Budget and Allocations Committee Meeting Mintues September 8, 2014 Senate Chambers 6:30 PM I. Call To Order - Meeting is called to order at 6:36PM II. Pledge of Allegiance (Senator Kishek) III. Roll Call by Vice Chair Talley. - IV. Quorum is established with 4 voting members Approval of the minutes A) 7/14/14 - V. Senator Culberson. I move to approve the minutes from July 14th, 2014. Second. All in favor. Motion passes. Approval of Agenda A) 9/8/14 - VI. Senator Talley. Motion to add Becky Purser to transfers under new business. Second. All in favor. Motion passes Senator Rotella. Motion to approve the agenda with Becky Pursers request under new business. Second. All in favor. Motion passes Chairman Report and Remarks - For all of you that don’t know I was selected for the chair of the Budget and Allocations committee. My name is Blake Kennedy; I am a senior with a major in finance and a minor in economics. I am really excited to start working up here and I am looking forward to getting to know all of you. I have elected Senator Talley as my vice chair, so her and I will do everything we can to make sure this committee run smoothly. According to title 8, as the chairman of the first fall B&A meeting I am supposed to present to you the 2015-2016 annual budget process. I am just going to mention some important dates, they are on the screen and Treasurer will point them out to you as I say them. Monday September 29th, 2014 the budget requests are sent to the budget representatives. On Friday November 21st, 2014 the budget proposals are due back to the budget reps. Friday January 16th, 2014 starts a 3 week process of budget hearings with the Budget and Allocation committee. The next on is on January 23rd, 2015 and they end on January 30th, 2015. On Monday February 9th, 2015 the senate will be voting on the budget and that Friday March 13th, 2015 the University president will sign the budget. I have these dates with me if you missed anything. VII. Treasurer’s Report and Remarks - VIII. Guest Speakers - IX. Morgan Wolf: If you have any questions about the budget process you are more than welcome to come speak with me at any time. In January we will be having budget hearings and deliberations on Fridays, so keep that in mind when you are making your spring class schedules. There are a couple transfers that I need to report back to you on. There was a transfer in the recreation budget for $5,000 from the utility line to the grounds supply line, and that was necessary for the top dressing in the sod to keep the fields in good shape. Then in August another transfer in recreation for $300 from the repairs and maintenance line to the ground supplies line, and this was also for the fields. So far in September we have had one transfer from club alliance for $915 from club alliance programming to the club fest line in order to cover marketing material and chairs and tables for the event. Director Purser will be coming up to you tonight for a transfer for recreation. This was brought before me but I denied it, because it is not a line item transfer, they are actually creating a new line. I asked she come to present before the committee today to create more transparency. Later on in the agenda in the finance code we have the encumbrance bill but I’ll present more on that when I come present that to you. none Account Totals 2014-2015 Fiscal Year X. Travel Requests Salary Reserves Now $349,888.00 $26,160.00 $55,278.08 After $349,888.00 $23,660.00 $55,278.08 Unfinished Business - XI. Special Requests none New Business A) Travel Requests a. Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) – Senator Kennedy: they are requesting $2,000 for a conference in South Florida at the end of the month. - Jerimiah- We are a religious RSO here at UNF and have been on campus for about 10 years now. This fall conference is a time for students to gather for relaxation, hangout and to grow. A lot of speakers will be coming in as well. There are 8 total sessions during that weekend. UNF are the reigning champions of the competitions from last year. It is an opportunity to grow and to learn as a community. It is a great time for freshman to meet people and learn how to impact UNF and the community. The cost has quadrupled over the past 4 years. It is hard for these students to take a weekend off and to not work at their jobs. We have members that study different wide different subjects; they are able to invest in other clubs. We have a lot of students who volunteer. By supporting us we can strengthen as a group. o Senator Rotella- How many freshmen are attending? – 15 freshman are signed up so far, a lot of them are banking on this support from student government, and may pull out last minute if we don’t get the funding. o Senator Rotella- Have you considered fundraising? - No sir we have not. o Senator Talley- What would the cost be per student? – $80 for registration, plus gas $10 roughly. Sen. Rotella- Motion to approve the request. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Kennedy- yes, Senator Rotella-yes, Senator Kishek-yes, Senator Culberson-yes. Motion passes 4:0:0. b. Ashley Gates – Sen. Kennedy: This is national conference in New Orleans, Louisiana and she is requesting $481. - Ashley Gates- We are a brand new student club at UNF, first chapter in the nation. There is a national alliance and they have a presence here in Jacksonville, FL. They wanted to start a club at UNF. We got the process started. AFWA is networking and leadership. I have personally already gotten an internship through AFWA. I am going because the national chapter wanted to give UNF award for being the first chapter in the nation. Those models of our constitution have gone to Florida State University and Mississippi State University to model after what UNF has done. It is a big accomplishment; I would be the representative to accept that award on behalf of UNF. It is rather expensive. Because I work full time at a tax firm and I am taking 5 classes, I have to leave after classes and before classes start, so I would have to fly due to time constraints. I have received a $200 dollar scholarship so that is why I am requesting the rest of the amount. Benefits would be meeting other people and bringing back those connections. It brings a huge honor to UNF. It would bring connections to other schools. We have to connect with them. It connects the schools in a way that is pretty outstanding. o Senator Culberson- How many students are currently involved in your organization?- 10 o Senator Kishek- Has your committee done any fundraising? – No, not other than sponsorships. o Senator Rotella- How did you get involved? - I was sitting in class and the idea was presented and so I wanted to be involved. It was a really cool process with club alliance and national to approve it. Senator Kishek. I move to approve the travel request for the AFWA conference. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Kennedy-yes, Senator Rotella-yes, Senator Kishek-yes, Senator Culberson-yes. Motion passes 4:0:0. B) Special Requests C) General Reserves D) Transfers - a. Becky Purser Director of Campus Recreation *shows presentation about the new line* The new line would be: Non-student OPS fitness Coordinator. We have been open now for 2 full years, last year our usage increased almost 20%. We expected our usage to grow, but our usage has tripled. 2,030 individual students. This position is needed for equipment maintenance supervision on nights and weekends and for assistance with our growing expansion. We have 320 units. We have only 80 less pieces than UF. Safety is another reason; we need a tech who can help with this. After 2 years most of our warranties are now out. We need to improve our services to our students. This position would be for repairs and adjustments. We are coming up to have to flip all the belts on our treadmills. We are open a 110 hours in the week; historically our incidents happen after 5:00. We strive for service to our students. o Senator Culberson- have you personally compared outsourcing vs. having someone here? - I believe that cost was 37,000 a year; I can get that information to you. Senator Rotella- motion to approve the transfer request. Second. Discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Talley-yes, Senator Rotella-yes, Senator Kishek-yes, Senator Culberson-yes. Motion passes 4:0:0. E) Budget Balance F) Finance Code a. SB-14F-2792 Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Year-End Encumbrances - XII. Treasurer Wolf: This is the Encumbrance bill that was on 1st read last senate meeting. It is something that we do every year. It is laid out in our provisionary language in our activity and service fee budget. It states that all encumbrances shall be funded from index 402097 which is the special request fund index. It is an easy concept, but kind of difficult to wrap your head around. It takes funds that were allocated in the last fiscal year; things that were purchased but not yet paid for. They get swept up and transferred into the new fiscal year. The total amount comes to $18,330. Sen. Talley- Motion to approve SB-14F-2792. Second. No discussion. Roll call vote: Senator Talley-yes, Senator Rotella-yes, Senator Kishek-yes, Senator Culberson-yes. Motion passes 4:0:0 Announcements A) Next Senate September 15th 6:30 Senate Chambers B) Any students seeking appointment I will sign your application at the end of this. XIII. Final Roll Call - XIV. Quorum is reestablished with 4 voting members Adjournment - Meeting is adjourned at 7:18PM. Minutes prepared by: Leah Tolisano, Senate Secretary.