Senate liaisons were created.
F-2014-4: Deals with special request forms. This has come up from time to time.
Can anyone present a special request without price quotes? The problem is that not
all the provisions in title 8 are applicable all the time. Under circumstances senate
can accept the request without the quote. For example if the Student Union came to
request for maintenance and it is just an anticipated cost.
c. Bill Writing Workshop
One thing that I think is important is that we all know how to write a bill. I just
want to make sure you all know what is in a bill and what it consists of. JR’s are
Joint Resolutions, SR’s are simple resolutions, OB’s are omnibus bills, and CR’s are
constitutional referendums. *Shows example of bill, and breaks it down to senators*
d. The Legislative Vote
I just want you all to understand a few things. You may only abstain for a conflict of
interest. Unanimous consent is agreeing in opinion. For example a bill is on the
floor, and you disagree with it and vote unanimously you went against what you
thought. To vote nay is to vote against. To vote I is in favor of. I just want you to
all be aware of all of this.
e. Discussion on Ethics
Final Roll Call – Vice Chairwoman Meghan Cunningham
Quorum is established with 5 voting members.
Meeting is adjourned at 6:03PM
Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.